General Agriculture One liner PDF Part 17th
General Agriculture One liner PDF Part 17th
General Agriculture One-liner PDF is a very important pdf for ibps afo, nabard, and other agriculture exams =>GET IBPS AFO BOOKS <=.
- Inter-racial hybridization programme between japonicas and indicas was initiated during 1950-54. “Which crop does this signify?
Ans. Rice.
- Interspecific varieties of cotton ?
Ans. Varalaxmi, DCH-32 (hybrid), HB-224, DHB-105.
- Interveinal chlorosis occurs due to ?
Ans. Mg and Fe deficiency.
- Interveinal cholorosis in Rubber is due to?
Ans. Magnesium deficiency.
- Total KVK in India upto 2017 ?
- Intraspecific varieties of cotton ?
Ans.H-4, 6, Savita, Surya (hybrid), JKHY-1.
- —————–introduced cashew to India?
Ans. Portuguese.
- In—————–type of garden contains symmetry & geometry?
Ans. Formal.
- Inverted ‘T’ budding is observed in ?
Ans. Rose.
- Invitro culture of plant cells , tissues & organs under aseptic condition is known as ?
Ans. Plant tissue culture.
- IRDP was Implemented in ?
- Irish Famine was due to ?
Ans. Late blight of Potato caused by Phytophthora infestans.
- IRMA (Institute of rural management in Agriculture) is located at?
Ans. Anand, Gujarath.
- Irregular shape is the nature of————-type of garden?
Ans. Informal.
- IRRI (International Rice Research Institute) is located at?
Ans. Manila, Philippines.
- Irrigation is applied to the crop at ?
Ans.50% soil moisture depletion stage.
- Irrigation method is suitable for lowland rice?
Ans. Flooding.
- Irrigation method, suitable for undulating land, sandy soils and Vegetable and fruit crops ?
Ans. Sprinkler method.
- Irrigation project covered < 2,000 ha of CCA?
Ans. Minor irrigation project.
- Irrigation project covered >10,000 ha of catchments command area (CCA) ?
Ans. Major irrigation project.
- Irrigation project covered 2,000 to 10,000ha of CCA ?
Ans. Medium irrigation project.
- Irritation of eye due to cutting onion is due to presence of?
Ans. The Syn-propanethial-S-oxide.
- Recently banned pesticide is ?
Ans. Endosulfan (2013).
- ———————–is a an effective mechanical trap to control Norway rats damaging paddy crop ?
Ans. Moncompu Pot Trap.
- ———————is a antifungal antibiotic ?
Ans. Aureofunginsol/Griseofulvin.
- ———–is a associative nitrogen fixing bacteria ?
Ans. Azospirillum.
- ———————is a bacterial blight resistant variety of Rice?
Ans. Asha/Makam/Kanakam/Jaya.
- ———–is a Bacterial wilt resistant F1 hybrid variety of Brinjal?
Ans. Neelima.
- ———–is a bacterial wilt resistant variety of tomato?
Ans. Sakthi, mukthi.
- ——————-is a Banana variety recommended for High range region ?
Ans. Boldles Altafort.
- —————is a Beverage crop?
Ans. Betel Vine/Cocoa/Tea/Coffee/Tobacco/Arecanut.
- —————is a bio-control agent against adult Rhinoceros beetles.
Ans. Baculovirus.
- ———————is a bio-control agent against the grubs of Rhinoceros beetles.
Ans. Metarrhizium anisopliae
- —————-is a Bio-control agent effective against many diseases in spices.
Ans. Trihoderma Spp/Flourescent pseudomonas
- ———————–is a bio-control agent used against Eupatorium.
Ans. Mexican gall fly.
- ——————-is a Blast resistant variety of Rice.
Ans. Kairali/Kanchana/Swarnaprabha
- ———————–is a Botanical insecticide.
Ans. Tobacco, Decoction, Neem oil.
- ———————–is a BPH resistant variety of Rice ?
Ans. Jyothi/Bharathi/Kanakam/Pavizham/Nila.
- —————-is a breed of Goat ?
Ans. Malabari/Jamunapari/Angora.
- —————–is a Bulky organic manure ?
Ans. Farmyard Manure/Compost/Green Manure.
- ——————–is a cassava mosaic tolerant variety of Tapioca?
- ——–is a cereal crop ?
Ans. Rice, Wheat, Barley, Oats.
- —————-is a chronic poison ?
Ans. Warfarin.
- ——–is a commonly used acaricide ?
Ans. Sulphur.
- ———- is a commonly used Rodenticide ?
Ans. Aluminium Phosphide.
- ————-is a Complex fertilizer ?
Ans. Diammonium phosphate/Ammonium phosphate.
- ————-is a concentrated organic manure?
Ans. Bloodmeal/Meatmeal/Oilcakes/ Fishmeal.
- ————–is a contact fungicide ?
Ans. Bordeaux Mixture/Thiram/Maneb.
- ————is a contact herbicide ?
Ans. Paraquat, Propanil.
- ——————–is a copper containing fungicide?
Ans. COC, Brodeaux Mixture.
- ————-is a cross between Hybrid tea rose & Floribunda rose ?
Ans. Grandiflora rose.
- ———-is a culinary variety of Banana ?
Ans. Monthan/Batheesa/Kanchekela/Nendrapadathy.
- ———is a cut foliage plant ?
Ans. Alocasia/Maranta/Thuja.
- ————is a dairy breed of cattle?
Ans. Sahiwal/Sindhi/Gir.
- Unit of Absolute humidity is?
Ans. g/m3.
- ————is a direct method of assessment of pests?
Ans. Light traps.
- ————–is a disease affecting Rice crop in high ranges of India?
Ans. Udbatta Disease.
- —————is a disease caused by Phytoplasma in coconut ?
Ans. Root Wilt.
- ————————-is a disease caused by Phytoplasma in Rice?
Ans. Rice Yellow Dwarf.
- Unit of Specific Humidity is ?
Ans. g/kg.
- ——————is a disease of Rice affecting the grains?
Ans. False smut/Udbatta.
- ————–is a disease that have constant presence in a locality?
Ans. Endemic Disease.
- ————-is a domestic rat?
Ans. House rat/House mouse/Large bandicoot rat.
- ————is a draft breed of cattle?
Ans. Hallikar/Amritmahal/Nagore.
- ———-is a draught breed of cattle?
Ans. Amrit Mahal/ Nagori/Malvi/ Khillari/ Kangayam/ Krishna Valley.
- ———–is a dual purpose breed of cattle?
Ans. Hariana/Ongole/Kankrej.
- ———– is a dual-purpose variety of Cowpea?
Ans. Kanakamony.
- ————–is a F1 hybrid of Brinjal?
Ans. Nelima.
- ———–is a farmer friendly method of testing seed germination?
Ans. Rag doll method.
- ———-is a field rat?
Ans. Large bandicoot rat/Lesser bandicoot rat/Field mouse/White rat/Long tailed tree mouse/Norway rat/Soft furred field rat/Bush rat.
- ———-is a flowering tree?
Ans. Cassia fistula/ Delonix regia.
- ———is a fodder cereal?
Ans. Fodder Maize/Fodder Sorghum.
- ————-is a fodder crop?
Ans. Guinea, Napier, Bermuda.
- ————–is a fodder legume?
Ans. Fodder Cowpea/Stylo.
- ———–is a fodder tree?
Ans. Subabul/Hedge Lucerne/Agathi/ Shevri.
- ———-is a foliage tree?
Ans. Polyalthia longifolia.
- ———is a food preservative?
Ans. Citric acid.
- ———is a fruit crop?
Ans. Mango, Banana, Papaya, Orange.
- —————-is a fumigant in dust form?
Ans. Calcium Cyanide, Sodium Cyanide.
- ————is a fumigant in liquid form?
Ans. Methyl Bromide.
- ———–is a fumigant in mixture form?
Ans. ED/CT Mixture.
- —————–is a fumigant?
Ans. Aluminium Phosphide, Methyl Bromide.
- ————–is a fungal disease of Banana?
Ans. Panama wilt/Sigatoka leaf spot.
- ———–is a fungal parasite of mites?
Ans. Hirsutella thompsonii.
- ————is a fungal species having insecticidal properties?
Ans. Beauveria/Metarrhizium/Verticillium/ Hirsutella.
- ————is a fungicide used for dry seed treatment?
Ans. Carbendazim.
- ———–is a fungicide used for seed treatment in Rice?
Ans. Bavistin.
- ————is a fungicide used for seed treatment?
Ans. Captan/Thiram.
- Is a fungus that causes many important plant diseases in India?
Ans. Phytophthora.
- Is a gall forming bacteria?
Ans. Agrobacterium sp.
- ————is a garden in which rocks are arranged and plants cultivated in a carefully designed, decorative scheme?
Ans. Rockery/Rock Garden.
- —————is a garden tool used for pruning and topiary?
Ans. Shear.
- ————-is a garden tool used for pruning in Rose?
Ans. Secateur.
- ———–is a gelling agent in culture medium?
Ans. Agar.
- ———————-is a Genetically Modified (GM) variety of Rice?
Ans. Suvarna.
- ————————is a grain type variety of Cowpea?
Ans. Krishnamony/Pusa Do Fasli/Pusa Phalguni.
- ————-is a Green Leaf Manure crop ?
Ans. Glyricidia/Subabul/Cassia.
- ——————–is a Green Manure crop?
Ans. Sunn hemp/Daincha/Wild indigo/Indigo.
- ——————-is a Group contact method of Extension?
Ans. Method demonstration/Field trips/ Workshops/Group discussion.
- —————-is a hedge plant?
Ans. Lawsonia/Phyllanthus/Thuja.
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