general Agriculture One liner PDF Part 18th
general Agriculture One liner PDF Part 18th
General Agriculture One-liner PDF is a very important pdf for ibps afo, nabard, and other agriculture exams =>GET IBPS AFO BOOKS <=.
- ————is a hemoprotein found in the root nodules of leguminous plants?
Ans. Leghaemoglobin.
- —————–is a high cloud?
Ans. Cirrus, Cirro-Stratus, Cirro-Cumulus.
- ————–is a high volume sprayer ?
Ans. Knapsack, Rocker, Hand Sprayer.
- ————-is a high yielding clone of Rubber?
Ans. RRII 105.
- ————is a hybrid variety of Coconut ?
Ans. Lakshaganga/Anandaganga/ Keraganga/ Kerasankara/Chandrasankara/ Krasree/Kerasoubhagya/Chandralaksha.
- ————–is a juvenile hormone insecticide?
Ans. Altosid.
- Is a larval parasite of Rice stem borer ?
Ans. Xanthopimpla sp.
- Line joining uniform values of any phenomena?
Ans. Isopleths.
- —————–is a leaf spot resistant variety of Amaranth ?
Ans. CO-1.
- ———–is a lithophytic orchid ?
Ans. Diplomeris/Geodorum.
- ——–is a long day plant ?
Ans. Wheat, Barley, Sugarbeet.
- ———-is a low cloud ?
Ans. Strato-Cumulus/Nimbus.
- ————–is a low volume sprayer ?
Ans. Power Sprayer.
- ————is a major component of greenhouse gases?
Ans. Chloro-Fluro Carbon.
- ———-is a major disease of Sugarcane ?
Ans. Red rot.
- ———————is a major non-insect pest of Coconut in now a days ?
Ans. Coconut Eriophyid mite.
- —————is a major pest of Banana ?
Ans. Pseudostem weevil.
- ————-is a major pest of sweet potato ?
Ans. Sweet potato weevil.
- ———–is a mass contact method of Extension?
Ans. Newspapers/Television/Radio/ Magazines/Bulletins.
- ————is a mature ovule containing an embryo?
Ans. Seed.
- ————is a medicinal crop ?
Ans. Asparagus, Sida, Neela, Amari.
- —————-is a medicinal plant that promotes hair growth ?
Ans. Neela Amari – Nili.
- ———-is a Mediterranean class poultry ?
Ans. Leghorn/Minorca/Ancona/Spanish/ Andalusian.
- Is a metamorphic rock formed from limestone?
Ans. Marble.
- ———is a metamorphic rock?
Ans. Slate.
- Is a method of Hydrothermal disinfection of soil?
Ans. Soil Solarization.
- ————–is a method of testing seed germination?
Ans. Rag Doll Method, Paper Method.
- ————is a micronutrient ?
Ans. Iron/Manganese/Copper/Zinc/Boron/ Molybdenum.
- —————-is a middle cloud ?
Ans. Alto-Stratus, Alto-Cumulus.
- —————is a millet ?
Ans. Ragi, varaku, Maize, bajra.
- Is a Mollusc species causing widespread damages to many crops ?
Ans. Snail.
- It gave leaf area index by ?
Ans. Watson (1947) .
- ——-is a monopodial orchid ?
Ans. Vanda/Arachnis/Vanilla/Renanthera.
- ————is a Moringa variety ?
Ans.KM-1 , PKM-1.
- —————–is a Mycoherbicide ?
Ans. Devine, Collego, ABG-5003.
- ————-is a narcotic crop ?
Ans. Indian Hemp, opium.
- —————is a Nematicide ?
Ans. D D mixture/ EDB/Vapam/Nemagon.
- —————–is a nerve poison ?
Ans. Organo Phosphorous Compounds, Carbametes.
- ————is a nicotine insecticide?
Ans. Imidacloprid-Confidor.
- ———-is a Nitrogen fixing bacteria ?
Ans. Rhizobium.
- —————-is a non symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria?
Ans. Azotobacter/Blue Green Algae.
- ————-is a non-branching variety of Tapioca?
Ans. M-4.
- —————– is a non-insect pest ?
Ans. Nematode, Snails, Rat.
- —————-is a non-selective herbicide ?
Ans. Glyphosate, Paraquat.
- ————–is a nutritional deficiency disease in cattle?
Ans. Ketosis.
- —————–is a Organo-carbamate insecticide?
Ans. Carbaryl, Carbofuran, Aldicarb.
- ——————is a parasite of leaf eating caterpillar of Coconut?
Ans. Goniozus nephantidis/Elasmus nephantidis/Bracon brevicornis.
- —————-is a parasite that kills its host ?
Ans. Parasitoid.
- ———–is a Parasite with broad spectrum activity?
Ans. Beauvaria bassiana.
- ———is a perennial cucurbit?
Ans. Cocinnia, Koval.
- ———–is a perennial weed plant ?
Ans. Cyperus.
- ——————–is a pest of Banana attacking its rhizome?
Ans. Banana rhizome weevil.
- Is a pest of Rice that can cause severe damages in milky stage by making grains chaffy?
Ans. Rice Gandhi Bug.
- Is a pest of stored product ?
Ans. Rice Weevil, Khapara Beetle, Red Flour, Lesser Grain.
- Is a pesticide adjuvant ?
Ans. Wetter, Spreader, Sticker.
- Is a Phanerogamic parasite ?
Ans. Loranthus, Cuscuta, Striga, Orobanche.
- Is a pheromone trap used against Red palm weevil?
Ans. Ferroloure.
- ————is a photo-insensitive rice variety?
Ans. I.R.8/Jaya.
- —————is a physical hydrological unit in which water from all over the area flows to a common drainage channel or outlet ?
Ans. Watershed.
- “A” value concept was given by ?
Ans. Dean and Fried.
- —–is a plant hormone in gaseous form ?
Ans. Ethylene.
- ——–is a plantation crop ?
Ans. Tea, Coffee, Rubber, Cocoa.
- ——–is a popular annual flowering plant ?
Ans. Marigold.
- Is a post-emergent herbicide ?
Ans. Glyphosate, Paraquat.
- Is a predator in Rice ecosystem ?
Ans. Spiders/Damsel fly/Dragon fly/Ladybird beetle.
- Is a pre-emergent herbicide ?
Ans. Atrazine, Diuron, Thiobencarb.
- ————-is a primary tillage implement?
Ans. Wooden plough/Mouldboard plough/ Soil turning plough.
- Is a protectant fungicide ?
Ans. Zineb.
- Is a protoplasmic poison ?
Ans. Flourine Compound, Arsenic Compound.
- ————–is a pulse crop?
Ans. Black gram, Green Gram, Horse Gram.
- Is a reason for pest out break ?
Ans. Deforestation, Pest resurgence, Mutation.
- Is a respiratory poison?
- Photoperiodism concept was given by ?
Ans. Gardener and Allard 1920.
- ————–is a rooting hormone ?
- Is a scented Rice variety?
Ans. Basmati.
- ——-is a secondary tillage implement?
Ans. Cultivator/Harrows/Clod Crushers.
- Is a selective herbicide?
Ans. 2,4-D/Dalapon/Butachlor.
- ————–is a serious pest of silkworm ?
Ans. Uzi-fly.
- ——–is a shade tolerant vegetable?
Ans. Colocasia.
- Is a sheath rot resistant variety of Rice ?
Ans. Aruna/Asha/Arathi/Remya.
- ———is a short day plant ?
Ans. Rice, Soybean, Tobacco, Maize.
- ——-is a short duration variety of Rice ?
Ans. Annapurna/Mattathriveni/Makam.
- ———-is a single seeded cucurbit?
Ans. Chow-Chow.
- Is a small plot of rose plants grown in pots?
Ans. Rosary.
- ———–is a solanaceous vegetable crop ?
Ans. Brinjal/Chilli/Tomato.
- ————-is a source of Cancer drug?
Ans. Periwinkle.
- —————is a sowing method in Rice?
Ans. Broadcasting, Dibbling, Transplanting.
- ——————is a spice crop?
Ans. Pepper, Cardamom, Clove, Ginger, Turmeric.
- ————-is a spider orchid?
Ans. Arachnis/Renanthera.
- Is a sprayer constantly used for spraying tree crops?
Ans. Rocker sprayer
- ———–is a stoneless variety of Mango?
Ans. Sindhu.
- ———–is a subterranean orchid ?
Ans. Rhizanthella.
- ————is a sub-tropical crop?
Ans. Tea, Citrus.
- ————-is a sugar crop?
Ans. Sugarcane, Sugar beet.
- ————–is a suitable standard for growing Pepper?
Ans. Erythrina/Ailanthus/Subabul/Kilingil.
- Is a sure test for diagnosing Tungro disease in Rice?
Ans. Iodine Test.
- ————is a sympodial orchid?
Ans. Dendrobium/Cattleya/Oncidium.
- Is a synthetic pyrethroid ?
Ans. Leathern, Permethrin, Tetramethrin, Lambda Cyhalothrin/Karate
- ———————–is a Blast resistant variety of rice ?
Ans. Mahamaya.
- ————–is a systemic fungicide?
Ans. Benomyl/ Oxathin/ Carbendazim/ Tridemorph/ Metalaxyl, Bavistin, Ridomil.
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