Krishi Vigyan Kendra Notes For IBPS AFO,NABARD & Agri Exam notes
The Krishi Vigyan Kendra Notes Is very important for all agriculture competitive examinations like IBPS AFO, NABARD, RRB SO and many other competitive agri exams we have added PDF Below the post
Krishi Vigyan Kendra Notes For IBPS AFO, NABARD
- The total number of KVKs at present is 722 (as of June 2021)
- KVKs are under the administrative control of DDG of Agricultural extension
- Present DDG of Agricultural Extension AK Singh
- KVKs are divided into- 11 ATARI Zones–for effective functioning and monitoring
Agriculture Current Affairs 2021 For Competitive Exams
Acronym of ATARI–Agricultural Technology Application Research Institutes (ATARIs formerly called as Zonal Project Directorates)
- Applied research done by KVKs: Basic research is done by ICAR Research Institutes & KVKs work starts from Technology testing
- The highest number of KVKs are in Uttar Pradesh
- The zone with the highest number of KVKs is Zone III
- KVKs fully funded by ICAR
- The number of On-Farm Trails (OFTs) conducted by KVKs (2019-20) for Technology Assessment & Refinement (TAR) are 34, 432
- Nutri-Gardens & Poshan Thali were pilot tested in KVKs of
Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh
- The target number of Nutri-smart villages to be created by 2022 is 100
- The number of Frontline Demonstrations (FLDs) conducted by KVKs (2019-20) for showcasing potentials on improved varieties, modern technologies & practices are 44 lakh FLDs
- Technology Assessment and Refinement was done through- On-Farm Trails
- Showcasing potentials on improved varieties, modern technologies for creating awareness/popularizing technologies among farmers done through Front line Demonstrations
- OFTs and FLDs were conducted on Farmer’s Fields
- The improved mandate of KVK is Technology Assessment and Demonstration for its Application & Capacity Development (TADA-CD)
- Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Rashtriya Krishi Vigyan Protsahan Puraskar 2019 (Best KVK) awarded to KVK Datia (M.P.) & KVK Venkataramanna Gudem (A.P)
- 11th National Conference of KVK held on Feb 28 – Mar 01 2020, New Delhi (Theme: Empowering Youth for Technology Led Farming)
- Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan (KKA): Launched on 1st June 2018 to 31st July 2018
- It was launched to aid assist and advice farmers on how to improve their farming techniques and raise farm incomes.
- It was coordinated and implemented by KVKs in selected Aspirational districts (117 Districts).
- KKA will be implemented in 25 Villages of the Aspirational districts with more than 1000 population
- m-Kisan Portal: Launched on 2013
These Krishi Vigyan Kendra Notes Are Important
– Platform which provides Web-based mobile Agro-advisories (Weather, Market, Outbreak of pest & diseases and their control) to farmers with technological backstopping from KVKS and Research Institutes of SAUs.
- KVK Mobile App developed by ICAR-IASRI
- District Agro-Met Units (DAMUs) : Feb, 2019
- Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and India Meteorological Department (IMD) has jointly initiated District
Agro-Met Units (DAMUs) to provide Agro-meteorological services to farmers to set up in KVKs.
- Weather-based Agri bulletins & the next five day’s weather forecast will be sent weekly twice (Tuesday and Friday).
New Schemes of KVK (2018-19)
- NARI–Nutri-Sensitive Agricultural Resources and Innovations aim: For promoting family farming linking agriculture to nutrition, Nutri-smart villages for enhancing nutritional security and location-specific nutrition garden models are being developed and promoted by
- KSHAMTA–Knowledge Systems and Homestead Agriculture Management in Tribal Areas
- VATICA–Value Addition and Technology Incubation Centers in Agriculture
- FIRM–Farm Innovation Resources Management
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