General Agriculture For IBPS AFO Important Topic 5th
Hello everyone, welcome to the new session from our team. In this session, we have tried to cover another one of the most important topics of the general agriculture section–Important topic terms and their associated crops. Let’s start by glancing at the questions asked recently in IBPS AFO 2019-20.
General Agriculture For IBPS AFO
1}. Crown Cleaning is related to?
- Banana
- Coconut
- Apple
- Coffee
- Pineapple
The correct answer for this simple term is Coconut.
Agriculture Current Affairs 2021 For Competitive Exams
The second question asked is:
2} Removal of male buds after completion of the female flowering phase in Banana is technically known as?
- Disbudding
- Dehorning
- Denavelling
- Desuckering
- Detrashing
The correct answer is Denavelling.
The third question is:
3} Pulsing is related to?
- To check the growth of vegetables
- Related to the storage of pulses
- Related to fruit production
- Chemical treatment to extend the vase life of freshly harvested flowers
- None of these
The correct answer for this question is Chemical treatment to extend the vase life of freshly harvested flowers.
Now let’s see some more important terms and associated crops in general
A few terms which are technically related to Sugarcane are Wrapping and tying, Marcotting, Propping, Trashing, Arrowing
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