Classes of Seeds Important Topic 7th
Hello friends, welcome again to our new session. Today we are going to learn about the classes of seeds where we will see a particular class of seed which was asked in IBPS AFO Mains 2019-20. Let’s see what was that question-
Casses of Seeds
We use a blue colour tag for which type of seed?
- Certified Seed
- Foundation Seed
- Registered Seed
- Breeder Seed
- Nucleus Seed
The correct answer is the certified seed.
Now, let’s see an explanation of the above answer. So, there are four classes of seeds.
- Breeder Seed.
- Foundation Seed.
- Registered Seed.
- Certified Seed.
Except for these four classes, there is one more class of seed named Truthfully labelled Seed whose tag colour is Opal green. The detailed information regarding all the classes is mentioned in our course.
Let’s move towards the particular class seed that is the Certified Seed class, which was the answer to our above question.
The basis of seed multiplication of all notified varieties or hybrids is the Nucleus seeds.
Certified seed is the commercial seed that is available to the farmers and its genetic purity should be 99%. This can be a probable question.
The second point to be considered is–It is the progeny of Foundation seed produced by the registered seed growers under the supervision of seed certification agencies to maintain the seed quality as per minimum seed certification standards.
The next point to know is – the State and National normally produce The seed of this class Seeds Corporation and Private Seed Companies on the farms of progressive growers.
Again, if we talk about the tag colour, so seed certification agency issues the Azure Blue colour, seed tag certificate for this category of seed. We can see the image in the video.
As they have asked on certified seed, similarly, the questions can be framed from other classes of seeds.
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