Agronomy One-liner For Agriculture Exam’s
Agronomy One-liner SUGARCANE + Chickpea + Green gram ONE-LINER PART 5th
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- Sugarcane bowl of world: Cuba
- Water requirement of sugarcane: 2200 mm.
- Sugarcane is a Heavy feeder crop.
- Zero tillage is practiced in sugarcane.
- Indian cane: saccharum sinensis (Chinese cane), saccharum barberi (Indian cane)
- Tropical cane: saccharum officinarum (noble cane)
- Wild cane: saccharum robustum
- 328.Indian institute of sugarcane research, Lucknow, 1952.
- Sugarcane breeding institute, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu,1912.
- Sugarcane breeding institute, Regional Centre Karnal, 1932
- Temperature for sugarcane Agronomy One-liner
- Ripening temp: 12-14C
- Optimum temp: 28-32C
- Formative stage: 26.5C
- Seed rate of sugarcane
- Setts: 3 budded 35000-40000 setts/ha.
- 2 budded 80000 setts/ha.
- 1 budded 120000 setts/ha
- Spacing for cane- 75-90 x 45 cm.
- Planting season of sugarcane
- Autum: oct- nov (north india,12 months)
- Eksali: jan-feb (north india,12 months)
- Adsali: july – aug (south india,18 months)
- Sugarcane sowing methods
- Flatbed method: in north India, sowing depth 8-10 cm.
- Ridge and Furrow method: in south India, depth 10-15 cm
- Trench method: prevent to lodging.
- Partha method: in south India.
- Spaced method: used single budded setts.
- Winter nursery method: used 3 budded setts
- Rayangan method: used for gap filling.
- Skip furrow method: combine method of flat bed and trench method.
- Pit method: used in sloppy field with pit size 20-30 cm.
- Irrigation stages in sugarcane Agronomy One-liner
- Germination stage: 0-60 DAP
- Formative stage: 60-130 DAP ( most critical stage)
- Grand phase: 130-250 DAP
- Maturity phase: 250-365 DAP
- Tying: bind stems together.
- Earthing up: plant root covered by soil to prevent logging. Done in 45 DAP
- Logging: nutrient status of plant.
- Treshing: removing dry leaves from crop.
- Blind hoeing: weeding after sowing and before germination.
- Arrowing: inflorescence of cane is arrow and process of emerging is called arrowing.
- Water lodging: crop fall down due to excessive water.
- Crop lodging: crop fall down due to high wind velocity.
- Logging term given by H.F. clament.
- Bagases: used for fuel and paper making.
- Molasses: for Alcohol production.
- The yield of molasses is approximately 3.0 percent per ton of cane
- Press mud: reclamation of acidic soil. (Due to lime contain)
- Gasohol: petrol (80%) + alcohol (20%)
- Origin of pigeon pea: Africa
- Botanical name of pigeon pea: Cajanus cajan
- Family of pigeon pea: leguminaceae / papilionaceae
- Chromosome number of pigeon pea: 2n=22
- Germination type of pigeon pea: hypogeal.
- Protein in pigeon pea: 21-25%
- Inflorescence of pigeon pea: axillary raceme
- Other name of pigeon pea: red gram, Congo pea, no eye pea, Arhar, tur.
- Deep rooted system in pigeon pea crop.
- Pigeon pea is an Often-cross pollinated crop.
- Pigeon pea is a C3, short day plant,
- 1 gram of protein=1 gram of carbohydrate.
- Stems are woody, branchy can go up >4
- Pigeon pea is a Hardy crop, most drought tolerant crop.
- Harvesting index of pigeon pea, lowest among cereals 19%
- Storage moisture percentage of pigeon pea: 10-11%
- Test weight of pigeon pea: 72g
- Fruit type of pigeon pea: pod
- Edible part of pigeon pea: seed
- Water requirement of pigeon pea: 300-350 mm
- Cajanus cajan var. flavus (tur) is a – Short duration
- Pods are light coloured with 3-4 seeds
- Annuals, yellow flowers, fewer plain pods
- Plant hight 2-3 metre
- Early maturity (100-150 days)
- No red vines present
- Agronomy One-liner Flowering in Dec. – Feb.
- Pod maturity at different time
- Cultivated in Southern India
- Cajanus cajan var. bicolour (arhar) is a Agronomy One-liner
- Long duration, flowers yellow with purple streak
- Std petals bears red veins on dorsal side
- Pods are dark coloured with 5-7 seeds
- Cultivated in northern India
- Flowering Sep. – Nov.
- Pod maturity at same time (syncronization)
- Plant hight 5-6 metre
- Late maturity (150-180 days)
- It is also found suitable for forage, as cover crop, shade and hedge.
- Temp. Required to pigeon pea at Germination: 30-35C
- Vegetative growth: 20-25C
- Flowering and pod development: 14-18C
- At maturity: 35-40C
- Origin of black gram: India (central Asia)
- Botanical name of black gram: Vigna mungo
- Family of black gram: Leguminosae
- Chromosome number of black grams: 2n=22
- Inflorescence of black gram: Auxiliary racemes
- Another name of black gram: urd bean.
- Germination type of black gram: epigeal
- Test weight of black gram: 36-39g
- Black gram is a Self-pollinated, C3, short day plant.
- Black gram is a Mainly tropical plant
- Fruit type of black gram: pod
- Edible part of black gram: seed
- Water requirement to black gram: 250-300 mm
- Protein% in black gram: 24%
- Seed multiplication ratio of black gram: 1:40
- Seed rate of black gram: 20-25 kg/ha
- Optimum temperature required for black gram: 27-30C
- Origin of green gram: Central asia
- Botanical name of green gram: Vigna radiate
- Agronomy One-liner Green gram is Commonly called as Mung bean
- Third important crop of pulses next to Chickpea &PP
- Green gram plant Deep rooted
- Seed multiplication ratio of green gram: 1:40
- Origin of chickpea: India, southwest Asia
- Botanical name of chickpea: cicer arietinum
- Family of chickpea: Leguminosae/papilonaceae
- Chickpea fruit is known as Pod.
- Germination of chickpea: hypogeal.
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