Agronomy One-liner For IBPS AFO Part 1st
RICE + MAIZE Agronomy One-liner For IBPS AFO
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From Hare Rice One-liner For IBPS AFO Starts.
- Origin of paddy: southeast Asia/indo Burma.
- The botanical name of rice: Oryza sativa
- Family of Rice: Gramineae/Poaceae
- Chromosome number in rice: 2n=24
- Inflorescence of rice: panicle, which has 6 stamens.
- Orzya sativa is evolve from oryza nivara (2n=48)
- Oryza sativa genome: AA
- Rice is considered as Stable food of Asia.
- Maximum hybrid rice cultivated in China.
- Water requirement in rice for overall growth: 1250 mm.
- 3,000-5,000 litres litre water requirements to produce 1 kg rice.
- Oryza sativa has 3 varietal types:
- Indica: grown in India, also called tropical rice
- Japonica: grown in Japan, also called subtropical rice
- Javanica: grown in Indonesia, wild rice
- Lodging does not occur in japonica spp of rice.
- Important One-liner For IBPS AFO Rice contains about 70% carbohydrates and 6-7% protein.
- Rice protein is called oryzenin.
- Protein percentage in rice bran 12-15%
- The critical stage for irrigation in rice – Initial tillering, flowering.
- Rice field submerged in 5 cm deep water.
- Test weight of rice 25 gm and basmati rice 21gm.
- The fruit type of Rice is caryopsis.
- Lemma & palea is called the hull.
- The stem of rice is called a haulm or the culm.
- Rice is a self-pollinated crop, C3 and short-day crop.
- Climate for rice: hot and humid.
- Rice provides about 22 per cent of the world’s supply of calories and 17% of the proteins.
- In Kharif, the dry nursery of rice gives higher yields compared to a wet nursery.
- Lysine content in rice- 4 %
- Seed multiplication ratio: 1:80 (Varieties) 1:100 (Hybrids)
- Temperature for rice cultivation-
- Minimum/base: 10-12⁰C
- Optimum: 30-32⁰C
- Maximum: 38-40⁰C
- Average temp: 21-37⁰C
- Blooming temp: 26.5-29.5⁰C
- For ripening: 20-25⁰C
- Panicle initiation: 20-22⁰C
- clay loam is best for rice cultivation.
- Rice grows well in soils having a pH range between 5.5 and 6.5
- CRRI: central rice research institute, Cuttack (Orissa) 23 April 1946
- IRRI: international rice research institute, los banos, Philippines, 1960
- DE husked rice is called as brown rice.
- 18% silicon is found in hull of rice.
- Rice bran oil percentage: 18-20%.
- Important One-liner For IBPS AFO Fat percentage in rice: 2-2.5%.
- Polishing percentage in rice: 2%
- Hulling percentage in rice: 66%
- Husk percentage in rice: 33%
- Milling percentage in rice: 50-55%
- Important One-liner For IBPS AFO Harvesting index of rice: 0.40
- The gene responsible for dwartfness In Rice is Dee-Gee-Woo-gene.
- IR-8 = dee-gee-woo-gene x peta.
- IR-8 was introduced in India in 1966.
- TN-1 variety introduced in India by G. V. Ghalam from international rice research institute in 1964.
- Jaya = TN-1 X T-141 (miracle rice).
- Aroma in rice is due to 2-Acetyl-1 Pyrroline.
- IW/CPE for rice crop-1.20
- Gap filling is done in paddy field 7-10 days after transplanting.
- Seed rate of rice-
- In Broadcasting: 100 kg/ha.
- In Drilling method: 60 kg/ha.
- Dapog method: 1.5-3.0 kg/m2.
- SRI / Medagasker method: 6-7 kg/ ha.
- Hybrid rice: 15 kg/ha.
- Spacing for rice planting-
- Transplanting: 20 x 10 cm
- Hybrid: 20 x 15 cm
- SRI/ medagasker : 8 x 8 inch / 25 x 25 cm
- Nursery area for rice planting:
- Wet method: 1:10 m2
- SRI method: 1: 100 m2
- Dapog method: 1:250 m2
- Seedlings become ready to transplant:
- Kharif: 20-25 days after sowing
- Rabi: 30-35 days after sowing
- Depog: 12-14 days after sowing
- SRI method: 10-12 days after sowing
- Important One-liner For IBPS AFO Depog method is a soil-less method which is introduced from Manila Philippines.
- SRI method from Madagascar, developed by hennary di leley in 1980, Firstly adopted by TNAU in India.
- Hulling: removal of the hull.
- Puddling: it is a process of destruction of soil aggregates by mechanical force in soil with excessive moisture content and reduced percolation loss.
- Milling: polishing of rice (thus loss of Vit-B)
- Parboiling: hydrothermal process (treated by hot water) for conservation of Vit-B12
- Bushing: Ploughing on the field after direct sowing for getting suitable no. of plants.
- NPK ratio for rice – 120:60:60
- Rice uptake nitrogen in both from- ammonia and nitrate.
- NH4 released from paddy field.
- Respiration in rice plant by aeren chyma cell.
- Nitrogen use efficiency in rice 30-40%.
- Nitrogen fixation by BGA in rice field 20-25 kg/ha.
- Hybrid rice Developed by Y.L. Ping in 1970 at China.
- Hybrid rice was introduced in India-1994.
- Super rice Developed by G.S. Khush.
- Lunishree variety is known as super rice.
- Khaira disease in rice is caused by Zn deficiency.
- Khaira disease was first reported by Y.L. Nene in 1966 at Pantnagar.
- Khaira disease Managed by Znso4 0.5%
- Khaira disease is also called iron rust.
- Browning in rice is caused by iron toxicity.
- Phalguna variety of rice is tolerant to iron toxicity.
- White eye disease in rice is caused by iron deficiency.
Agriculture Current Affairs 2021 For Competitive Exams
From Hare Maize One-Liner For IBPS AFO Starts.
- Origin of maize: Mexico
- The botanical name of maize: Zea Mays
- Family of maize: Gramineae/Poaceae
- Chromosome number of maizes: 2n=20
- Maize is a C4 plant and non-tiller plant.
- Maize is a cross-pollinated crop due to protandry.
- Protein in maize is called zein(10%)
- Oil percentage in maize- 4%.
- Germination type of maize– hypogeal type.
- Important One-liner For IBPS AFO White bud in maize caused by zinc deficiency.
- The male part is known as tessel and female part is known as silk.
- Removal of male parts is known as De-tesseling.
- Maize is an indicator plant for Zn deficiency.
- Maize is the backbone of America.
- Bihar is a leading state in rabi maize.
- In maize yellow colour due to crypto xanthin.
- Maize is known as the queen of cereals.
Maize One-Liner For IBPS AFO Will Continue In Next Part