Soil Science notes for IBPS AFO,NABARD,RRB SO
Introduction To Soil Science
These soil science notes are crucial for agricultural exams like IBPS AFO, NABARD, and RRB SO. Each point should be carefully studied. You can download the PDF containing these points from the Agrilearner/Agriguru WhatsApp group at 6201733962
• Soil, derived from the Latin word “Solum,” meaning ‘Floor’ or ‘Ground,’ serves as the vital interface between the atmosphere and the earth’s mantle of rocks, known as the “lithosphere”.
• Regolith encompasses all loose materials above bedrock, comprising the unconsolidated material resulting from weathered rock and soil.
• Soil Survey involves the systematic examination, description, and classification of soils.
• Pedology is the scientific study encompassing the genesis, survey, classification, and laws governing the geographic distribution of soils as a natural body.
• Edaphology focuses on the study of soils from the perspective of higher plants.=>GET IBPS AFO BOOKS <=
( Writer’s Note: If you’re preparing for IBPS AFO and NABARD exams, it’s essential to focus on soil science. In IBPS AFO exams, typically 3 to 4 questions are asked from the soil science section. So, dedicating time to studying soil science can significantly improve your chances of success in these exams.)
• “Rocks” are defined as aggregates of one or more minerals. For instance, limestone is an aggregation of calcite minerals.
• Unlike minerals, rocks lack a definite chemical, morphological composition, or symmetrical form.
• Rocks are classified based on their origin into three main types: Igneous rocks, Sedimentary rocks, and Metamorphic rocks.
I. Igneous Rocks:
• Igneous rocks, constituting 95% of the earth’s crust, are among the oldest rocks and are alternatively known as “crystalline,” “massive,” or “fire” rocks.
• These rocks predominantly consist of primary minerals, with over half containing “feldspar” minerals.
• Igneous rocks are further categorized based on their mode of formation into Extrusive (or volcanic) and Intrusive (or plutonic) rocks.
• Classification by chemical composition includes Acid rocks (e.g., Granite), Neutral rocks (e.g., Diorite), and Basic rocks (e.g., Basalt).
II. Sedimentary Rocks:
• Formed through the transportation and deposition of weathered sediments, sedimentary rocks are largely shaped by water, leading to their classification as clastic, aqueous, or stratified rocks.
• Based on origin, sedimentary rocks are divided into four groups: Residual sediments (e.g., Laterite, Bauxite), Mechanical sediments (e.g., Sandstone, Shale), and others.
III. Metamorphic Rocks:
• Metamorphic rocks originate from pre-existing rocks subjected to high pressure, temperature, or chemically active fluids.
• These rocks undergo profound changes in mineral composition and texture without melting entirely.
• Metamorphic rocks are classified based on texture and mineral composition, with examples including Slate, Marble, and Quartzite.
A mineral is a naturally occurring, homogeneous element or inorganic compound that possesses a definite chemical composition and a characteristic geometric form. The identification of minerals is often based on various physical properties such as color, luster, streak, and hardness.
• Lustre: The general appearance of a mineral in reflected light.
• Fracture: The property of a mineral to break along an irregular surface, distinct from its cleavage plane.
• Streak: The color of the powder produced when a mineral is rubbed against an unglazed porcelain plate.
Soil-forming minerals predominantly belong to the group of alumino-silicates. Minerals are classified based on several criteria including quantity (essential and accessory), origin (primary and secondary), specific gravity (light and heavy), and chemical composition (native elements, oxides, sulphates, sulphides, carbonates, halides, silicates).
Primary minerals are the original components of rocks that have not undergone chemical alteration and are formed from the crystallization of magma (molten mass).
Examples include Quartz and feldspar.
Secondary minerals result from the decomposition and/or alteration of primary minerals due to subsequent changes in the rocks. Examples include clay minerals like kaolinite and illite, excluding micas which are primary minerals.
Essential Minerals are those that constitute the chief components of a rock and are considered characteristic of it. Examples include Quartz and feldspars.
Accessory minerals occur in small quantities within rocks and are not essential for the naming or nomenclature of rocks. Examples include Apatite, pyrite, and magnetite. These minerals are not required for the formation of any specific rock.
Primary Silicate Minerals:
– Quartz: Chemical formula SiO2.
– Potash Feldspar (Orthoclase): Chemical formula KAlSi3O8.
– Soda Feldspar (Albite): Chemical formula NaAlSi3O8.
– Lime Feldspar (Anorthite): Chemical formula CaAl2Si2O8; Albite and anorthite combine to form plagioclase or soda lime feldspars.
Feldspars are susceptible to attack by water containing H2CO3, a process known as carbonation. Plagioclase weathers more rapidly than orthoclase.
Micas are double silicates of K and Al, with or without iron, characterized by plate-like structures:
1. Muscovite (White Mica): Chemical formula KAl3Si3O10(OH)2.
2. Biotite (Black Mica): Occurs in both acidic and basic rocks.
3. Phlogopite: Occurs as a primary mineral in igneous rocks. Biotite is more easily weathered than muscovite.
Pyroxenes and amphiboles are double silicates of Fe, Mg, Al, and Ca:
– Pyroxene: Augite (Dark green).
– Amphibole: Hornblende (Green-black).
- Olivines are thin silicates of Fe and Mg, examples include Fayalite and Forsterite.
- Sedimentary rocks predominantly contain secondary minerals. Muscovite alters to hydrous mica.
- The insoluble residual material left behind during weathering is called saprolite.
- Exfoliation is the phenomenon of weathering due to the differential coefficient of expansion and contraction, leading to ultimate disintegration.
- Moraine or till is the structureless mass formed from the melting of ice or glaciers in warm regions.
- The chemical weathering of feldspar produces clay minerals.
- Basalt decomposes more easily than granite.
- Ease of weathering of minerals:
Quartz > Feldspar > Micas > Olivines > Hornblende. - Weathering is a destructive process, whereas soil formation is constructive in nature.
- Relief refers to the elevations and inequalities of a land surface, similar to topography used on contour maps.
- The time taken by nature to form soil is known as pedogenic time.
- The process leading to the development of a soil profile is called pedogenic process.
- Humification is the decomposition of raw organic matter into humus, usually occurring in the surface or O horizon.
- Eluviation is the process of removing constituents by percolation from the upper layer to the lower layer.
- Illuviation is the deposition of dissolved material in the lower layers.
- Podzolization is a humid temperate type of soil-forming process characterized by ash-like under layers.
- Laterization is the soil formation process in tropics and subtropics, involving the removal of silica instead of sesquioxides from the upper layers.
- Laterization and podzolization form soils belonging to the group of pedalfer.
- Calcification occurs in areas with insufficient rainfall.
- Soils with high saturation of Ca are called pedocals.
- Decalcification is the removal of Ca ions or CaCO3 by leaching.
- Cation exchange capacity is expressed as me/100 g of soil or cmol (p) kg-1 soil.
- Soil cations are sometimes referred to as “swarm ions” due to their resemblance to a swarm of bees around a beehive.
- The area where ions move around roots or clay particles in soils is termed the “oscillation zone.”
- The CEC of kaolinite increases with increasing soil pH.
- The percentage of base saturation (% BS) is calculated as Total exchangeable bases (me/100 g soil) divided by CEC, multiplied by 100.
- Arid region soils typically have higher % BS than soils in humid regions.
- Soils dominated by 2:1 clay minerals like montmorillonite, vermiculite, chlorite, and micas tend to have higher % BS.
- Anion exchange is more pronounced in soils high in 1:1 clay.
- Acid soils often exhibit low availability of Ca and Mg.
- The availability of sulfur (S) remains unaffected by soil reactions as sulfur compounds are soluble across the entire pH range.
- Solubility of Fe, Mn, and Al increases when pH is low.
- Availability of B, Cu, and Zn decreases with increasing pH.
- Availability of Mo is reduced in acidic soils.
- “Buffering” refers to the soil’s resistance to slight changes in pH.
- The ability to resist slight changes in pH is termed “buffer action.”
- Horizons in a soil profile are broadly divided into four groups: A, B, C, and D.
- AB horizons collectively form the “solum,” which, together with the parent material, constitutes the “soil profile.”
- A “horizon” is a layer of soil approximately parallel to the land surface.
- Diagnostic surface horizons are termed “epipedons.”
- Soils are described as “gravelly” or “sandy” when larger mineral particles dominate and “clayey” when mineral colloids dominate.
- Compact soils and sandy soils tend to have high bulk density.
- Bulk density is higher in lower layers of the profile due to lower organic matter content.
- The addition of organic matter reduces bulk density and increases pore space.
- Leaching of Fe compounds due to high rainfall can lead to the formation of “grey” or “grey-brown” soils.
- Hue refers to the dominant spectral colors in soils.
- The value indicates the relative lightness or darkness of color.
- Chroma denotes the relative purity of a color.
- Soil consistency, expressed by the degree and kind of cohesion and adhesion, is a dynamic property of soils.
- Non-exchangeable cations in montmorillonite include Mg, while in illite, they include K.
- Organic matter, upon decomposition, gets modified and acquires the properties of colloids.
- Soil survey involves the study and mapping of soils in their natural environment.
- Remote sensing is the science and art of acquiring information about objects from a distance without physical contact.
- Pedalfers are characterized by the accumulation of iron and aluminum in soils under high rainfall, while pedocals exhibit the accumulation of Ca in areas of low rainfall.
Important Soil Science terms
- Alfisols: Characterized by a clay-enriched Bt horizon.
- Vertisols: Known as black soils with profile inversion.
- Aridisols: Soils found in dry regions.
- Mollisols: Developed under grassland vegetation.
- Histols: Organic soils formed in water-saturated environments.
- Oxisols: Very strongly weathered mineral soils.
- Ultisols: Soils with low base status.
- Spodosols: Mineral soils with accumulation of humus and sesquioxides.
- Entisols: Recently developed mineral soils lacking horizonization.
- Bauxite reigns as the primary source of aluminum in soils.
- Soil displaying bluish or greenish hues often indicates poor drainage.
- 1:1 clay minerals boast notable porosity and permeability.
- Calcium and magnesium play pivotal roles in soil aggregation.
- Clayey soils harbor ample pore spaces facilitating air and water movement.
- Fungi thrive in soil, feasting on organic matter.
- Soil serves as a rich source of organic nutrients for plants.
- Inorganic soil particles exhibit lesser cation exchange capacity compared to organic ones.
- Saline soils are characterized by high concentrations of chlorides and sulphates.
- The acidity of soil solution is termed “Active acidity.”
- Limonite, chemically 2Fe2O3. 3H2O, signifies a hydrated form of iron oxide.
- Soil formation is influenced by climate and living organisms.
- The humus theory was proposed by the esteemed scientist von Liebig.
- Soil texture can be classified into twelve categories using a textural triangle.
- Soil structure development involves processes like flocculation and aggregation.
- In arid regions with poor drainage, sodium is the preferred cation for soil adsorption.
- Colluvial soil results from gravity-driven soil movement.