Soil Profiles Important Topic 10th
Hello friends, welcome again to our new session. Today we are going to discuss a very important topic from the Soil Science module – Soil Profiles.
In this session, we are going to discuss this topic as well as we will see the question asked by IBPS AFO from this in 2019-20.
Let’s see the question first-
Which of the following Soil horizon is also known as ‘Zone of Illuviation’?
- A horizon
- B horizon
- C horizon
- O horizon
- E horizon,
The correct answer is B horizon.
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Let’s see the explanation-
So, soil formation begins with the breakdown of rock into Regolith, continued weathering and soil horizon development process leads to the development of a soil profile, the vertical display of soil horizons.
These horizons have been named O, E, A, B, etc.
B horizon or Illuvial horizon or Zone of Illuviation lies beneath the E horizon. In this zone, downward moving materials, especially fine ones, are accumulated.
This horizon is also named as ‘Zone of washing in’ or ‘Zone of maximum accumulation’ because of movement and accumulation of Fe and Al oxides, silicate clays take place here, that is gets immobilized here.
The CaCO3 and CaSO4 deposition can also be seen in the B horizon of arid zones.
This horizon is sometimes referred to as ‘Sub-soil’.
It can’t be cultivated by tillage operation.
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