Animal Husbandry Important Topic 9th
Hello friends, welcome to another new session from our team. Today again we have come up with a new topic from Animal Husbandry–The reproductive cycle of the domestic cycle.
We have provided detailed information on this topic on our website. Here we are going to see the question asked by IBPS AFO Mains in 2019-20-
What is the average Gestation period of Buffalo?
- 280 +- 5
- 315 +- 5
- 385 +- 5
- 215 +- 5
- 300 +- 5
The correct answer is 315 +- 5 days. The +- 5 here shows the range, we can consider it as no. of days = 310, 315, 320.
Agriculture Current Affairs 2021 For Competitive Exams
(+- 5 this means 5 days less or more)
Let’s see this topic with some more examples-
- The Gestation period in Cattle is in the range 285 +- 5 days.
- The Gestation period in Goat (Doe) is between 150 +- 5 days.
- The Gestation period in Sheep (Ewe) is between 148 +- 5 days.
- The Gestation period in Pig (Sow) is between 114 +- 5 days. This is the lowest gestation period in days.
- The Gestation period in Camel is between 391 +- 5 days. This is the maximum gestation period in days.
The questions from this topic may arise as same on a range of gestation period or on the minimum and maximum gestation period.
Reproductive Cycle of domestic animals |
Animals | Gestation period (in days) |
Cattle | 282 +- 5 |
(IBPS AFO-2019-20) |
315 +- 5 |
Goat (Doe) | 150 +- 5 |
Sheep (Ewe) | 148 +- 5 |
Sow (Pig) | 114 +- 5 |
Camel | 391 +- 5 |
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