General Agriculture One liner PDF Part 11th
General Agriculture One liner PDF Part 11th
General Agriculture One-liner PDF is a very important pdf for ibps afo, nabard and other agriculture exams.
1001. Excess of Ca causes deficiency of?
Ans. Phosphorus.
1002. Excess of N, P and K causes deficiency of.
Ans. Cu.
1003. Excess of zinc in the soil lead to nonavailability of.
Ans. Iron.
1004. The anticodon region is present in?
1005. Excess Phosphorus reduces availability of …….& ………?
Ans. Fe and Zn.
1006. Excessive build-up of ———in soil air will retard plant growth.
1007. Excessive tillering is a symptom of ——- attack in very young seedlings ?
Ans. Gall midge.
1008. Exchange of chromatin between non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes is known as?
Ans. Crossing over.
1009. Expand ‘AMF’?
Ans. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi.
1010. Expand ‘BHC’?
Ans. Benzene Hexa Chloride.
1011. Expand ‘CAN’?
Ans. Calcium Ammonium Nitrate.
1012. Expand ‘CFTRI’?
Ans. Central Food Technology Research Institute.
1013. Expand ‘CGIAR’?
Ans. The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research.
1014. Expand ‘FAO’?
Ans. Food and Agriculture Organisation.
1015. Expand ‘GIS’?
Ans. Geographical Information System.
1016. Expand ‘INM’?
Ans. Integrated Nutrient Management.
1017. Expand ‘IPM’?
Ans. Integrated Pest Management.
1018. Expand ‘IRDP’?
Ans. Integrated Rural Development Programme.
1019. Expand ‘IRMA’?
Ans. Institute of Rural Management Anand.
1020. Expand ‘MGNREGA’?
Ans. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act.
1021. Expand ‘PRA’?
Ans. Participatory Rural Appraisal.
1022. Expand ‘RRII’?
Ans. Rubber Research Institute of India (Kottayam,Kerla).
1023. Expand ‘RRIM’?
Ans. Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia.
1024. Expand ‘USDA’?
Ans. United States Department of Agriculture.
1025. Expand ’IFFCO’?
Ans. Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Limited.
1026. The term “Microbiology”was coined by?
Ans. Louis Pasteur.
1027. Expand CPCRI?
Ans. Central Plantation Crops Research Institute.
1028. Expand DDT?
Ans. Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloro ethane.
1029. Expand FAO?
Ans. Food and Agricultural Organisation.
1030. Expand IARI?
Ans. Indian Agricultural Research Institute.
1031. Expand IRRI?
Ans. International Rice Research Institute.
1032. Expand ISTA?
Ans. International Seed Testing Association.
1033. Expand the term “TRIPS”?
Ans. Trade-related intellectual property rights system.
1034. Expand UNEP.
Ans. United Nations Environment Programme.
1035. “Explant’’ is a term related to ?
Ans. Plant tissue culture.
1036. Exploitation of hybrids in tobacco was carried out by?
Ans. J.G.Kolreuter.
1037. Explosive fertilizer is ?
Ans. Ammoniun nitrate (33%N).
1038. Extension activity was started first time in?
Ans. USA.
1039. Extension education is ?
Ans. Informal education.
1040. Extension education is both?
Ans. Science and Art.
1041. Extension Education is the process of?
Ans. Bringing desirable changes in human behaviour.
1042. Extension is a?
Ans. Latin word.
1043. Extra early maturing variety of brinjal?
Ans. Pusa purple long.
1044. Extra-short-duration variety of pigeon pea?
1045. F1 x homozygous recessive parent?
Ans. Test Cross.
1046. Factomphos contains———-% Sulphur?
1047. Factors influencing loss of viability of paddy seeds?
Ans. Moisture content, storage temperate, Gas exchange, Physical condition of seed, light, microflora, fungicide.
1048. Failure of terminal bud and root tips is the principle symptom of?
Ans. Ca deficiency.
1049. Families braconidae, chalcididae and Ichneumonidae come under the order?
Ans. Hymenoptera.
1050. Fan like appearance of coconut leaves occurs in coconut palm affected by?
Ans. Leaf Rot Disease.
1051. FAO’headquarters is located at?
Ans. Rome, Italy.
1052. Farm and home visit, Office calls, Telephone calls, Personal letters, Result Demonstration are comes under?
Ans. Individual contact.
1053. Farm machinery and equipment’s are an example of?
Ans. Working assets.
1054. Farmer’s Day is observed nationally on?
Ans. December 23.
1055. Farmers burn waste in the field during night-time to avoid?
Ans. Frost.
1056. Tumour causing viruses are known as?
Ans. Tungro viruses.
1057. Fast growing forest tree species ?
Ans. Eucalyptus sp.
1058. Father of ‘Green revolution’?
Ans. Norman E. Borlaug.
1059. Father of Agricultural biochemistry?
Ans. Carl Alexander Neuberg.
1060. Father of Agricultural chemistry?
Ans. Justus von Liebig
1061. Father of Agricultural Economics?
Ans. Adam Smith.
1062. Father of Agro meteorology?
Ans. D. N. Walia.
1063. Father of Agro meteorology in India?
1064. Father of Agronomy?
Ans. Pietro Decrescenzi.
1065. Father of Microbiology?
Ans. Leuwenhoek.
1066. Father of Bacteriology?
Ans. Louis Pasteur.
1067. Father of Biodynamic farming?
Ans. Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925).
1068. Father of Cooperative movement in India?
Ans. F. Nicholson.
1069. Father of Experimental genetics?
Ans. Thomas Hunt Morgan.
1070. Father of Extension education?
Ans. J.P. Leagans.
1071. Father of Field plot experiment?
Ans. J. B. Boussingault.
1072. Father of Fruit and vegetable preservation?
Ans. M. Nicholas Appert.
1073. Father of genetic engineering?
Ans. Paul Berg.
1074. Father of Genetics?
Ans. Gregor Johann Mendel.
1075. Father of Golden revolution in India.?
Ans. Dr. K.L. Chadha.
1076. Father of Golden rice?
Ans. Dr. Ingo Potrykus.
1077. Father of modern plant pathology?
Ans. Antone De Berry.
1078. Father of Green revolution in India?
Ans. M. S. Swaminathan (Mankombu Sambasivan Swaminathan).
1079. Father of Hybrid cotton?
Ans. C.T. Patel.
1080. Father of Hybrid rice?
Ans. Yuan Long Ping.
1081. White rust of cruciferous is caused by?
Ans. Albugo candida.
1082. Father of Olericulture?
Ans. Bailey.
1083. Father of Indian plant pathology?
Ans. E.J. Butler.
1084. Father of Indian Rust?
Ans. Dr. K.C. Mehta.
1085. Father of Ornamental garden ?
Ans. M.S.Randhawa.
1086. Purple blotch of onion is caused by?
Ans. Alternaria porri
1087. Ergot is a mycelium form called?
Ans. Sclerotia.
1088. Father of Mutation Theory?
Ans. Hugo de vries.
1089. Father of nematology?
Ans. Nathan Augustus Cobb.
1090. Father of Organic Farming?
Ans. Sir Albert Howard.
1091. In rust fungi repeating spores are?
Ans. Uredospores.
1092. Father of Pedology?
Ans. V.V. Dokuchalev.
1093. The incidence blast disease can be reduced by application of?
Ans. Silicon in Rice.
1094. Agar agar is obtained from?
Ans. Red Sea algae.
1095. Father of plant physiology?
Ans. Stephan Hales.
1096. Father of Plant Tissue Culture?
Ans. G. Haberlandt.
1097. Father of Sociology?
Ans. Auguste comte.
1098. Father of Soil Microbiology?
Ans. S.N. Winogradsky.
1099. First transgenic plant was developed in the world is?
Ans. Tobacco.
1100. Father of Statistics?
Ans. R.A. Fisher.
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