Mulching Important Topic 12th
Hello friends, welcome to another session of the IBPS AFO important topic series. Today we are going to discuss one more important question asked by IBPS AFO Mains in 2019-20.
Which of the following practice reduces soil erosion, evapotranspiration, kinetic energy impact of Raindrops?
- Crop rotation
- Intercropping
- Mulching
- Strip Cropping
- Multiple cropping
- The correct answer is Mulching.
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Let’s see the explanation-
Mulch is a layer of material applied to the surface of an area of soil. We know the process as Mulching. It improves nutrient and water retention in the soil, encourages favourable soil microbial activity and worms, and suppresses weed growth.
And the next point is when properly executed, mulching can significantly improve the well-being of plants and reduce maintenance as compared to bare soil culture.
Next, is mulched plants have better vigour and improved resistance to pests and diseases. It also helps prevent soil erosion.
And mulch prevents rain hitting from the soil directly, reducing the impact of water drops.
This was asked in a recent examination. Water soaks into the soil gradually instead of washing the soil away.
It also adds organic matter to the soil. Soil high in organic matter is very much alive. In just a pinch of soil, there are said to be billion individual organisms of distinct species of microbes.
These microbes decompose the organic matter and supply nutrients to the growing plants. They release nutrients in harmony of the needs of plants. Favourable environmental conditions for plant growth stimulate the release of nutrients from organic matter.
Mulch decreases water loss because of evaporation, feeds soil life and improves soil structure.
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