General Agriculture One liner PDF Part 8th
All these General Agriculture One liner PDF Part 8th is very important for all agricultural exams like ibps afo,nabard,rrb so and another exam
- The main honey-producing bee family?
Ans. Apidae.
- Colour indicates extremely toxic poisons?
Ans. Bright Red.
- Colour indicates highly toxic poisons?
Ans. Bright Yellow.
- Colour indicates moderately toxic poisons?
Ans. Bright Blue.
- Colour indicates slightly toxic poisons?
Ans. Bright Green.
- The type of mouth parts found in honeybee?
Ans. Chewing and lapping.
- Father of Modern beekeeping in India?
Ans. A.S.Atwal.
- Who was awarded for discovering the language method of communication of the honeybees?
Ans. Karl Von Friesh.
- Colourless and odourless air pollutant is?
Ans. SO2.
- Dry bulb and Wet bulb thermometer used for?
Ans. Relative Humidity.
- Commercial formulation of ‘Nereistoxin’?
Ans. Padan.
- Commercial propagating method of grapevine?
Ans. Hardwood cutting.
- Commercial propagation method of guava?
Ans. Air layering.
- Commercial propagation method of Papaya?
Ans. Seed.
- Commercial propagation method of Banana?
Ans. Sword Suckers.
- Commercial propagation method of Chrysanthemum?
Ans. Root suckers and Terminal cuttings.
- Commercial propagation method of gladiolus?
Ans. Corms.
- Commercial propagation method of rose?
Ans. ‘T’ budding.
- Commercial propagation method of sapota?
Ans. Inarching.
- Commercially cultivated cultivar of Oil Palm is?
Ans. Tenera.
- Commercial formulation of the acarcide Teradifon is?
Ans. Teedion.
- Common causing agent of Damping-off?
Ans. Pythium.
- Common herbicide used in rice crop field?
Ans. Anilophos and Butachlor.
- Common herbicide used to control weeds in wheat?
Ans. 2, 4-D.
- Common household sugar?
Ans. Sucrose.
- Common varieties of urd bean?
Ans. Pant U-30, JU-2, Type-9, Barkha, Gwalior-2.
- Commonly followed soil particle (According to their size) classified in India is?
Ans. International Society of Soil Science (ISSS).
- Commonly used method for transfer of disease resistance from one variety to another variety. ?
Ans. Back cross method.
- Commonwealth Institute of Biological control, Bangalore was established in?
Ans. 1957.
- Communication is a?
Ans. Two way/Double way Process.
- Community Development Project (CDP) was started on?
Ans.2nd Oct 1952.
- Composite varieties of maize?
Ans. Jawahar, Vikram, Kishan, Ambar, Sona, Vijay.
- Composite variety is developed by?
Ans. Cross-pollination.
- Concentration of a nutrient in plant tissue where growth of the plant is slowed down?
Ans. Critical concentration.
- Normally Concentration of Bordeaux mixture is?
Ans.1% (1:1:100).
- Concentration of Bordeaux paste is?
Ans. 10% (1:1:10).
- Concept “Essentiality of elements” was proposed in 1939 by?
Ans. Arnon and Stout.
- Concept of lawn was developed in?
Ans. England.
- Concept of pure line was given by?
Ans. Johnson.
- Concept of Village Level Worker was related with the programme?
Ans. Sri Niketan (Ravindranath Tagore).
- Condition and behaviour of the atmosphere at a given time and place is called?
Ans. Weather.
- Condition of atmosphere when temperature falls quickly below zero degree?
Ans. Frost.
- Condition of the atmosphere inside the crops are called?
Ans. Phytoclimate.
- Conferences, Pannel, Symposium, Discussion, Meeting, Workshops, Field trips, Tour are comes under?
Ans. Group contact.
- A confounding Design is adopted when the number of treatments is?
- Scrapping the chlorophyll content and feed inside, defoliation, & conical leaf fold/rolled the leaves in Bhindi by infestation of which pest?
Ans. Okra leaf roller (Sylepta derogata).
- Conservation tillage tends to encourage?
Ans. Higher microbial population.
- Contaf is the trade name of?
Ans. Hexaconazole (5%EC).
- Continued drought condition in rice fields predisposes the infestation by?
Ans. Paddy mealy bug (Ripersia oryzae).
- Continuous inbreeding (Selfing) leads?
Ans. Homozygosity.
- Continuous temperature record by which instrument?
Ans. Thermograph.
- Contour Bunding is adopted where Land slope (6 %) and in areas where average annual rainfall is?
Ans.< 600 mm.
- In honey bee Pollen basket is present in?
Ans. Hind Leg.
- The largest producer of Silk in the world is?
Ans. China.
- Control of Colarado potato beetle using- ——–in 1867 was the first historically recorded success story in the application of modern plant protection chemicals ?
Ans. Paris Green.
- Biological controlled of Fusarium wilt of chickpea by using.
Ans. Fluorescent pseudomonas (bacteria).
- Controlling centre of cell?
Ans. Nucleus.
- Conventional tillage involves?
Ans. Minimum tillage, Zero tillage and Conservation tillage.
- Which bacteria responsible Conversion of NH4 to NO2 in soil is?
Ans. Nitrosomonas.
- Conversion of soil nitrate into gaseous nitrogen is?
Ans. Denitrification.
- Cool season crops prefers a temperature range of?
Ans. 14.5°C to 32°C.
- Cooperative Movement (1904) was initiated by?
Ans. F. Nicholson.
- The state which is the leading producer of Muga silk?
Ans. Assam.
- COPPER ARSENATE’ is otherwise known as?
Ans. Paris Green.
- “Coreid bug” is a pest of?
Ans. Coconut.
- Corms & Cormels are the planting materials of?
Ans. Gladiolus.
- Correlation lies between?
Ans.-1 to +1.
- Coryza & Marek’s disease are diseases affecting?
Ans. Poultry.
- Cosmolure is a pheromone trap used against?
Ans. Banana Pseudostem weevil.
- Cost A1 + rent paid for based in land?
Ans. Cost A2.
- Cost A2 + interest on value of owned capital assets (including land)?
Ans. Cost B1.
- Cost B1 + rental value of owned land and rent paid by leased in land.
Ans. Cost B2.
- Cost calculated per hectare is known as?
Ans. Cost of Production (COC).
- Cotton is popular in America as?
Ans. White gold.
- Cottony Cushion Scale’ is a pest of?
Ans. Citrus.
- Cow dung slurry application is a method to control?
Ans. Bacterial Leaf Blight.
- Cow pea aphids can be controlled biologically using?
Ans. Fusarium pallidoroseum.
- Cowpea seeds are inoculated with——– ——for better yield?
Ans. Rhizobium.
- CREMENT means?
Ans. Crop and Resource Management Network.
- Crescograph was invented by———-?
Ans. Jagadish Chandra Bose.
- ‘Cricket Ball’ & ‘Oval’ are varieties of?
Ans. Sapota.
- CRIDA is located at?
Ans. Hyderabad.
- CRIDA means?
Ans. Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture (Hyderabad).
- Crimson Glory and Super Star are which type of rose.
Ans. Hybrid tea.
- Criollo, Forastero & Trinitario are three nvarietal types of?
Ans. Cocoa.
- The critical stage for irrigation in barley?
Ans. Tillering Stage (30–35 DAS).
- Crop destructive stages in the life cycle of Beetles are?
Ans. Adults & Grubs.
- Crop destructive stages in the life cycle of Bugs are?
Ans. Adults & Nymphs.
- Crop distribution throughout the world is largely influenced by.
Ans. Climate.
- Crop growing season of dryland farming is?
Ans. 75 – 120 days.
- Is crop having allelopathic influence by Nut sedge?
Ans. Maize.
- Crop Production + livestock raising is called?
Ans. Mixed farming.
- Crop production and dairy enterprise having?
Ans. Supplementary relationship.
- Crop rotation practiced by the majority of the farmers in a given area or locality is called as?
Ans. Cropping Pattern.
- Crop Rotation is an example of ———- — method of insect pest control?
Ans. Cultural.
- Silk is produced by ——————stage of silkworm?
Ans. End of larval stage.
- Crop weather calendar is used for?
Ans. Finding crop -weather relationship.
- Crop which is highly susceptible to frost?
Ans. Potato.
- Cropped along with wild land weed are known as?
Ans. Facultative weeds.
- Cropping intensity of India is ?
Ans. 137%.
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