Important One-liner Notes For IBPS AFO
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- Water requirement for barley is 200-300mm.
- ORIGIN of sorghum: southeast Asia
- Botanical name of sorghum: sorghum bicolor
- Family of sorghum: poaceae/gramineae
- Important One-liner Notes For IBPS AFO Chromosome number of sorghum: 2n=20
- Sorghum is a King of coarse cereals.
- First hybrid of sorghum: CSH-1 (1964)
- HCN free variety of sorghum: sirsa-20
- Inflorescence of sorghum: panicle
- Sorghum is Poor in lysine and rich in leucine.
- Biofertilizer used in sorghum: azospirillum (symbiotically associative)
- Sorghum is a C4, often cross-pollinated crop, short day plant.
- Seed multiplication ratio of sorghum: 1:100
- Minimum/base temperature for germination of sorghum: 7-8⁰C
- Optimum temperature for sorghum: 27-32⁰C
- Sorghum is known as camel crop because it has capacity to withstand against drought condition.
- Green fodder contain HCN (dhurin,prussic acid) toxic compound for animal.
- Important One-liner Notes For IBPS AFO HCN present in early stage (40-50 DAS) in upper leaves.
- Protein % in sorghum: 10-12%
- Water requirement for sorghum: 400-600 mm.
- Drought and salinity tolerant variety of sorghum: CSH-9
- Sorghum For fodder purpose harvested at Knee stage.
- High dose of sorghum caused pellagra disease (Vit-B deficiency)
- Limit of HCN: 0.5%
- Ratooning technique: Harvest the main crop leaving 15 cm stubbles.
- Spacing for sorghum: 45 x 15 cm or 45 x 10 cm.
- Sorghum sowing at 5 cm depth.
- Seed rate of sorghum: normal- 10-12 kg/ha, for fodder purpose- 40- 45kg/ha.
- Triticale is a Manmade cereal.
- First wheat x rye occurred in Scotland during 1875.
- The name Triticale first appeared in Germany in 1935.
- There are Octaploid, tetraploid, hexaploid cultivars in triticale. Of which, hexaploid is most used. Hexaploids of wheat and rye are called primary hexaploid.
- Inflorescence: Majority of triticale cultivars are awned.
- The seed rate of triticale is 75 – 100 kg/ha.
- Depth of sowing should be 8 to 9 cm.
- Origin of pearl millet: Africa
- Botanical name of pearl millet:pennisetum typhodium.
- Family of pearl millet: poaceae/Gramineae
- Chromosome number of pearl millet: 2n=14
- Pearl millet is a Highly drought tolerant among all cereals.
- In pearl millet Cross pollination due to protogyney.
- Other names of pearl millet: cattle millet, spike millet, candle millte, cumbu.
- Important One-liner Notes For IBPS AFO Grain contains 12.4% of moisture, 11.6% of protein, 5% of fat, 67% of carbohydrates and 2.7% of minerals.
- In pearl millet Lowest water requirement among all cereals (25cm or 250 m)
- Cumbu is a Warm weather crop.
- Germination in cumbu: hypogeal type.
- Pearl millet is Sensitive to water logging and acidic soil.
- Pearl millet Considered as a poor man’s food.
- First hybrid of pearl millet: HB-1 (1965) (tift 23A x bill 3B)
- Spacing for pearl millet:45 x 15 cm
- Pearl millet is a Mineral rich cereal.
- Moisture percentage at harvesting stage in pearl millet: 20%
- Moisture percentage at the time of storage in pearl millet: 10-12%
- P. purpureum – Elephant grass
- Seed multiplication ratio of pearl millet: 1:200
- Seed rate of pearl millet: 4-5 kg/ha
- Seed rate of pearl millet for fodder: 10-12 kg/ha
- Spacing of pearl millet:45 x 12-15 cm
- Sowing depth of pearl millet: 2-3 cm
- Origin of soybean: China
- Botanical name of soybean: glycine max
- Family of soybean: leguminosae ( fabaceae)
- Chromosome number of soybeans: 2n=40
- Sub family of soybean: papilionaceae
- Fruit type of soybean: pod
- Inflorescence of soybean: raceme
- Soybean is a C3, short day, self-pollinated.
- In Soybean Epigeal germination.
- Soybean Grow well in warm and moist climate.
- Iodine no. of soybean oil is 140.
- Rhizobium japonicum strain is inoculated with soybean.
- In soybean Moisture percentage at harvesting stage 16-17%
- Important One-liner Notes For IBPS AFO In soybean Moisture percentage at storage 13-14%
- Beany teste in soybean due to sulphur.
- Other name of soybean: wonder crop, yellow jewel, Poor Man’s Meat, Boneless Meat.
- Madhya Pradesh is known as soya state.
- Lycine is highly present in soybean protein.
- Soybean oil has first rank in vegetable oil source.
- First nodule is visible in 10 days after sowing in soybean crop.
- Soybean cannot be consumed as a pulse due to presence of lipoxidase.
- Soybean is a Cheapest source of vegetable protein 40% + Oil rich 20%.
- Soybean contains poly unsaturated fatty acid linolic & oleic acid.
- Nitrogen fixation in soybean: 40kg/ha.
- Seed multiplication ratio of soybean: 1:16
- For soybean- minimum temp.- 5C, optimum – 30C, max.- 40C
- Ph required for soybean: 6.0-7.5
- Storage moisture percentage for soybean: 8-10%
- ORIGIN of sugarcane: southeast Asia.
- Botanical name of sugarcane: saccharum spp.
- Family of sugarcane: Gramineae/poaceae
- Chromosome number of sugarcanes: 80,120
- Soil ph. of sugarcane: 6.5-7.5
- Inflorescence of sugarcane: arrow
- Noble cane developed by T.S. venketruman.
- Important One-liner Notes For IBPS AFO Artificial ripening of cane by glyphosine, CCC and Polaris.
- Brix reading in sugarcane 18-20%.
- Sugarcane is a C-4 plant, perennial plant, long day plant, tropical crop.
- Upper 1/3 part of cane and 10-month-old plant is used for planting because it contains higher nitrogenous and glucose which helps for better germination.
- Glucose present in upper part of plant and sucrose present in lower part of plant.
- Sugar industry is the largest agro-based industry next only to textiles in India.
- Sugarcane bowl of world: Cuba
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