Propagation Method Used for Bananas Important Topic 17th
Hello Aspirants! Today I again welcome you all to this new video from our Agrilearner Team. So, today we have brought a new particular topic for you and a question that was asked by IBPS AFO related to it. So friends, let’s move forward to our question.
What is the most popular propagation method used for bananas?
- Sword sucker
- Veneer grafting
- Seed
- Cutting
- Budding
The correct answer is Sword sucker
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Let’s move towards the explanation of the answer as well as a list of various Commercial methods of propagation of different fruits in India-
The method of propagation for Banana is Sword sucker.
The method of propagation for Phalsa, Coffee, Passionfruit, Acid lime, Coconut, Arecanut, Papaya, Cape gooseberry, Oil palm, Cocoa is Seed.
The method of propagation for Apple is whip and tongue grafting, stooling.
The method of propagation for Peach is T-budding.
The method of propagation for Plum is T-budding.
The method of propagation for Pear is Tongue or whip grafting.
The method of propagation for Pineapple is Suckers, Slips.
The method of propagation for Cherry is Air layering.
The method of propagation for Fig is Hardwood cutting.
The method of propagation for Karonda is Seed, Hardwood Cutting.
The method of propagation for Wood apple is Seed, In situ budding.
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