Entomology notes for IBPS AFO
Entomology notes
Entomology Notes for IBPS AFO, NABARD, RRB SO, and Other Agriculture Exams, These notes are provided in a one-liner format for quick reference and efficient study.
- Arthropods originated during the Cambrian period.
- Zinc phosphide and barium carbonate are acute poisons used for rodent control.
- Mustard sawfly lays eggs singly on leaf margins.
- IR 36 is a multiple disease and insect-resistant variety grown on over 11 million hectares worldwide.
- In tungro virus endemic areas, the Economic Threshold Level (ETL) of green leafhoppers is 2 per hill.
- The scientific name of lac is Kerria lacca, Laccifer lacca, and Tachardia lacca.
- CRD (Complete Randomized Design) is the most appropriate design for most laboratory experiments.
- In Poisson distribution, the mean equals the variance.
- All living organisms interacting with the physical environment are referred to as the Biosphere.
- Cutworms are insects known as “Overflow worms”.
- The Indian Grain Storage Institute was established in 1958.
- The National Center for Integrated Pest Management was established in 1988.
- Rearing of stingless bees is known as
- The All India Coordinated Research Project on Biological Control of Pests and Weeds (AICRPBC) began in 1977.
- Ultra-low volume sprayers cause more loss of spray droplets due to drift.
- Knapsack sprayers are examples of high-volume sprayers.
- Shear nozzles are commonly used in knapsack sprayers.
- K-strategists favor a low reproductive rate and high survival rate.
- Lac insects reproduce through ovoviviparity.
- Five liters of liquid insecticide with 25% active ingredient is required to prepare 500 liters of spray fluid with 0.25% strength.
- Elcar is the first commercial-based formulation of NPV.
- Duplex setae are present in Tetranychidae.
- McPhail traps are commonly used for Dipteran flies.
- Jharkhand is the highest lac-producing state in India.
- Hans R. Herren was awarded the World Food Prize in 1995 for his work on the biological control of Phenacoccus manihoti.
- The sting in a worker honeybee is a modified part of the ovipositor.
- The term “Biodiversity hotspots” was coined by Norman Myers.
- Examples of chitin synthesis inhibitors include Buprofezin, Lufenuron, and Teflubenzuron.
- Carolus Linnaeus is known as the father of biological nomenclature.
- An allotype designates a specimen of the opposite sex to the holotype.
- Hymenoptera have a wing coupling mechanism called hamuli.
- Thrips have asymmetrical mouthparts due to the absence of a right mandible.
- IPM relies on realistic IPM to reduce the damage load and optimize the yield.
- Predators have extra-intestinal digestion.
- In insects, the resting potential of nerve axons is about -70mV.
- Neurotransmitters present in insects include Acetylcholine, L-Glutamate, and GABA.
- Trophocytes are cells that nurse the egg cells to grow.
- Cantharidin is an irritating substance produced by the family Meloidae.
- Proctolin, a neuropeptide, was first isolated from cockroaches.
- The pest that attacks both in the field and storage is the pulse beetle.
- Pest population reappearance after some time is called pest resurgence.
- Beauvericin is a chemically depsipeptide.
- Diseases transmitted by mosquitoes include Encephalitis, Filariasis, and Yellow fever.
- Kusumi strain produces the highest-quality lac.
- The silk filament is composed of two fibrin filaments held together by a cementing layer of sericin.
- Multivoltine silkworms produce 90% of the total silk in the country.
- Flacherie is a disease caused by bacteria in silkworms.
- The Muga silkworm is a polyphagous species semi-domesticated in nature.
- The main honey-producing family is Apidae.
- Royal jelly is secreted by the lateral hypopharyngeal glands of worker bees.
- Leafhoppers are vectors of little leaf brinjal.
- Red gram sterility mosaic virus is transmitted by mites.
- Sesame phyllody virus is transmitted by jassids.
- Mycoplasma diseases are transmitted by both aphids and leafhoppers.
- Helper viruses aid in the transmission of other viruses.
- Steneotarsonemus is the most destructive mite in rice.
- Polyphagous tarsonemus is a polyphagous mite common to vegetable and ornamental crops.
- Acetamiprid is not an acaricide.
- 10% drying of seeds/grains is required to get rid of stored pests.
- San Jose scale is a pest of apples.
- In coconut, root injection techniques are used for the management of black-headed caterpillars.
- The pollu beetle is a major pest of pepper.
- A “T” shaped marking on marble-sized mango fruits is a characteristic symptom of mango nut weevils.
- Gummosis and crown toppling in coconut are characteristic symptoms of red palm weevils.
- Helicoverpa armigera feeds on silk and developing cobs of maize.
- Silver shoot in paddy is a characteristic symptom of Orseolia oryzae.
- Thermal energy is utilized for making fog, smoke, and vapor sprays.
- Pesticides are better applied to field crops either in the morning or the evening.
- An aerosol spray has droplets ranging from 1 to 50 microns.
- Blast nozzles are used for producing mist.
- Using resistant varieties in IPM is an example of cultural control.
- Hand picking is not a cultural practice for pest suppression.
- Trimedlure is a lure for Ceratitis capitata.
- Wind tunnels are used to measure insect behavior towards odor sources.
- When larvae molt into pupae, the concentration of juvenile hormone decreases.
- The maximum number of insect biotypes is observed in Hessian flies.
- Mudgo rice variety contains asparagine in minute quantities, which contributes to resistance against BPH.
- Non-preference of plant resistance to insects is also known as antixenosis.
- Neonicotinoids act as nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonists.
- An insecticide with LD50>10000 (single dose to rats) is classified as somewhat toxic.
- White grubs lay eggs singly in loose soil.
- Earthing up is a management practice for early shoot borers in sugarcane.
- The use of ESPNs in sugarcane biological control is for Holotrichia serrata.
- The scientific name of the rust-red flour beetle is Tribolium castaneum.
- Tea mosquito bug causes phytotoxicity in plants.
- Cryptolestes minutus is the smallest storage-damaging insect.
- High volume spray: More than 400 lit/ha
- Low volume spray: 5-400 lit/ha
- Normal aerial dose: 15-75 lit/ha
- Normal ground dose: 100-200 lit/ha
- Ultra-low volume or Low volume concentration spray: Less than 5 lit/ha
- Bioagents for control of potato tuber moth: Apanteles subandinus
- Bioagents for control of coconut leaf caterpillar: Goniozus nephantidis
- In apneustic respiratory system: No spiracle is functional
- Mole cricket belongs to order: Orthoptera
- Certain secretions attract the opposite sex of the same species termed as: Pheromone
- The larvae of moth are: Polypod type.
- Endo-cuticle of insect body wall is made up of chitin and: Protein
- Honey bee does not perceive: Red light
- In thrips, asymmetrical type of mouth part is because of: Right mandibles are absent
- Dead heart in young seedlings of wheat is caused by: Sesamia inferens
- Alternate host of groundnut leaf miner: Soybean.
- The clinging type of leg modification is seen in: Sucking louse.
- This is the only Hymenopteran pest belonging to family: Tenthredinidae
- Blue colour trap attracts which insects: Weed killer.
- The second part of a typical insect leg is known as: Trochanter
- Mexican beetle is an example for: Weed killer.
- Corbiculate type of legs are present in: Worker honey bees
- Pebrine is the transovarian disease of? – Mulberry silkworm
- “Treetop disease symptoms noticed in lepidopteran larvae when they are infected with? – NIPV (Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus)
- The process of oocyte leaving the ovariole is called? –
- The granular insecticide having long residual effect is? – Phorate 100 (Thimet)
- Glycogen is? – Polysaccharide
- Pebrine disease of silkworm is caused by? – Protouna (Nosema bombycis)
- In strepsiptera, llore wings are? – Reduced
- First successful biological control of an insect was achieved by using? – Rodolia cardinalis.
- Cockroaches have a type of antennae called? – Setaceous type
- Tracer is the trade name of? – Spinosad
- Navigation in honey bees is facilitated through? – Sun compass, Polarized light, and Landmarks
- The fruit flies belong to the family? – Tephritidae.
- Median caudal filament is present in? –
- The scientific name of yellow stem borer of rice is? – Tryporyza incertulas (Scirpophaga incertulus)
- International Institute of Biological Control located in? – West Indies (1927)
- Elephantiasis is caused by? – Wuchereria bancrofti
- The thorax of an insect is having…. Segments? – Three
- The midgut of insects is in origin? – Endodermal
- For effective suppression of thrips on sunflower, Imidacloprid (Confidor) can be recommended at? – 3 milliliter
- Crochets are found on? – Abdominal legs
- NIPV is used against? – American bollworm (Helicoverpa Armigera)
- The nematode associated with white tip disease in rice is? – Aphelenchoides besseyi (Seedborne Nematode)
- Hairy caterpillars (Amsacta moorei) belong to the family? –
- Name the pest which is managed by the probe method is? – Bark eating caterpillar (Indarbela quadrinotata)
- The color of eggs of Spotted bollworm (Erias vittella) is? – Bluish green
- Highly shade-tolerant fruit crop is? – Carambola
- The major nitrogenous polysaccharide present in the insect cuticle is? – Chitin
- The insects are poikilothermic, i.e., they have no precise mechanism for regulating body temperature so also called? – Cold-blooded organisms.
- The most serious sucking pest of cotton is? – Cotton leafhopper (Amrasca biguttula)
- Flower bud maggot or gall midge of cotton? – Dasineura gossypii
- The toxin produced by Bacillus thuringiensis interferes with the insects’ digestive system.
- Moulting hormone of insects is also known as Ecdysone.
- Red-headed hairy caterpillar is an example of an endemic pest.
- Flared squares (flare-up) in cotton are the damage symptoms of Spotted bollworm (Erias vitella).
- Plume moth have fissured wings.
- DDVP is an insecticide which has fumigant and penetrating action.
- Chemical stimulants of Brassica for ovipositional preference by Plutella are glucosinolates.
- Cervix is located between the head and prothorax.
- Nephrocytes are cells in the haemocoel that take up chemicals of relatively high molecular weight.
- The malaria parasite was first discovered by Sir Ronald Ross in Hyderabad.
- Hemimetabolous development is also called indirect metamorphosis.
- Immature stage of an insect is the larval stage.
- Use of irradiation as a physical control measure in an insect suppression program maximally affects Lophopidae.
- Carinae is present in mealy bugs.
- Cryptolaemus sp. is mass multiplied in the laboratory on sunhemp/arhar.
- An example of a systemic foliar insecticide is Metasystox (Methyl demeton).
- Stretch receptors differ from all other mechanoreceptors in consisting of a multiplolar neuron.
- The trade name of monocrotophos is Nuvacron.
- Conservation of frog is suggested for pest management in paddy crop.
- The names of two insecticides which are used against shoot fly & stem borers management are Phorate 10G (Thimet) and Carbofuron 3G (Furadan).
- Transportation of cuticular substances to the epicuticle is done by pore canals.
- Anamorphosis is found in the insect order Protura.
- Release of sterile male can be classified as an autocidal technique of insect control.
- Chemicals used for the control of rats are called rodenticides.
- Trichogen cell gives rise to setae.
- The paired outer opening of trachea is known as spiracles.
- Exelastis sp. is a pest of sunhemp/arhar.
- Acrotergite is associated with the tergum.
- In antennae cleaner type of legs, the modified parts are tibia and basitarsus.
- Galleries in the seed of pigeon pea indicate the damage of Tur Pod Fly (Clavigralla gibbosa).
- Ear cockle nematode (Anguina tritici) is a pest of Wheat.
- Virus transmitting nematodes are Xiphinema and Longidorus.
- The tetranychid mite has three nymphal stages.
- In the insect body, the ‘Malpighian tubules’ function as an excretory organ.
- The number of insect species known is 1 million.
- Chemicals used to kill mites are called acaricides.
- The major pest of chickpea is American bollworm.
- “Katte” disease of cardamom and Bunchy top of Banana are transmitted by Aphid (Pentalonia nigronervosa).
- A median muscular pad present in between a pair of lateral claws in the foot of insects is called arolium.
- The shape of eggs of bugs is barrel-shaped.
- Bt cotton is resistant to bollworms.
- Carbofuran 3G, Aldicarb 10G, Methomyl 40SP belong to carbamate.
- Acyl urea compounds are chitin inhibitors.
- Elytra wings are present in Coleoptera.
- Female insects receive and store sperms in spermathecae.
- Floral pest of linseed is Dasyneura lini.
- Filter chamber is present in digestive system.
- Ceratoracana lanigera is most destructive to Sugarcane.
- Moulting fluid is able to digest endocuticle.
- Vector for sterility mosaic disease of arhar is Eriohyiid mite (Aceria cajani).
- Anopheles mosquito eggs are laid singly.
- The best method for controlling grain storage pests is fumigation.
- Bovicola caprae is the common louse of goats.
- Secondarily wingless insects are head louse.
- Dark yellow color on the label of the container of pesticide indicates that the pesticide is highly toxic.
- Larval body shape in many holometabolous insects such as caterpillars is maintained largely due to hydrostatic pressure.
- A particular plant condition or environment that makes a plant resistant to pests under other circumstances is known as induced resistance.
- Endocrine gland produces juvenile hormones.
- Isotima javensis is a larval-pupal parasitoid.
- Bihar hairy caterpillar lays eggs in the lower surface of broad-leaved plants.
- Bihar hairy caterpillar lays eggs on the lower surface of broad-leaved plants.
- House fly (Musca domestica) lays eggs in cow dung.
- The first chemical pesticide used in India was DDT.
- Fossorial type of legs means digging type (fore legs of mole crickets).
- The concept of integrated pest management emphasizes an approach which is ecologically compatible.
- Proteinase and chitinase digest endocuticle.
- Mites below coconut sap belong to the family Eriophyidae.
- A secondary storage pest is the flat grain beetle.
- The term pneustic generally refers to functional spiracles.
- Pulse beetle (Callosobruchus chinensis) is a storage pest of gram.
- The main pulsating organ of the circulatory system lies in the head, base of wings, thorax, and antennae.
- Absorption of digestion products in insects mostly occurs in the hind gut.
- Hamulate type wing coupling apparatus are found in the insects of order Hymenoptera.
- Adult of Lytta spp. feed on inflorescence.
- A chemical that gives an adaptive advantage to the receiver but not to the emitter is a kairomone.
- Examples of introduced insect-pests in India are Icerya purchasi, Sanjose scale, and woolly apple aphid.
- In fireflies, light is produced due to the oxidation of luciferin.
- Tukra disease in mulberry is caused by mealy bugs.
- The lamellar structure to the insect cuticle is due to microfibres.
- The young one of a dragonfly is called a naiad.
- The simple eye of an insect is known as an ocellus.
- Leaf tip clipping at the time of transplanting is recommended for paddy stem borer (Scirpophaga incertulus).
- Aluminium phosphide releases phosphine gas.
- Barklice belong to the family Psocoptera.
- Cutaneous respiration is present in insects like protura.
- The degree of fineness with which an eye forms an image of an object is referred to as resolution.
- The type of nozzle used for producing mist is a rotatory energy nozzle.
- Lac is marketed as shellac.
- A pest which occurs in isolated locations is known as a sporadic pest.
- In Nepidae, hind legs are modified for swimming (natatorial).
- The pest which attacks all the parts of the plant is termite.
- SINPV is used against the tobacco leaf-eating caterpillar.
- Female genitalia of grasshopper has two pairs of valves.
- Major pest of groundnut is the white grub (Holotrichia consanguinea).
- In root-knot and cyst forming nematodes, the infective stage is the young female.
- The endoskeleton of the insect head is known as the tentorium.
- In insects, the foregut and hindgut of the alimentary canal are ectodermal in origin.
- ETL (Economic Threshold Level) for cotton bollworms in Central India is 10% damage.
- The effective parasitoid on papaya mealybug is Acerophagus papayae.
- Insects which do not undergo metamorphosis come under the group Ametabola.
- Early sowing of mustard escapes the infestation of aphids (Lipaphis erysimi).
- Mouthparts in thrips belong to the asymmetrical type.
- Silverfish belongs to the order Thysanura.
- The damaging stage of thrips is both nymph and adult.
- MIC (Methyl Isocyanate) was used for manufacturing the insecticide carbaryl.
- Imidacloprid insecticide belongs to the group of chloronicotinyl compounds (neonicotinoids).
- 50 percent of the predators belong to the order Coleoptera.
- The functional base of an insect leg is the coxa.
- The insecticide stored in the fat of animals is DDT.
- An example of a systemic insecticide is Dimethoate, Monocrotophos, Phosphamidon, Aldicarb, or Carbofuran.
- The whole process of spermatogenesis in adult insects is completed before eclosion.
- The safest insecticide for honeybee is Endosulfan (Thiodan).
- The study of animal behavior is known as ethology.
- A nozzle suitable for herbicide application is the flat fan nozzle.
- Metarhizium anisopliae is an entomopathogenic fungus.
- The mutual or unilateral exchange of alimentary fluids, including saliva, is called trophallaxis.
- Procephalon and gnathocephalon are fused to form the head.
- In honey bee, the pollen basket is present on the hind leg.
- Most parasitoids used in biological control belong to the order Hymenoptera.
- The innermost lining of the stomodeum is known as the intima.
- Sand flies transmit the disease kala-azar.
- Ber fruitfly (Carpomyia vesuviana) pupates in the soil.
- The larvae of diptera are apodous and known as maggots.
- The two statistical parameters to study the spatial distribution of insects in space are mean and variance.
- Antenna cleaner in honeybee is in the middle leg.
- Coconut black-headed caterpillar (Opisina arenosella) usually lays eggs near old larval galleries.
- Some immature insects are able to reproduce, this is called paedogenesis.
- An introduced pest from Italy is the potato tuber moth (Phthorimaea operculella).
- Both meso and meta-thorax having one pair of wings are collectively called the pterothorax.
- An example of an insect order having an aquatic nymphal stage is Odonata (dragonflies/damselflies).
- In the daytime, Bt and NPV should not be used because they are easily photodegraded under sunlight.
- Fumigants are respiratory poisons.
- The mulberry variety best suited for young age (chawki) silkworm is S-36.
- Morphologically identical but reproductively isolated species are called sibling species.
- The European corn borer undergoes diapause in stalks, stubbles, and cobs.
- A compound that is used to enhance the toxicity of an insecticide is called a synergist.
- Polymorphism is characteristic of termites.
- Hypopharynx is also known as the tongue.
- Concentrate liquids are used for ultra-low volume spraying.
- A pest which has the status of “National pest” is the white grub (Holotrichia consanguinea).
- DDT was first synthesized by Zeidler in 1874.
- The abdomen of an insect generally has 11 ring-like segments.
- The scientific name of the maize stem borer is Chilo partellus (Pyralidae/Crambidae).
- The ootheca of Periplaneta americana contains 14-16 eggs.
- Pride is the trade name of Acetamiprid.
- Two principal nitrogenous excretory products of insects are ammonia and uric acid.
- An insect known as plant lice is the aphid.
- The scientific name of the sorghum shoot fly is Atherigona soccata (Muscidae-Diptera).
- The layer which separates the epidermis from the haemocoel is the basement membrane.
- Flowers have beauty only honeybees can see because of their perception of both UV and IR light rays.
- An insecticide with nematicidal action is Carbofuran (Furadan).
- Insecticide for termite: Chlorpyrifos
- Trochantin is usually found in: Coleoptera
- Technical term for head capsule: Cranium
- An insecticide having both fumigant and penetrative action: DDVP (Dichlorvos)
- Compound eyes which are separate from each other is called: Dioptic eyes
- Rational use of insecticide is possible through the adaptation of: Economic threshold level (ETL)
- Secondarily wingless adult dipteran can be identified by: Enlarged mesothorax
- The appropriate time for insecticide application to control damaging pests: ETL
- Presence of membrane between the sclerites gives: Flexibility
- Examples of contact poison bioinsecticide: Fungi, nematode
- Phorate 10 G is an insecticide: Granular
- Posterior part of dorsal vessel is termed as: Heart
- In grasshopper which legs are modified for jumping purpose: Hind legs
- Mustard sawfly (Athalia proxima lugens) is classified in the order: Hymenoptera- Tenthredinidae
- Rat is not an: Insect pest
- Example of Bt transgenic cotton: Kanaka
- Pea stem-fly (Ophiomyia phaseoli) lays eggs in: Leaf tissues
- Insects which jump without using any legs: Maggots of flies
- Calliphora erythrocephala is commonly attracted to: Meat
- A serious pest of sorghum earheads is: Midge (Calocoris angustatus)
- Cervical sclerites are present in: Neck
- Pterostigma and archedictyon wing venation is a characteristic feature of: Odonata
- Mining and skeletonization of cabbage leaves are characteristic damage symptoms of: Painted bug (Bagrada cruciferum)
- Young leaves of citrus plants show serpentine galleries due to: Leaf miner (Phyllocnistis citrella)
- Major pest of furniture is: Powder post beetle
- In winged insects, meso and metathoracic segments are collectively known as: Pterothorax
- Gills help nymphs to: Respire
- Uroleucon carthami is a serious pest of: Safflower
- Sir Ronald Ross’s famous studies associated with the discovery of transmission of malarial parasites by Anopheles were conducted at: Sikandarabad (UP)
- Sorghum shoot fly lays eggs on the: Stem
- Pipronyl butoxide is an example of: Synergist
- Polyphagous spider mite affecting a wide range of crops belongs to genus: Tetranychus
- Bunchy top appearance in sugarcane is due to attack of: Top shoot borer (Tryporhyza novella)
- An important object of the ICZN is to provide: Uniqueness, stability, and distinctiveness
- Flooding of the field will help to control: White grub, Termite & Cutworms
- Examples of two effective rodenticides: Zinc phosphide, Bromadiolone
- The number of chambers in the heart of a cockroach is: 13
- The average population density of insect population over a long period of time is known as: General equilibrium position (GEP)
- An extremely toxic insecticide will have LD50 of: 1-50 mg/kg
- Which of the following enters the Krebs cycle?: Acetyl CoA
- The scientific name of mango hopper is: Amritodus atkinsoni (Idioscopus species)
- Safflower crop is mainly infested by the insect: Aphids
- The largest insect is: Atlas moth
- First tarsal segment is called: Basitarsus
- Draining out of water for a few days in paddy field helps in suppression of: BPH (Nilaparvata lugens)
- Insecticide generally formulated as granule: Carbofuran (Furadon)
- Most commonly used insecticide for soil insects: Chlorpyriphos/phorate
- Aspirator is used for: Collecting small insects
- Diamondback moth (DBM-Plutella xylostella) is a pest of: Cruciferous vegetables (especially cabbage)
- An insecticide which belongs to the Organophosphate group: DDVP, Quinalphos, Dimethoate
- The commercial formulation of Bacillus thuringiensis is: Dipel, Delfin, Biolep
- The lowest pest density causing economic damage is referred to as: Economic Threshold Level (ETL)
- Insects feeding on stored products generally have higher activity of: Enzyme, amylase
- Fenestrae present in: Cockroach
- Glycerophosphate shuttle is found in: Flight muscles
- What is the sequence of coating of seed by insecticide, fungicide, and rhizobium?: Fungicide + insecticide + rhizobium
- Stem girdler (Sthenias grisator) is a pest of: Grape
- Spiral nematode is: Helicotylenchus
- A pathogenic fungus for control of coconut mite (Aceria guerreronis): Hirsutella sp.
- A parasite on a parasite is called: Hyperparasite
- One of the phenomena observed in insects that allows for eternal effectiveness of insecticides in pest management is: Insecticidal negative cross-resistance
- The following are the predatory Lepidoptera found in: Karnataka Dypha, Epipyrops, Spalgis
- Bombycidae is a family of order: Lepidoptera
- Pest which causes damage more than 10% in the field is called as: Major pest
- Trenching is one of the following management: Mechanical
- In insects, the major part of digestion and absorption of food takes place in: Midgut
- The full name of NSKE is: Neem Seed Kernel Extract
- Egg-laying by bruchids on pulses is prevented by: Oil treatment
- The scientific name of Bombay locust is: Patanga succincta
- Insect systematic is the study of: Phylogeny and systematics
- Which is an important nematode pest of coffee: Pratylenchus coffeae
- Maggots of Dacus cucurbitae feed on: Pulp of fruit
- Molecular markers hold good promise in resistance breeding such as: Restriction fragment length polymorphism
- Silk gland in silkworm is a modification of: Salivary gland
- Bipectinate antennae are found in which insect: Silk moth (Bombyx mori)
- The cochineal insects belong to the taxonomic group: Dactylopiidae
- Fenvalerate is a: Synthetic pyrethroid
- The total heat required for the completion of physiological processes in the life-history of a species is considered as: Thermal constant
- Lungs are absent in insects but respiration takes place by hollow tubes, known as: Trachea
- Major excretory product of terrestrial insects is: Uric acid
- One generation is completed in a year in: White grubs
- International Organization for Biological Control: Zurich, Switzerland
- The insect body is made up of……… segments: 20
- In dipterans, the hind wings are reduced and only one pair of functional forewings is present. The rudimentary hind wings are known as: Halteres
- When was the first approval for commercial use of Bt cotton in the world: 1995-96
- Widespread excitatory transmitter is: Acetylcholine
- The polyphagous hairy caterpillar is: Amsacta albistriga
- Blackish appearance of safflower plants is due to the incidence of: Aphids
- A common antidote for insecticide poisoning is: Atropine
- Examples of two important fungi used in insect biocontrol: Beauveria bassiana & Metarhizium anisopliae
- Supra oesophageal ganglion is also called: Brain
- Who is known as father of taxonomy: Carolus Linnaeus
- House fly spreads the disease: Cholera
- Spring tails belong to order: Collembola
- Gizzard helps in: Crushing of food
- Colemania sphenarioides is commonly called as: Deccan wingless grasshopper
- As adults, female insects have a higher need than males for: Dietary proteins
- “Economic threshold level” is always lower than: Economic injury level
- Sub-imago stage is a feature of order: Ephemeroptera
- Most insecticides are sprayed either morning or evening but Bt and NPV should be sprayed at: Evening hours
- Ketone bodies are oxidized by: Flight muscles
- Nomuraea rileyi is: Fungus
- Trimming of bunds in paddy fields helps in suppression of: Grasshopper
- Presence of bored holes on tomato is due to: Helicoverpa and Spodoptera
- Excretory system is responsible for: Homeostasis
- Blister beetle undergoes which type of metamorphosis: Hypermetamorphosis
- Sucking pests are controlled effectively by spraying which kind of insecticides: Systemic
- Which animal acts as a natural tiller of soil: Earthworm
- Body and wings are covered by overlapping scales found in: Lepidoptera
- Among the organophosphates, which insecticide is highly safe: Malathion
- Pollens carried on the underside of the abdomen: Megachilidae
- Enzymes concerned with digestion in insects are mainly present in: Midgut and salivary glands
- Nemagon acts as a good: Nematicide
- The sensilla that perceive odours are: Olfactory sensilla
- Among the natural enemies used in biocontrol, the order of preference should be: Parasitoid – Predator – Pathogen
- Sun drying is a method of pest control: Physical method
- Last part/segment of leg is called: Pretarsus
- Which insect attacks crops in the field and also in storage: Pulse beetle
- The term ‘parasitoid’ was proposed for insect parasites by: Reuter
- Tetranychus nigroabdominalis is a pest of: Finger millet
- Bacillus thuringiensis was first isolated from diseased larvae of: Silkworm
- Stem galls in cotton is due to: Stem weevil (Apion soleatum)
- The bollgard is: Transgenic cotton
- The predominant excretory end product of protein breakdown in terrestrial insects is: Uric acid
- Sucking pests (aphids, jassid, whiteflies, and mealybug) are effectively controlled by: Systemic insecticide
- The total heat required for the completion of physiological processes in the life-history of a species is considered as: Thermal constant
- Vasiform orifice, ctenidia, labellum, and strigil are the features associated with the following taxa in that order: Whiteflies, fleas, houseflies, Apocrita
- When was the first edition of “Systema Naturae” published: 1735
- When ten pairs of functional spiracles are present in insects, the respiratory system is known as: Holopneustic
- In male cicada, tymbal is present in: 1st abdominal segment
- It is now fruit sucking moth of citrus: Achaea janata
- Methyl eugenol is used against: Fruit fly
- Bud necrosis in watermelon and muskmelon is transmitted by: Aphids
- Methyl eugenol acts as a: Attractant
- Monocrotophos is generally not advocated for pest suppression on vegetables because of: Phytotoxicity and residual effect
- Which hormone is known as activation hormone: Brain hormone
- Members of the genus Camponotus are known as: Carpenter ants
- Outer layer of egg is called: Chorion
- The antennae are used for mating in: Collembola
- Biramous appendages are found in: Crustacea
- An insecticide that causes resurgence of spider mites: Deltamethrin
- Hyper pneumatic type of tracheal system is found in: Diplura
- The alimentary canal of insect is derived from: Ectoderm and Endoderm
- The mandibles in adults are vestigial or absent in: Ephemeroptera
- The pupa of Hymenoptera are: Exarate
- In rice, gundhy bug attacks at the stage after: Flowering
- In honey bees, propodeum is: Fusion of first abdominal segment with metathorax
- Hypognathous type of head is found in: Grasshopper
- NPV is effective in the control of: Helicoverpa armigera
- Insects feeding on the internal fluids of plants secrete a sheath around the stylets in: Homoptera
- Bacillus thuringiensis was first isolated from diseased larvae of: Silkworm
- Stem galls in cotton is due to: Stem weevil (Apion soleatum)
- The bollgard is: Transgenic cotton
- The predominant excretory end product of protein breakdown in terrestrial insects is: Uric acid
- Sucking pests (aphids, jassid, whiteflies, and mealybug) are effectively controlled by: Systemic insecticide
- The total heat required for the completion of physiological processes in the life-history of a species is considered as: Thermal constant
- Vasiform orifice, ctenidia, labellum, and strigil are the features associated with the following taxa in that order: Whiteflies, fleas, houseflies, Apocrita
- When was the first edition of “Systema Naturae” published: 1735
- When ten pairs of functional spiracles are present in insects, the respiratory system is known as: Holopneustic
- In male cicada, tymbal is present in: 1st abdominal segment
- It is now fruit sucking moth of citrus: Achaea janata
- Methyl eugenol is used against: Fruit fly
- Bud necrosis in watermelon and muskmelon is transmitted by: Thrips
- Methyl eugenol acts as a: Attractant
- Monocrotophos is generally not advocated for pest suppression on vegetables because of: Phytotoxicity and residual effect
- Which hormone is known as activation hormone: Brain hormone
- Members of the genus Camponotus are known as: Carpenter ants
- Outer layer of egg is called: Chorion
- The antennae are used for mating in: Collembola
- Biramous appendages are found in: Crustacea
- An insecticide that causes resurgence of spider mites: Deltamethrin
- Hyper pneumatic type of tracheal system is found in: Diplura
- The alimentary canal of insect is derived from: Ectoderm and Endoderm
- The mandibles in adults are vestigial or absent in: Ephemeroptera
- The pupa of Hymenoptera are: Exarate
- In rice, gundhy bug attacks at the stage after: Flowering
- In honey bees, propodeum is: Fusion of first abdominal segment with metathorax
- Hypognathous type of head is found in: Grasshopper
- NPV is effective in the control of: Helicoverpa armigera
- Insects feeding on the internal fluids of plants secrete a sheath around the stylets in: Homoptera
- Extremely mammalian toxic pesticides label is: Bright red
- Padan & Keldane are the trade name of: Cartap hydrochloride
- Butterfly pupae are called as: Chrysalis
- Some insects do not have malpighian tubules like: Collembolans and Aphids
- Bt cotton is genetically modified seeds containing insecticidal properties: Cry gene
- Aedes aegypti is a vector of: Dengue & Yellow fever
- Only one pair of wings are found in: Diptera
- The nervous system of insect is derived from: Ectoderm
- The insects whose adult lifespan is only for a few hours are: Ephemeropterans
- Nephrocytes are related with: Excretion
- Malaise trap is useful in trapping: Flying insects
- Probosis in butterfly is formed by: Galea
- Holopneustic type respiratory system is found in: Grasshopper
- While feeding, thrust anterior part of body into the fruit is the characteristic feature of: Helicoverpa armigera
- The presence of a filter chamber is a unique feature of: Homoptera
- Haemolymph of freshwater insects is: Hypertonic
- The period in between two moults in insects is known as: Instar
- Insects can survive at higher temperature and low humidity: Khapra beetle
- Bt and NPV are mostly used to kill: Lepidopteran larvae
- An insecticide with short residual action: Malathion
- Cantharidin is a product from insects of the family: Meloidae
- We can get the best spray deposit on the plant by using: Mist blower
- Imidacloprid belongs to the group of insecticide: Neonicotinoids
- Compound eyes consist of smaller eyes called as: Ommatidia
- A form of asexual reproduction is known as: Parthenogenesis
- Insect blood cell: Plasmatocyte
- Coccinella septumpuctata is: Predator
- Major pest of cucurbits is: Pumpkin beetle
- Coconut fronds showing characteristic V-shaped clipping of leaves: Rhinoceros
- The common name of Oryzophilus surinamensis is: Sawtoothed beetle
- First resistance noticed in: Thiamethoxam
- Worker Honey Bee is: Sterile female
- Trichoid sensilla is associated with: Tactile
- Actara & Cruiser are the trade names of: Thiamethoxam
- Largest consumer of silk in the world is: India
- Light traps are useful in surveillance, monitoring and suppression of insect pests and the source of light should preferably be: UV bulb
- Use of synthetic pyrethroids has caused serious outbreaks of: Whitefly
- Directorate of Plant Protection Quarantine and Storage started in which year: 1546
- Exopterygota insects have metamorphosis are: Incomplete
- Male genitalia in Odonata present on: 2 and 3 abdominal sterna
- toxins are non-toxic to higher animals because of no dissolution of Cry toxin in view of pH, which is: Acidic
- Bagging of fruit is recommended for the control of: Anar butterfly & fruit-sucking moth
- Honeydew is excreted by: Aphids (homopteran insects)
- The major terpenoid present in the neem seed is: Azadirachtin
- Microbial pesticides are effective against target pest insects when field conditions are: Humid
- An effective single-dose anticoagulant rodenticide is: Bromadiolone (0.005%)
- A good trap crop for Spodoptera litura is: Castor
- Pyrethrum is obtained from: Dried flower of chrysanthemum (Guldaudi)
- What is the color of grasshopper blood?: Colorless
- Which crystalline protein is used in MECH-12 cotton hybrid?: Cry-1AC
- Trogoderma granarium belongs to family?: Dermestidae
- Beedance communicates?: Distance to the food source, Direction of food source, and Richness of food source.
- Pheromones are also known as?: Ectohormones
- The line of weakness present in/on the head region is called as: Epicranial suture
- Pore canal is found in the layer of: Exocuticle
- A tank is absent in?: Foot sprayer
- Insects undergo resting due to low temperature in winter is called: Hibernation.
- Desophageal ganglion in insects is otherwise known as?: Hypocerebral ganglion
- Foregut is lined by?: Stern hauns
- Most practical biological control scientist is?: Koebele.
- Invasive gall inducer in nurseries of Eucalyptus is?: Leptocybe sp
- The organ that helps in excretion and regulation of the internal environment in insects by controlling ion and water balance in blood is?: Malphigian tubules
- Giant cells are produced by?: Trichogen call
- Sulphur is recommended to control?: Mite
- Which of the following are not haemocytes?: Nephrocytes.
- Hieroglypus sp. (kharif grasshopper) has…… generation in a year?: Three pair of legs
- Insecticidal properties of DDT in 1939 was discovered by?: Paul Hermann Muller
- Some insects have structures to hold a thin film of air on the outside of the body for gaseous exchange, and the film of gas is called?: Plastron
- The ladybird beetle is a?: Predator of aphids
- Functional female of the bee colony is?: Queen
- Red ring disease of coconut is vectored by a weevil?: Rhynchophorus palmarum
- The wings of moths or butterflies are covered with?: Scales.
- Anopheles mosquito eggs are?: Singly floating
- The term “Microbial Control was used first by….In the year 1940?: Bacillus papillae.
- The collapse of trachea is prevented by?: Taenidia
- Thrips tabaci also acts as?: Vector for virus
- Yellow mosaic virus in green gram transmitted by?: Whitefly
- Insecticide Act was passed in?: 1968
- One to five pairs of prolegs on the abdomen of larvae are found in?: Lepidopteran larvae
- Molecules of the wax monolayer are inclined at an angle of?: 25 degrees.
- The damaging stage of Eudocima materna is?: Adult
- Scent-producing scales on the wings of the male moth are known as?: Androconia
- Social insects regulate the temperature of their nests so that?: Larvae develop optimally
- Which organism causes milky disease in Japanese beetle?: Beetles
- “Hopper burn in rice caused by feeding of?: Brown plant hopper (Nilaparvata lugens)
- Damaging stage of armyworm (Mythimna separata) is?: Caterpillar
- Neuropteran predator is?: Chrysoperla carnea
- Insect passing through four stages Egg, Larvae, Pupa, and Adult comes under?: Complete metamorphosis
- A phenomenon when the insect becomes quiescent due to adverse climatic conditions?: Cryptobiosis
- Skin-winged insects are?: Dermaptera
- ‘Ufra’ disease of rice is caused by?: Ditylenchous angustus
- Trichogramma sp. parasitizes on the following stage of an insect?: Eggs
- Coronal suture is part of?: Epicranial suture.
- Thickest layer of the integument is?: Exocuticle
- Proventriculus is found in…… (part) of the alimentary canal?: Foregut
- A serious pest of bee hives is?: Galleria mellonella
- Phase polymorphism is shown?: Grasshoppers
- The forewing of hemiptera (bugs) is known as?: Hemi-elytra
- Hamulate wing coupling is present in?: Honeybee
- Moulting fluid is produced by?: Labial glands
- Pheromones are used for?: Intraspecific communication
- Silk glands are modified?: R&M (Ribosome and Mitochondria)
- Pratylenchus sp. are known as?: Lesion nematodes
- A pair of upper jaws present in mouthparts, these are called as?: Mandibles
- Which nematodes do not produce eggs in a gelatinous matrix?: Meloidogyne
- Downward curling of leaves and petiole elongation in chili is due to?: Mits (Methyl isothiocyanate)
- Nereistoxin is an insecticide of animal origin?: True
- How many generations has the Deccan wingless grasshopper in a year?: Platygaster oryzae
- Gossyplure is a sex pheromone used for attracting…. Insect?: Pink Bollworm (Pectinophora gossypiella)
- Example of homoxenous parasitoids?: Predator
- Micromus igorotus is a?: R&M
- In Hoverflies, a spurious vein is present between?: Scutellum and Costal vein
- In which organelle protein synthesis takes place?: Ribosome
- The first part of antennae is?: Scape
- Citrus nematode causes?: Slow decline of citrus
- Ecdysone is chemically?: Steroid
- Most cosmopolitan polyphagous insect is?: Locust
- Members of order Thysanoptera are commonly called as?: Thrips
- Parasitoid used to control seeding borer in sugarcane?: Trichogramma chilonis
- The fungus popularly called “White halo” is?: Verticillium lecanii
- Application of insecticides is recommended in?: Whorls
- When did the Insecticide Act come into force?: 1971
- “National Bureau of Agriculturally important Microbes” is situated at?: Mau, UP
- The dose of NPV in L.E., and the full form of L.E. is?: 250-500 LE (Larval Equivalent)
- Root grub adults emerge in the month of?: May-June
- The infestation of which insect starts from the field?: Angoumois grain moth
- The insect that can perceive UV light is?: Apis (honey bees)
- Which bacteria are commercially used to biologically control insects?: Bacillus thuringiensis
- Honey bees are?: Beneficial insects
- Vector of rice ‘Grassy stunt’ disease is?: Brown Plant Hopper (Nilaparvata lugens)
- Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki is specific to?: Caterpillars
- Monocrotophos resistant predator developed is?: Chrysoperla carnea
- Egg-laying site for Holotrichia serrata is?: Compost pits
- The most economic and convenient prophylactic control measure is?: Cultural control
- Pest which has a status of ‘International pest’ is?: Desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria)
- Which one forms ‘nematode wool?: Ditylenchus
- Termite is known as?: Egg-laying machine
- Wax layer is a part of?: Epicuticle
- The smallest known insect in class Insecta is?: Fairy fly
- Name the family of red ants?: Formicidae
- Asphondylia sesami causes?: Galls in flower buds
- The term Entomology has been derived from?: Greek word
- Clavigralla gibbosa belongs to order?: Hemiptera
- Pecten is associated with the hind leg of?: Honey bee
- In Cockroach which type of head position is observed?: Hypognathous
- Insects are the only flying?: Invertebrates
- Cardo and stipes are the parts of… in mandibulate mouth parts?: Labium
- Spray fluid for ultra-low volume spray/ha is?: Less than 5 liters
- Biting and chewing insects have contact chemoreceptors on all the mouth parts except?: Mandibles
- Predator of honey bee?: Merops orientalis
- Blue level of warning on insecticide shows?: Moderate toxic
- Example for animal-derived insecticide is?: Neries
- Thrips tabaci is a pest of?: Onion, cotton
- Johnston’s organ is located on?: Pedicel of antenna
- Spiracles mostly present on?: Pleurites
- Hardness of elytra is due to?: Presence of trabeculae
- Father of host plant resistance is?: R.H. Painter
- Oxidation of fatty acids takes place into?: Ribosome
- Bunchy top in sugarcane is caused by?: Scirpophaga sp
- In cyclodiene compounds, endrin was banned because it is highly toxic to?: Snakes in paddy fields
- The dwelling place of termites is?: Mound/Termitarium
- Division of the insect’s body, i.e., Head, Thorax, and Abdomen, is called?: Tagmosis
- Rasping and sucking type mouth-parts are found in?: Thrips
- Thermophilic resistant parasitoid is?: Trichogramma chilonis
- Father of Insect Physiology is?: Vincent Brian Wigglesworth
- Claval suture is associated with?: Wing
- The secondary host of Leishmania donovani is?: Phlebotomus
- Proboscis of a moth is formed by… of the mouth parts?: Maxillae (galeae)
- Typical antennae contain?: 3 parts
- Summer diapause is known as?: Aestivation
- Seed gall nematode is?: Anguina tritici
- The scientific name of the Indian honey bee is?: Apis cerana
- Bacteria are produced at the commercial level for pest control?: Bacillus thuringiensis
- The example of the safest organochlorine insecticide?: Methoxychlor
- Termites live in?: Social colonies
- DDVP has a slight fumigation, contact and?: Stomach poison
- Bipectinate antennae are present in?: Tasar silk moth
- An important insect pest of rice nursery is?: Thrips (Stenchaetothrips biformis)
- Biological control of rice borer is?: Trichogramma japonicum
- Insect blood does not contain?: Vitamin K
- Thrips have a fringed type of?: Wings
- NCIPM was established in?: 1988 (New Delhi)
- The vector for mango malformation is?: Mite, Aceria Mangiferae & Fungus, Fusarium spp.
- Thorax is made up of?: 3 segments
- Large circular bore holes with fecal pellets on bolls are the symptoms of?: American bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera)
- Methyl Bromide is being gradually phased out against stored product pests because?: It affects the ozone layer in the stratosphere
- The largest size of cultivated honey bee is?: Apis dorsata
- Avermectins are derived from?: Bacteria
- Raking of soil around the ber tree is advocated for the management of?: Ber fruit fly (Carpomyia vesuviana)
- In India, which transgenic crop is approved for commercial cultivation?: cotton
- Gall-forming group of insects is?: Cecidomyidae
- Black fly is a serious pest of?: Citrus
- Hind legs of the honey bee are also known as?: Corbicula
- Crop rotation is one of the… of pest management?: Cultural methods
- Bt cabbage is developed against?: Diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella)
- Sterile insect technique (SIT) was developed by?: F. Knipling & Bushland (1937)
- Chemically, chitin is?: Polysaccharide
- Pore canals are present in which layer of the insect integument?: Epicuticle
- The chief producer of lac is?: Perigrinus maidis
- In the mouthparts of a bug, the stylets are… in number?: Four
- Neurosecretory cells normally occur in the central nervous system in the?: Ganglion
- The larva of coleopteran and hymenoptera is known as?: Grub
- The labium is known as rostrum in?: Hemiptera
- The intraspecific chemicals of insects are known as?: Hormones
- The tongue of insects is also called?: Hypopharynx.
- Termite control can also be done by?: Irrigation.
- Kusum is associated with?: Lac insect.
- Scientific name of Brinjal shoot and fruit borer is?: Leucinodes arbonalis.
- The gland which produces pheromone in queen honeybee?: Mandibular gland.
- Forewings are present on?: Mesothorax.
- Red hairy caterpillar pupates in?: Mont soil.
- The activation hormone produced by?: Neurosecretory cells of the brain.
- Endosulfan is an example of?: Organochlorine group of insecticides.
- The membrane that protects midgut epithelium in an insect is?: Peritrophic.
- Male mosquitoes contain?: Plumose type of antennas.
- Which company works on GM mustard?: Pro-agro.
- Which crop is attacked by Tetraneura nigriabdominalis?: Ragi.
- Bleaching agent to clear the wings of lepidopterans is a mixture of?: Sodium chloride and sodium hypochlorite.
- The function of spermatheca in insects is to?: Store sperms.
- Gustatory receptors are associated with?: Thrips.
- Asymmetrical mouthparts are present in?: Trichogramma sp.
- Eggs of Corcyra are used as a medium for culturing the biocontrol organisms?: Kirby.
- Who is known as the father of entomology?: Wood.
- Powderpost beetles cause damage to?: 2002.
- When was Bt. cotton introduced in India?: Order Hemiptera.
- 1 ATP is equivalent to?: 76 kcal.
- In winged insects, dilated trachea are known as?: Air sac.
- Important sex pheromone of the white grub beetle is?: Anisol.
- Royal jelly is rich in?: Proteins.
- Among the insect pathogens, the most promising biocontrol agents are?: Bacteria.
- Ferrolure is used in the management of?: Red palm weevil (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus)
- Recently method of control of bollworm is? – Transgenic plants.
- Outermost layer of body wall is? – Cement layer.
- Type of leg present in housefly? – Climbing.
- The scientific name of rice moth is? – Corcyra cephalonia.
- Cultivation of resistant variety is the method of pest control? – Cultural method.
- Insecticide resistance is observed in? – Diamond back moth.
- Chaffiness of individual grains in paddy earheads is because of? – Earhead bug.
- Leucinodes orbonalis infests vegetables? – Eggplant.
- Non-chitinous layer of integument in insects is? – Epicuticle and Endocuticle.
- Third segment of the leg? – Femur.
- The number of primarily wingless/apterygote insect orders are? –
- What is not a measure of diversity? – Gausse’s index.
- Mandibulosuctorial type of mouth parts is found in? – Grub of antlion.
- Plant bugs belong to the order? – Hemiptera.
- A blood-sucking fly attacking cattle? – Horsefly.
- Drooping of coffee berries with a hole in the naval region is due to? – Hypothenemus hampei.
- Termites belong to the order? – Isoptera.
- Rangeeni strain is related to? – Lac insect.
- Red-headed hairy caterpillar of groundnut can be effectively managed by? – Light traps.
- The tree banding is an effective method to prevent the upward movement of …… on mango? – Mango mealybug (Draschica mangiferae).
- The first pair of insect wings are borne on? – Mesothoracic segment.
- Termites have what type of antennae? – Moniliform.
- Antilion flies are included in the order? – Neuroptera.
- DDT belongs to? – Organochlorines.
- Occurrence of pest on a regular basis at a particular place? – Persistent pest.
- Growing mustard as a trap crop is recommended in cabbage to check the infestation of? – Plutella.
- The weed killer for the suppression of Chromolaena odorata is? – Procedochares sp.
- Zinc phosphide is used against which non-insect pests? –
- Crop acts as a trap crop for cabbage DBM? – Rice moth.
- Major pest of sapota? – Seed borer.
- Insects are stronger than man because of physical properties related to their small size.
- Insects are beneficial because of pollinators, source of useful products, biological control agents.
- The most important vectors of human disease are fleas.
- The most important reason for the success of insects is their ability to fly.
- In grasshoppers, the sclerite on the front of the head between the frons and labrum is the clypeus.
- The modified hind wings in flies used for balance are called halteres.
- Another name for an insect walking leg is ambulatory.
- An insecticide that kills insects upon contact is called a contact insecticide.
- Something crawling on your dog with eight legs is a tick.
- Mosquito males locate females using their compound eyes.
- The use of X-ray irradiated flies for pest management is an example of sterile male release.
- The mode of action of organophosphate insecticides is acetylcholinesterase inhibition.
- Ants are the largest group of social insects with around 9,000 described species.
- The greatest threat to biodiversity is habitat degradation.
- Mutualisms have evolved between ants and plant-feeding insects that produce honeydew.
- The notion that preserving one species may aid in the preservation of many others is called the “umbrella & non-target effect.”
- Pathogen-derived resistance refers to the use of genes from a virus to protect a plant from a similar virus isolate.
- The highest form of sociality among insects is eusocial.
- Worker honey bees in a colony are sterile females, have the same mother, diploid.
- Honey bee caste determination is regulated by food.
- Termites differ from honeybees in that they are diploid with a fertile queen and king.
- The family of Drosicha mangiferae is Coccidae.
- The two most important structural insect pests in urban situations are termites and ants.
- The family of Emmalocera depressella is Pyralidae.
- The family of Spodoptera litura is Noctuidae.
- The family of Pectinophora gossypiella is Gelechiidae.
- Classical biological control is the importation and release of natural enemies from the native home of an alien insect pest.
- The family of Bemisia tabaci is Aleurodidae.
- All of the above (number of insects per leaf, per plant, per twig) are examples of relative methods to assess economic threshold levels for an insect pest.
- Quarantine of an insect pest involves limiting the movement of the pest and cooperation of the public.
- The equilibrium level in an insect population refers to fluctuations in the population around a mean.
- Insects use hormones for within the insect body, pheromones for intra-specifically, and allomones for inter-specifically.
- Worker bees use sight to interpret the honey bee waggle dance.
- The insect auditory sense structure that detects sound is called a tympanum.
- Insects create vibrations that send very specific intraspecific messages, used for efficient communication over short distances, representing a secure means of communication.
- The honey bee worker has a stinger which is a modified ovipositor and associated with a poison gland, and has a barb that can embed in the skin and be left behind to continue injecting venom.
- Bubonic plague is present in rodent populations along with its efficient flea vector in the Sierra Mountains of California.
- Density-independent mortality factors in insect populations include chemical insecticides, hurricanes, and temperature extremes.
- When predators interact with prey populations, both numerical and functional responses occur.
- An example of biological control against insects is the use of sex hormones.
- As human consumers become less tolerant of insect damage on fruit, the economic thresholds for fruit pests are likely to decrease.
- A synthetic pyrethroid is NOT considered an insect growth regulator.
- Organophosphate and carbamate insecticides work by disrupting an insect’s nervous system.
- The sterile-male technique would probably not work well for an insect pest whose population is extremely abundant.
- None of these (Malaise trap, light trap, sticky trap) is an “unbiased” sampling strategy.
- Breeding nursery stock for higher levels of secondary plant compounds would be an example of antibiosis.
- A beetle that feeds on kudzu is likely to be regarded as the most “useful” biological control agent.
- Insect pathogens belong to all of these groups (viruses and bacteria, protozoa and fungi, bacteria and protozoa).
- Pest outbreaks tend to occur when crops are planted in monoculture.
- Biological control is likely to be most effective when the predator or parasite has a high reproductive rate.
- The insect orders that contain species important to pests of domestic animals are Diptera and Phthiraptera.
- Chemical control is likely to have the greatest impact on non-target organisms.
- The insect order most closely related to Diptera is Hymenoptera.
- Lobsters and shrimp belong to the class Crustacea.
- The order Hemiptera contains bed bugs and stink bugs.
- Thysanoptera is not holometabolous.
- The order Phasmatodea is exclusively herbivorous.
- The order Phthiraptera is exclusively parasitic.
- Sucking mouthparts are NOT found in ants.
- All ametabolous insects are wingless.
- Immatures of the Neuroptera would be classified as predators.
- The orders Mantodea, Dermaptera, and Isoptera have chewing mouthparts in common.
- The insect order most closely related to Dermaptera is Orthoptera.
- Spiders have chelicerae.
- The order Orthoptera contains crickets and grasshoppers.
- The characteristic not found in Onychophora is jointed legs with claws.
- The order exclusively hematophagous (blood feeders) is Siphonaptera.
- Hamuli is always associated with the Hymenoptera.
- Chewing mouthparts never occur in fleas.
- All neopterous insects are ectognathous.
- The developmental stage found only in the Ephemeroptera is the subimago.
- The orders most important in the transmission of human disease are Diptera and Phthiraptera.
- A naiad is best described as an aquatic nymph.
- The order most closely related to Dermaptera is Isoptera.
- Chelicerate arthropods include spiders and ticks.
- It is true for all crustacea that they have chewing mouthparts.
- The insect order never associated with plants is Siphonaptera.
- Human disease pathogens are transmitted by the order Diptera.
- Odonata and Plecoptera are similar because both have aquatic nymphs.
- The order that never lives in aquatic environments is Orthoptera.
- Hemiptera and Hymenoptera are similar because both have neopterous wings.
- The insect order most commonly found in soil litter is Collembola.
- In a male insect, the structure lying below (ventral to) the anus is the aedeagus.
- Quinone would be found in the exocuticle but NOT in the endocuticle.
- The elytra are attached to the mesothorax.
- The shell of an insect’s egg is called the chorion.
- Damage symptoms of Emmalocera depressella are dead hearts that cannot be pulled easily.
- A seta is unicellular.
- The function of the micropyle in an insect’s egg is sperm entrance.
- The mandibles lie between the labrum and the maxillae.
- A line of weakness between adjacent sclerites that breaks during molting is called an ecdysial suture.
- Chitin is most abundant in the procuticle.
- All displacements, rotations, and revolutions of the embryo within the egg of insects are called blastokinesis.
- The type of chemical monomer forming the backbone of a chitin molecule is sugar.
- The pupae in insects which have articulated mandibles are termed decticous.
- The structure lying between the buccal cavity and the salivarium is the hypopharynx.
- An empodium would be found on an insect’s pretarsus.
- Indirect flight muscles cause wing movement by moving thoracic sclerites.
- The maximum number of ocelli that may be found in an adult insect is three.
- A type of parasitism where the host is attacked by two or more species of parasitoids is termed multiple parasitism.
- The sclerite lying below (ventral to) the frons is the clypeus.
- A tormogen cell is always associated with a seta.
- Chitin is a very important part of the insect’s exoskeleton because it is flexible and elastic.
- Sub-imaginal moulting is present in: Caddisfly
- The genital opening on a typical insect is found: Just above the epiproct.
- Parapsidal furrows would be located: On the epimeron.
- Between the wax and cement layers of the exoskeleton lies the: Cuticulin layer.
- A suture absent on the head capsule is: Subgenal suture.
- Incorrectly stated about valvulae is: They are arranged in three pairs.
- Describing the cibarium: A muscular pump that sucks food into the mouth.
- Elastic regions of the exoskeleton: Lack a well-defined exocuticle.
- Not part of the central nervous system: Frontal ganglion.
- Compound eyes for perceiving: Shape or size.
- Foraging ants’ chemical trail: Pheromone.
- Deutocerebrum innervates the: Antennae.
- An ommatidium is a: Functional unit of the compound eye.
- Fly larvae move away from light due to: Taxis.
- Myosin and actin in insects are proteins of the: Muscular system.
- The circumesophageal connective joins the: Tritocerebrum with the subesophageal ganglion.
- Instinctive behavior is: More stereotyped, less complex, not subject to evolutionary change.
- Female insect returning to her larval host plant to lay eggs is an example of: Imprinting.
- Sense of smell in most insects is localized in the: Antennae.
- Insects with dichromatic vision have maximum color discrimination in the range from: Yellow to blue.
- Mandibular gland substance of the queen honey bee inhibits ovarian development among worker bees, an example of: Pheromone.
- If a nerve impulse started in the tritocerebrum and passed through the stomodeal nervous system until it reached the heart, it would not pass through the: Subesophageal ganglion.
- Mechanoreceptors in insects would NOT be sensitive to: Water vapor.
- Stridulation is a method of producing sound by: Rubbing body parts together.
- In an ant nest, all workers are: Adult females.
- The most similar sensory functions are found in: Chordotonal organs and tympana.
- A firefly would most likely be classified as a: Crepuscular insect.
- Female pseudergates may molt into determinant nymphs whenever: Soldier pheromone is too high.
- All insects must communicate in order to: Locate food.
- Any chemical used to repel predators would always be classified as a: Allomone.
- Insects that share a common nest site but do not care for their young are said to be: Communal.
- In insects, “Sectorials” is associated with: Mouthparts.
- Communication signal with low information content but long-lasting in the environment is: Marking pheromones.
- The main excretory product found in insects is: Uric acid.
- An acute dermal LD-50 of 50 mg/kg means: 50% of the insects can be killed with 50 mg of the product.
- Anaphylactic shock is an extreme type of: Allergic reaction.
- Transmission of Vibrio cholerae by flies is an example of: Mechanical transmission.
- Compared to first-generation pesticides, newer compounds are: More selective and less persistent.
- Generally accepted mode of action for organophosphate insecticides is: Cholinesterase inhibitor.
- Host plant resistance characterized by the ability to outgrow and repair damage from insect attack is called: Tolerance.
- Cultural method for controlling insects includes: Crop rotation.
- Second and third-generation pesticides characterized by a relatively high degree of environmental persistence are: Organophosphates.
- Best sampling strategy for soil-dwelling insects is: Berlese funnel.
- Common name incorrectly written is: Lightning bug.
- Economic thresholds for fruit pests are likely to: Decrease.
- Displacement of insects within or close to the breeding habitat is called: Dispersal.
- Organophosphate and carbamate insecticides disrupt an insect’s: Nervous system.
- Gnats belong to the order: Dipterans.
- Thysanoptera have mouthparts adapted for: Rasping-sucking.
- Polleniferous apparatus is present in honey bee on the: Metaleg.
- Differentiation of insects’ body into distinct functional regions is called: Tagmosis.
- Spotted lanternfly is also called: Plant-hoppers.
- Compound eyes on a stalk are found in: Blowfly.
- Saliva of blood-sucking insects does not contain: Enzymes.
- Fermentation-Pouch is a structural modification in the: Proventriculus.
- Control strategy likely to have the greatest impact on non-target organisms is: Biological control.
- The pedicel is the name for the: 1st antennal segment.
- Hormone NOT found in adult insects is: Brain hormone (PTTH).
- Aquatic immatures of holometabolous insects are known as: Larvae.
- Arthropod with eyes, antennae, mandibles, and 10 pairs of legs belongs to the class: Crustacea.
- “Lumpers” sometimes include Blattodea and Phasmida as suborders of: Orthoptera.
- Chewing mouthparts are not found in: Thrips.
- Exclusively herbivorous order is: Thysanoptera.
- Germ band in insect development differentiates into: Three germ layers.
- Part of a molt not occurring during apolysis is: Activation of molting fluid.
- Hormone inhibiting the development of imaginal discs in larval insects is: Juvenile hormone.
- A high titer of juvenile hormone should not be found: In an adult male.
- Width of the area treated in one pass by a sprayer is called: Swath.
- Embryo begins to develop in an insect egg as soon as: The zygote nucleus starts to divide.
- Order NOT included by “lumpers” in Orthoptera is: Isoptera.
- Common characteristics of insects and crustaceans include: Mandibulate mouthparts, jointed legs, open circulatory system.
- In an obtect pupa, the larval exoskeleton becomes: A puparium.
- Structures found in an eruciform larva but not in a scarabaeiform larva include: Prolegs.
- Order most closely related to Neuroptera is: Mecoptera.
- Class most closely related to Insecta is: Crustacea.
- Group of insects with simple metamorphosis is: Bugs.
- Insect blood does not: Contain antibodies.
- First pair of post-oral appendages in insects is called: Mandibles.
- Insects NOT damaging horticultural crops as immatures include: Butterflies.
- Insects classified as decomposers include: Termites.
- Sclerite below the epistomal suture is: Clypeus.
- Chewing mouthparts absent in: Thrips.
- Correct statement about insect development is: The embryo is nourished by yolk stored in the egg.
- Specialized types of chordotonal organs situated on the second antennal segment of most insects are: Johnston’s organs.
- Order both ectognathous and wingless
- Behavior patterns that change drastically over the lifetime of an insect are probably: Learned.
- Information that could NOT be determined from a life table is: Environmental carrying capacity.
- Insect becoming active around sunset even without seeing the sun is an example of: Circadian rhythm.
- Ants using landmarks to guide back to their nest entrance is an example of: Imprinting.
- Chemicals released by threatened aphids to elicit defensive behavior in ants are: Kairomones.
- Substances in bark beetle frass attracting predators & parasites are: Kairomones.
- Predator changing its search image in response to prey density change exhibits a: Numerical response.
- Foul-smelling flower pollinators are most likely: Carrion beetles.
- If an insect’s subesophageal ganglion were paralyzed, it would be unable to: Fly.
- Parthenogenesis producing only females in insects is termed: Thelytoky.
- Ants remembering a food trail by landmarks is an example of: Instrumental learning.
- Male empiid fly giving up courtship after failure is an example of: Habituation.
- The central nervous system of an insect controls the: Heart and foregut.
- Major differences between European and Africanized honey bees are: Behavior (aggressiveness).
- An ommatidium is the functional unit of the: Compound eye.
- An example of an entrainment cue could be: Darkness before sunrise.
- It is possible that an immature insect might imprint on: Darkness before sunrise.
- A primary ecological event is: Competition.
- A secondary ecological event is: Predation.
- An example of a Mullerian mimic is: A bee that looks like a wasp.
- Family of the Helicoverpa armigera is: Noctuidae.
- Visceral (stomodaeal) Nervous System consists of: Subesophageal ganglion.
- Part of the insect brain is: Optic lobes.
- Digestive organ preventing regurgitation in insects: Cibarium.
- Bee-bread consists of: Pollen and nectar or honey.
- Beetle is: Coleoptera.
- Largest bioluminescent group of insects belongs to: Coleoptera.
- Order showing hypermetamorphosis is: Coleoptera.
- Moderately hazardous toxicity is represented by the color: Yellow.
- Tanymecus indicus feeds on: Sorghum.
- Antidote of organochlorine insecticides includes: All of these.
- Active ingredient in Tracer is: Spinosad.
- Chemicals that kill pests are called: Insecticides.
- Immature stage of a beetle is termed as: Larva.
- Mites have pairs of legs and two distinct body regions: 4.
- Predator has mouthparts for: Piercing.
- Instar is: Stage between two molts.
- Cotton jassid belongs to the insect order: Homoptera.
- If an insecticide has a dose rate of 170 ml/acre and a pack size of 700 ml, it will spray: 4 acres.
- If 500 m² sprayed with 16 liters of knapsack sprayer, the spray volume used per acre is: 128 liters.
- PB-rope L is a: Sex pheromone.
- IGR affects: Larval development.
- Nozzle used for spraying a weedicide is: None of them.
- Active ingredient in Steward is: Indoxacarb.
- Pest spectrum of Steward on cotton crop includes: Heliothus, Spodoptera, Earias.
- Helicoverpa armigera eggs are: Scattered mainly on 1/3 portion of the plant.
- Cotton sticks should be placed to reduce pink bollworm carry over: Vertically.
- PB-rope is a successful IPM tool for management of: Pink bollworm.
- Pink bollworm takes diapause in: All of the above.
- Green band is present on fore-wing of moth of: Earias insulana.
- Rosette flower is attacked by: None of these.
- Gurdaspur borer over-winters as: Larva.
- Brinjal fruit borer over-winters as: Adult.
- The stage of maize stem borer that damages maize is: Larvae.
- Rice stem borer hibernates as: Pupa.
- Pesticide ordinance was imposed in: 1973.
- Rice burn is caused by: Rice hispa.
- Chilo partellus lays eggs on: None of these.
- Bracon hebetor is: Larval parasitoid.
- Epipyrope melanoluca is: Pupal parasitoid.
- Red pumpkin beetle lays eggs: On upper side of leaves.
- Mango mealy bug has 1
- First insect fossil was found in: Scotland.
- The international code of zoological nomenclature consists of: 77 articles.
- Which one of the following is not a head sclerite? Epimeron.
- Which one of the following is a cross vein? Cubitus.
- In Hymenoptera, the first abdominal segment which is fused with metathorax is called: Gaster.
- Which one of the following is an abdominal appendage? Cerci.
- Which of the following muscles are directly related to wings? Basalar muscle.
- The alimentary canal of an insect is derived from: Ectoderm & Endoderm.
- Most of the caterpillars have pseudolegs on abdominal segments: 3-6 & 10.
- Which one of the following is a wingless hexapod with six abdominal segments? Thysanura.
- Monocondylic single mandible is found in: Hymenoptera.
- Most of the insects excrete 80-90 % of their nitrogen waste in the form of: Uric acid.
- Which of the following is a systemic insecticide? Imidachloprid.
- The density of pest population at which control measure should be applied is called: ETL.
- The fertilized female of lac insect lays eggs ranging from: 200-500.
- Which of the following bugs is a pest of brinjal? None of these.
- Sugarcane borer that does not belong to the family Pyralidae: Chilo auricilia.
- Which of the following is a neuropteran predator? Chrysoperla.
- Chemical name of Proclaim is: Emmamectan-benzoate.
- Proleg of mole cricket is: Fossorial type.
- Trade name of diafenthioron is: Polo.
- Chemical present in Mospilon: Buprofezin.
- Malathion is an insecticide: Locosystemic.
- ETL level of mites in cotton is: No ETL.
- Which term is used for the movement of coxa towards the body? Adduction.
- If one mesothoracic & eight abdominal spiracles are functional in insects, then the respiratory system is called: Perineustic.
- The origin of foregut is: Endodermal.
- Foregut is lined internally by: Epithelial membrane.
- The function of the peritrophic membrane is: Protection.
- The nervous system of insects is derived from: Ectoderm.
- Stick insects & leaf insects belong to the order: Phasmida.
- Order Odonata includes: Dragonflies.
- The genus of the cotton stainer is: Dysdercus.
- In the formation of the cuticle, which of the following layers is secreted first? Exo-cuticle.
- Moulting fluid is able to digest: Cuticulin layer.
- Pheromones are synthesized by: Glandular epidermal cells.
- The gland that produces pheromones in the queen honey bee is: Mandibular glands.
- Which of the following organs are involved in excretion? All of these.
- Factors on which penetration of insecticide through insect cuticle does not depend on: Nature of the carriers and solvents.
- In physiological considerations, the resistance to insecticide may be developed due to: All of the above.
- Nicotinic effects of organo-phosphatic insecticide result in: Ataxia.
- Insects feeding on plants of several genera within a family are called: Polyphagous.
- Which of the following orders comprise phytophagous insects? Siphonoptera.
- Which of the following orders comprise predatory insects? Neuroptera.
- Which of the following orders comprise parasitic insects? Hymenoptera.
- Which of the following cotton pests belong to the family Pyrrhocoridae? None of these.
- Which of the following produces more lac, & is important for commercial production of lac? Female.
- The fertilized female of mulberry silkworm lays eggs within 24 hours: 200-300.
- Where the nectar is converted into honey? In the alimentary canal of the worker.
- The average locust swarm spreads over 15 km2.
- Parthenogenesis producing only males is termed Arrhenotoky.
- Minimum period for assessing biocontrol agent effectiveness: 3 years.
- Horizontal resistance is also known as General.
- The device for atomization at the end of a spray-launce is Nozzle.
- Solid cone nozzle forms liquid cones due to Bigger size of the orifice plate.
- The nozzle used for producing mist is Annular nozzle.
- The nozzle used to produce fog is Centrifugal energy nozzle.
- The fat body’s major cellular component is Trophocytes.
- The European species among the options is Apis mellifera.
- Bacillus thuringiensis is most effective at pH 3-6.
- Bollworm attacking tender growing shoot of cotton is Pectinophora gossypiella.
- Fungivorous insects are not found in Macrotermitidae.
- Macro environment is Overall environment of a certain area.
- Ecological action refers to Effect of various factors on the life of an individual.
- Insects with high reproductive rates and low survival are r-strategists.
- Measures of insect population size based on effects are Population indices.
- White-head in rice is due to Rice hoppers.
- Most important physical factor affecting insect life is Temperature.
- Optimum temperature range for most insects is 10-20 °C.
- Apholate is an example of Chemosterilant.
- Butanone acetate is specific for correcta.
- Directed insect movement in response to light is Phototaxis.
- Non-directional insect movements in light are Photokinesis.
- Insects active in daytime are Diurnal.
- Insects active at night are Nocturnal.
- Insects active at dawn or dusk are Crepuscular.
- Insects perceive light in the range of 2500-7000 º A.
- Community’s living environment is termed Biome.
- A regional ecosystem is termed Biome.
- Entire earth with living organisms is called Biosphere.
- 100 ºC equals 212 ºF.
- Freezing point of water is 32 ºF.
- Boiling point of water is 212 ºF.
- Most efficient thermometers used are Gas filled thermometers.
- Alcohol responds to temperature change in 1-2 seconds.
- Mercury filled thermometer responds in 7-8 seconds.
- Study of species in relation to environment is called Autecology.
- Study of community in relation to environment is called Synecology.
- Competition within the same species is Intra specific competition.
- Interaction where one species is harmed is Negative interaction.
- Interaction where one species is benefited is Positive interaction.
- Interaction where both species benefit is Symbiosis.
- Interaction where food is exchanged is Trophallaxix.
- Neutral association where both live neutrally is Neutral interaction.
- Biotic components of an ecosystem include Both animals and plants.
- Natality refers to Birth rate.
- Mortality refers to Death rate.
- Living place of an individual is called Habitat.
- Role of an individual in the community is called Niche.
- Acarology is the study of Mites.
- Mites and ticks collectively are Arachnids.
- Mites belong to Class Arachnida.
- Mites are second in diversity after Insects.
- Mites generally have 4 pairs of walking legs.
- Mites usually have 0 pair of antenna.
- Mites’ body is divided into 3 regions.
- Fused head and thorax are Cephalothorax.
- Two spotted spider mites belong to family Tetranychidae.
- Organism causing harm is termed Pest.
- Scutellum is present on Thorax.
- Phylum Arthropoda is divided into 6 classes.
- Viviparous insects produce young ones.
- Free living animal attacking others is Predator.
- Study of insects is Entomology.
- Insects found everywhere are termed Cosmopolitan insects.
- Study of insect form and structure is Insect morphology.
- Whiteflies’ eggs are Stalked.
- Three main parts of antennae are Scape, Pedicel, Flagellum.
- Antennae are lacking in Protura.
- A material used to dilute active material is called Adjuvant.
- The food of honey bee queen is called Royal jelly.
- Rearing of silk worm for commercial production of silk is called Sericulture.
- Lac is produced by insects Laceifera lacca.
- The ability of a plant to be less damaged by insects is Plant Resistance.
- A population or group of insects composed of a single genotype is called Biotype.
- The most social insect is Honeybee.
- Termites have bacteria and protozoa in their digestive system.
- Butterflies have antennae Clavate.
- An example of a monophagous insect is Green lace wing.
- The mixture of active and inert ingredients is called Formulation.
- An antidote is a treatment given to counteract the effect of poison.
- The parasite that requires only one host for its complete life cycle is called Monophagous parasite.
- The pesticide used for killing or controlling the eggs of insects is Ovicide.
- The chemical used for control of insects is called Insecticide.
- Cypermethrin, Deltamethrin, Permethrin are examples of Pyrethroids.
- Desert locust is a Key pest.
- Use of living organism to bring down the pest population below economic threshold level is called Biological control.
- An egg parasitoid of lepidopterous insect is Trichogramma sp.
- Population prediction of a particular species within field is called Pest scouting.
- Zinc phosphide is a Rodenticide.
- Insects are Cold blooded animals.
- Most insects require Vitamin B.
- Fleas Never fly.
- Mole cricket cut the root of the plant.
- The family of Mosquito is Cullicidae.
- Photogenic organs are present in Fire flies.
- Chrysoperla carnea is known as Predator.
- In honey bees, a flight for mating purpose is called Nuptial flight.
- Total or complete resistance against any adverse condition is called Immunity.
- Costal margin of wing of insect is Frontal margin.
- Apical margin of wing of insect is Outer margin.
- Dragonfly and damselfly have type of legs Raptorial.
- Jumping legs present in grasshopper known as Saltatorial.
- Function of Exo cuticle in insect is Rigidity of body.
- The insect skeleton is composed of series of plates called Sclerites.
- Fast-acting pheromones are Primers.
- Social behavior is present in Termites, ants, bees.
- Productive insects include Silkworms, lac insects, honey bees.
- The rapid reappearance of the pest population in injurious number is called Pest resurgence.
- Various methods of pest scouting are Maryos method, Diagonal method, Zigzag method.
- Potential pest is also called Secondary pest.
- Aphis lions are predators of Aphid.
- Pheromone used against the fruit fly is Methyl eugenol.
- The concentration of toxicant that kills 50% of the exposed organism is called LC50.
- Toxin refers to a Poison.
- A substance that is destructive to nerve tissue is called Neurotoxin.
- A substance added to a pesticide to improve the qualities of pesticides formulation is called Adjuvant.
- A chemical which inhibits clotting mechanisms of the blood is called Anticoagulants.
- The antidote of anticoagulant rodenticide is Vitamin K.
- Diazepam is an antidote of Organophosphates.
- The pesticide that does not allow larval insect pest to moult further is called Insect growth regulator.
- Antecedents prevent pests from causing damage is called Protectant.
- For safe application of pesticide, goggles, respirator, overall, gloves, and head cores are required.
- The ingredient of pesticide formulation responsible for the toxic effect is called Active ingredient.
- Mosquitoes, bed bugs are Intermittent parasites.
- Insects that are parasites to other insects are called Entomophagous parasites.
- The control of pests by human controlling activities and laws is called Regulatory control.
- Cotton bollworms, sugarcane borers are Major pests.
- All the practices used to control the pest population within a certain limit are called Cultural control.
- The lowest pest population that will cause economic damage is called Economic threshold level.
- The pest which damages the crop and causes a loss in quality or such pest is called Economic pest.
- The largest insect of the world is Elephant beetle.
- Where the most insects are abundant is in the Tropical region.
- The female mosquito bites humans.
- Fireflies are beetles.
- Commercial rearing of honey is called Apiculture.
- Bee bread is Pollen and nectar.
- The colony of termites is called Termiterium.
- The bees not reared for commercial purpose are called Wild bees.
- The slow-acting pheromones are called Primers.
- The enzyme that breaks protein is Protease.
- Coccomofian in response to touch is Hydrokinensis.
- The hearing organs in grasshopper are Tympanal organs.
- The organ of the digestive system that prevents regurgitation is Crop.
- The pheromone that causes moulting in insects is Ecdysone.
- Metalegs of worker honeybee is Pollen collecting.
- Grasshopper and Cockroach following type of wings are Tegmina.
- Compodeiform is a type of Pupae.
- Housefly has mouthparts Sponging type.
- A few species of ants and termites which depend on cultivated plants are Agricultural insects.
- Suffering caused in insects due to lack of food is called Starvation.
- Young ones of a fly are Maggot.
- The resting stage in endopterygota is called Pupae.
- S.O. stands for Technical Sales Officer.
- The living organisms that are usually large, stronger, and more intelligent than the parasite are called Predator.
- Termites workers are A non-reproductive female.
- The area of each Haemocytometer counting chamber is 1 mm².
- The solution used for blood cell counting is Toisson’s solution.
- Basophilic cells are Prohaemocytes.
- The blood cells that perform the function of coagulation are known as Prohemocytes.
- Granular Hemocytes are produced from Prohemocytes.
- The number of blood cells in one mm³ is more than 1,00,000.
- Phagocytosis in the body is done by Granular hemocytes.
- The function of hemocytopoietic organs is Production of blood cell.
- Close-packed fibres contain Nuclei at all places.
- The size of tubular muscle fibers is 10-100 µm.
- Huxley and A-F Huley gave the model of Muscle contraction.
- Aerodynamics deals with Motion of gases.
- Upward movement of wing is known as Upstroke.
- Wing Muscle frequency for Aedes spp. is 600 HZ.
- The structure of ecdysone is similar to Cholesterol.
- An example of a lipid-related hormone is Allatotropin.
- Tyrosine is an example of a non-essential Aminoacid.
- Corpora cardiaca produce Prothoracicotropic Hormone.
- Shedding of old skin is done by Moulting hormone.
- Bursicon performs the function of Tanning.
- Corpora allata is an Endocrine glands.
- The concentration of Juvenile Hormone is high at Larval stage.
- An embryo having three layers during development is known as Gastrula.
- When the embryo’s head end moves towards the posterior pole of the egg, this movement is known as Anatrepsis.
- The eggs of Dermatobia (Diptera) are stimulated to hatch by Warmth.
- Maceration is the process of Clearing.
- The most important tanning agent is Sclerotin.
- Proventriculus performs the function of Digestion.
- Gizzard has four mobile lips with spines on them, for straining in Beetles.
- Goblet cells of the midgut in Lepidoptera accumulate Metal and dyes.
- The pH of the midgut is 9.
- D-amylase acts on α-1,4-glycosidic bonds.
- Higher termites digest cellulose with the help of Protozoa.
- Hemicellulases can hydrolyze Pentosan.
- Pepsin acts only in Acidic medium.
- The excretory function of Malpighian tubules is observed by Marcello Malpighi (1669).
- The excretory product which is less toxic and insoluble is called Uric acid.
- The H Ratio in uric acid is None (not provided).
- In mosquitoes, the anal lobe can absorb Salts.
- Muscles responsible for heart beat in insects are Pulsating muscles.
- In insects, oxygen is delivered by Tracheal system.
- Plasma of blood contains 90% H2O.
- The neuron that conducts signals away from the central nervous system is known as Efferent neurons.
- Antennal sensilla are an example of Chemoreceptors.
- Repeatedly firing of mechanoreceptors as long as the stimulus persists is known as Tonic response.
- Pressure receptors give information about depth/height to Aquatic insects.
- Tympanal organs are present on the front tibia in Moths.
- Chemical substances in gaseous form are detected in insects by Olfactory receptors.
- The type of birth in which the insect directly lays young ones is known as Oviparity.
- Pupae having appendages free and visible externally are present in Butterflies.
- The study of the adverse effects of chemicals on living organisms is called Toxicology.
- Any agent that is capable of producing a deleterious response in biological systems, producing death, is called a Poison.
- Toxicity of a chemical depends on Time, Concentration, and Route of administration.
- When the action of one chemical reduces the other chemical, it is known as Antagonism.
- Effects produced by the ingestion of caustic substances or of irritant material are known as Local toxicity.
- The time required to kill 50% of the test animals is LD50.
- The margin of safety is LD1/ED99.
- Toxicity of an insecticide by administration of a single lethal dose for a short period of time is Acute.
- Acaricides are used to kill Mites.
- Chemicals used to kill birds are Avicides.
- Chemicals used to kill fish are Piscicides.
- Chemicals used to destroy or inactivate harmful microorganisms are Disinfectants.
- Poisons that cause unconsciousness in insects and are fat soluble are Narcotic poisons.
- Poisons that inhibit the acetylcholinesterase resulting in a buildup of acetylcholine are Nerve poisons.
- Insecticides that block the insect spiracles are Physical poisons.
- Sodium arsenate is Inorganic.
- Nereistoxin is a compound having origin Animal.
- Rotenone is a compound having origin Plant.
- Strobane belongs to the group Organochlorine.
- Acephate belongs to the group Organophosphate.
- Aldicarb belongs to the group Carbamate.
- Diafenthuron belongs to the group Pyrethroids.
- Imidacloprid is a Nicotinyl insecticide.
- Methyl bromide is a Fumigant.
- Bifenthrin belongs to the group Pyrethroid.
- Dicofol is an Insecticide.
- Benzyl benzoate repels Ticks.
- Carbamates have the same mode of action as Organophosphate.
- Reduction in metabolism of phase I.
- Carboxylesterases are metabolism of class II.
- The extent of toxicity depends on Time of exposure, Concentration, and Route of administration.
- Toxin produced by microbes is Bacterial toxin.
- Toxin that is injected by sting/bite is Venom.
- The study of insects that inhabit the flesh of dead bodies of humans and animals for purposes of law of toxicology is Forensic entomology.
- Ethyl alcohol has an LD50 value (mg/kg) of 10,000.
- The chemical is more toxic if LD50 is Low.
- Nephrotoxic is a chemical toxic to Kidney.
- Indoxacarb is the active ingredient of Steward.
- Repeated exposure to a chemical for 1 month or less is Sub-chronic.
- The compounds with the ability to cause birth deformities are Teratogenic.
- Pyrethroids have more half-life.
- When two chemicals control balance each other by producing an opposite effect on the same physiological function, it is Chemical antagonism.
- EC formulation has less active ingredient quantity.
- Methyl Eugenol is an Attractant.
- Chemical used in the treatment of moth and timber proofing against Impregnating material.
- The minimal effective dose of any chemical that evokes a stated all or none response is called ED.
- The ability to give the maximum response of a chemical is Potency.
- Thigmotropism is exhibited by Click beetles.
- Kairomone has utility for Both emitter and receiver.
- The study of insects is called Entomology.
- Any organism that harms or causes damage to humans directly or indirectly is called a Pest.
- Insects belong to the class Insecta.
- The practice of dining on one’s own species is Cannibalism.
- Insects that pass through complex or complete metamorphosis are called Holometabola.
- The young ones of holometabolous insects are called Larvae.
- Insects which develop their wings externally belong to the class Exopterygota.
- The resting stage of endopterygote insects is Pupa.
- The young ones of hemimetabolous insects that are terrestrial in habitat are Nymphs.
- Larvae of beetles are known as Grubs.
- Young ones of flies are Maggots.
- The form of an insect after complete metamorphosis is Imago.
Entomology notes / Entomology Oneliner
- The type of diapause which occurs in winter is: Hibernation
- Suffering caused in an insect due to lack of food: Starvation
- Insects that feed on one type of food: Monophagous
- Insects which feed on other insects are known as: Entomophagous
- Aphids are an example of: Viviparous
- Insects that are active at night are: Nocturnal
- Insects which are active during morning or evening twilight: Crepuscular
- In the insect, the ganglion is a part of: Nervous system
- Insects that are found everywhere: Cosmopolitan insects
- Male and female mosquitoes have: Plumose, Pilose
- House flies’ antennae are: Aristate
- The dorsal sclerotized region of the insect body is: Tergum
- The lateral sclerotized portion is: Pleuron
- The main body region of insects are: Tagmosis
- Grasshoppers and crickets have mouthparts: Biting chewing type
- Costal margin of the wing of an insect is: Frontal margin
- Campodeiform is a type of: Larva
- Type of pupae with appendages are free and not glued to the body: Exarate
- Hind wings of true flies are modified into tiny knobbed structures called: Halteres
- Beetles and weevils have forewings that are very thick and hard called: Elytra
- Dragonflies and damselflies have a type of legs called: Basket-forming
- Tentorium is: Endoskeleton of the head
- The function of the exo-cuticle is: Rigidity of body parts
- Insect body divided into external grooves is called: Suture
- The hormone that causes moulting is: Ecdysone
- Enzymes that break proteins are called: Proteases
- Type of reproduction in which young ones are produced from unfertilized eggs is called: Parthenogenesis
- The hearing organ in grasshoppers is: Tympanal organ
- Locomotion in response to odor is called: Stereokinesis
- Fast-acting pheromones are called: Releasers
- Social behavior is present in: Termites
- The ability of a plant by which it is less damaged by insects is called: Tolerance
- Complete resistance against adverse conditions is called: Immunity
- The identical food of a queen is called: Royal jelly
- Lac is produced by an insect called: Laccifer lacca
- Commercial rearing of honey is called: Apiculture
- Silk is produced by an insect called: Bombyx mori
- The largest insect in the world is: Elephant beetle
- Insects are abundant in: Tropical regions
- The insect that cuts the roots of plants is: Mole Cricket
- The rapid reappearance of a pest population in injurious numbers is called: Pest resurgence
- The amount of pest-induced injury level to the crop that will justify the cost of artificial control measures is called: Economic damage
- Proventriculus is a part of: Digestive system
- The family of the desert locust is: Acrididae
- Curclionidae is the family of: Weevils
- Subimaginal moulting occurs in: Mayflies
- Secondary Male genitalia are present in: Odonata
- Anal fold in the wing develops for the first time in: Plecoptera
- Tegmina are present in: Orthoptera
- Telson tail is present in: Thysanura
- Six-segmented abdomen is present in: Dictyoptera
- Mouth parts are asymmetrical in: Thysanoptera
- Division of labor is present in: Honeybees
- Sexual dimorphism occurs in: Human louse
- When the immature ones are capable of producing young ones it is called: Paedogenesis
- When all spiracles are functional in insect respiration it is called: Holopneustic
- Nodus and pterostigma are present in the wing of: Odonates
- All members are parasitic in nature in the insect order: Strepsiptera
- Jugum in an insect is a part of: Wing
- Hamuli on the wing are present in: Hymenopterous insects
- Egg-laying capability in insects is known as: Fecundity
- Utilization of all the resources in the present area by an insect species community is called: Niche
- A living place of an insect population is known as: Habitat
- Branching of a food chain into various directions is called: Food web
- Halteres are present in the insect order: Diptera
- Cerci are asymmetrical in: Earwig
- Binomial nomenclature was introduced by: Linnaeus
- Ontogeny repeats phylogeny deals with: Biogenetic Law
- Systema Naturae is a publication of: Linnaeus
- Flacheri is a disease of: Silkworm
- American foul brood is a disease of: Honeybees
- On the land, mounds are formed by: Termite
- Antennae are absent in: Springtail
- Raptorial type of legs is found in: Praying mantis
- Dead hearts in sugarcane are caused by: Borers
- Bunchy top in sugarcane is found due to: Top borers
- Rosette flowers in cotton are found due to: Pink bollworm
- Parasite of maize borer is: Apanteles
- Aphid lion is called: Chrysopa
- Cornicles are present in: Aphids
- Acaricides are the chemicals used to kill: Mites
- Myiasis is a disease caused by: Flies
- Scabies is the problem caused by: Mites
- Leishmaniasis is a disease caused by: Sand flies
- Sleeping sickness is caused by: Tsetse flies
- Dengue fever is transmitted by: Mosquito
- Epidemic Typhus is transmitted by: Human louse
- Trogoderma granarium (Everts) belongs to the family: Dermestidae
- Khapra beetle normally attacks the upper layer of stored wheat.
- Damage caused by only the grub stage of the red flour beetle.
- Sitophilus oryzae belongs to the family Curculionidae.
- Reddish hair is present on the body of the larvae of Trogoderma granarium.
- Phototropism is found in sugarcane borers.
- Benzequinone is secreted by the dermal glands of Rhyzopertha dominica.
- Prothorax of Oryzophilus surinamensis L. has 9 toothed-like projections along each side.
- Oryzophilus surinamensis L. overwinters as adults.
- Pectinate antennae are present in adults of the Khapra beetle.
- Sitotroga cerealella is commonly known as the Angoumois grain moth.
- Corcyra cephalonica is a serious pest of stored rice.
- The optimum temperature required for the best growth of stored insect pests is 28-32°C.
- Before storage, the moisture content of the commodity should be 14%.
- Secondary pests attack the whole grains both before and after harvest.
- Attack the damaged or broken grain or flour: Secondary Pests.
- Period in the life cycle with reduced metabolism due to unfavorable conditions: Diapause.
- Rates of development of stored grain insect populations are slow at low moisture contents.
- Family of Indian meal moth: Pyralidae.
- Pygidium is not covered by the elytra of the Red flour beetle.
- Eggs of Angoumois grain moth are used for rearing various biological control agents.
- Facultative diapause is only expressed when conditions are unfavorable.
- Unavoidable diapause is Obligate.
- Higher moisture contents in stored commodities promote the growth of fungi.
- Adults of Sitophilus oryzae have well-developed rostrum.
- Maximum stored grain insect pests belong to the order Coleoptera.
- Irregular holes present in damaged grains are the identification mark of Khapra beetle damage.
- Phosphine gas is produced from Agtoxin® tablets.
- Deltamethrin is a Grain Protectant.
- Recommended dose of deltamethrin for application in a storage structure: 10 L per 100 L of water.
- Recommended dose of Aluminum phosphide for application per ton: 2-3 tablets.
- Bostrichidae is the family of Lesser grain borer.
- Azadirachtin is found in Neem.
- Botanical name of Sweet Flag: Acorus calamus.
- Rice Weevil is considered a secondary pest.
- The outermost layer of pericarp or fruit coat: Epidermis.
- Method of expressing moisture in grain: Both wet weight basis and dry weight basis.
- A high polymer with non-identical repeating units of amino acids: Proteins.
- The power of insects to reproduce: Fecundity.
- The organ involved in fertilization to receive and store sperms after copulation: Spermatheca.
- Formula of Phosphine:
- Concentration of phosphine to be maintained in a storage structure: 200 ppm.
- Plant characteristics that lead insects away from a particular host: Non-preference.
- Antixenosis is a Greek word meaning against or expelling guest.
- Semiochemicals which promote communication between members of the same species: Pheromones.
- Defensive chemicals producing negative responses in insects: Allomones.
- Chemicals advantageous to an insect, promoting host finding, oviposition, and feeding: Kairomones.
- Type of non-preference present in spotted cucumber beetle: Both Allelochemical non-preference and Morphological non-preference.
- Factors involved in antibiosis are related to both plants and insects.
- DIMBOA, a cyclic hydroxamic acid associated with antibiosis, is found in Corn.
- Gossypols are present in Cotton.
- Larry P. Pedigo is the author of the famous book “Introduction to Entomology.”
- Lack of insect infestation, or injury to the host plant due to transitory circumstances such as incomplete infestation: Escape.
- Under some circumstances, a host may pass through the most susceptible stage quickly or at a time when insect numbers are reduced. Such type of pseudo-resistance is known as: Escape.
- The term used for temporary increased resistance resulting from some condition of plant or environment: Induced Resistance.
- A variety which a specific insect never consumes or injures under any known condition is a variety: Immune.
- Level of resistance causing a variety to show less damage or infestation by an insect than the average for the crop under consideration: Moderate Resistance.
- A variety which shows average or more than average damage by an insect is a variety: Susceptible.
- The relative amount of heritable qualities possessed by the plant which influence the ultimate degree of damage done by the insect is known as Resistance.
- Basis of resistance in which the plant shows an ability to grow and reproduce itself or to repair injury to a marked degree in spite of supporting a population approximately equal to that damaging a susceptible host: Tolerance.
- Symptoms of insects affected by antibiosis include death of young immatures, reduced growth rate, and shortened adult lifespan.
- Phenolic compounds produced by plants when they become diseased or are attacked by insects: Phytoalexins.
- Resistance which depends on environmental conditions is called Environmental resistance.
- Different populations of an insect species that vary in their virulence to a cultivar are referred to as Pathotype.
- A gene that allows a pest species to overcome resistance and once more attack a plant is called a Virulent gene.
- E. Van der Plank recognized two types of resistance: vertical and horizontal resistance.
- Vertical resistance describes cultivars that express resistance against a broad range of genotypes of insects.
- Horizontal resistance describes cultivars that express resistance against one or a few genotypes of insects.
- Oligogenic resistance is also called Major gene resistance.
- Polygenic resistance is also called Minor gene resistance.
- Resistance conferred by many genes, each contributing to the resistance effect, is Polygenic resistance.
- Resistance conferred by mutable substances in cell cytoplasm is Cytoplasmic resistance.
- Cytoplasmic inheritance is due to the cytoplasm of the zygote coming from the Ovum.
- Any technique that utilizes living organisms or substances from those organisms to improve plants or animals or to develop microorganisms for specific uses is known as Biotechnology.
- The dose of a toxicant that kills 50 percent of the tested organisms is known as LD50.
- Economic threshold level of insect pest in IPM of stored grains is 0.
- Callosobruchus chinensis L. is the zoological name of Gram Dhora.
- Oryzophilus surinamensis L. belongs to the family Silvanidae.
- Rodents’ damage to stored food is of Two-fold.
- Life span of rodents is 1-2 years.
- Breeding season in rodents is Throughout the year.
- Warfarin is an Anticoagulant.
- Rattus meltada is an Indian Gerbil.
- Lepisma saccharina is the zoological name of Silverfish.
- Adult of silverfish has 3 caudal filaments.
- Silverfish feed on glue and starchy materials with their chewing mouthparts.
- House cricket belongs to the family Gryllidae.
- American cockroach is known as Periplaneta americana.
- Soldier caste is present in Termites.
- Psocus lineatus is a Book louse.
- Liposcelidae is the family of Book louse.
- There are 5 nymphal instars in Book louse.
- Carpet beetle belongs to the family Dermestidae.
- Lyctus africanus is the zoological name of Powder Post Beetle.
- Human flea belongs to order Siphonaptera.
- Aspergillus flavipus produces Aflatoxin.
- Induced resistance is a type of apparent host plant resistance.
- Asexual life cycle of plasmodium is called Schizogony.
- Erythrocytic cycle of plasmodium occurs inside the Red Blood Cell.
- Musca domestica’s larvae are known as Maggots.
- Tinea pellionella is commonly known as Clothes Moth.
- Ants belong to the family Formicidae.
- Sperms enter the egg through an opening in the egg covering called the Micropyle.
- A three-layered embryo is called Gastrula.
- In parasitic Hymenoptera, more than one embryo is formed through asexual division. The process is known as Polyembryony.
- The act of the larvae leaving the egg is called Eclosion.
- Juvenile Hormone is produced by glands accessory to the brain known as Corpora allata.
- The univoltine cycle refers to a single generation each year.
- The orientation of the head where the mouthparts are in a continuous series with legs is Prognathous.
- The orientation of the head where the mouthparts are projected forward along the horizontal axis of the body is Prognathous.
- The orientation of the head where the mouthparts are projected backward is Hypognathous.
- The groove making the line of fusion between distinct plates of the head capsule is called Suture.
- A ridge giving strength against the strain imposed on the head capsule is Furca.
- Internal skeleton of the head for the attachment of muscle is Tentorial pits.
- The roots of the tentorial arms which appear as depressions are Tentorium pits.
- Just after harvesting, the silkworm cocoon having a living pupa is Green cocoon.
- The repeated parasitization of a pest by the same parasite species is termed Hyper parasitism.
- When a pest is parasitized by another parasite, it’s known as Hyper parasitism.
- Leaving a pest below the Economic threshold level for the survival of natural enemies during insecticidal application is termed Terminal residue.
- The density of a pest at which control measures should be applied to prevent it from reaching the Economic injury level is called Economic threshold level.
- The average population density of an insect population over a long period of time is termed Economic injury level.
- Muscles directly associated with the wing but move the wings due to distortion they produce in the shape of the thorax are called Depress Muscles.
- The 11th abdominal segment is often represented by a dorsal triangular or shield-shaped Fergal plate known as Epiproct.
- The outer layer of an insect’s body comprising epidermis and cuticle is referred to as Integument.
- The separation of the old cuticle from the underlying epidermis is termed Apolysis.
- The shedding of remnants of the old cuticle is known as Ecdysis.
- Endosulfan insecticide belongs to the group of Chlorinated hydrocarbons.
- Aldicarb belongs to the group of Carbamate.
- Poisoning symptoms of parathion include Restlessness and Jitters.
- Poisoning symptoms of Rotenone include Restlessness.
- Poisoning symptoms of BHC insecticides include Restlessness.
- Poisoning symptoms of DDT insecticide include Inactiveness.
- Site of action of organophosphate insecticide is the Pre synaptic membrane.
- Site of action of Nicotine insecticide is the Post synaptic membrane.
- Site of action of cylodines insecticide is the Pre synaptic membrane.
- Common name of the Chilo sacchariphagous is Top borer.
- Nature of action of Phostoxin insecticides is Fumigant.
- Nature of action of Diflubenzuron insecticide is Chitin inhibitor.
- Nature of action of Chlorthion insecticide is Contact.
- Nature of action of Thiodemeton insecticide is Systemic.
- Mechanoreceptors give response to Pressure.
- In mantids, the pincers are formed by apposition of tibia and Femur to catch hold of the prey.
- The peritrophic membrane is absent in Hemiptera and adult Coleoptera.
- Ostia are the openings in the wall of the heart.
- In nymph/larvae, maximum sclerotization is found in Mandible.
- Maximum sclerotization is found in the Mesonotum of adult insects.
- The Prologs of caterpillars are hollow, cylindrical outgrowths of the body wall.
- The johnstons organ is situated in the Third segment of the antenna.
- Most insects excrete 80 to 90 % of their nitrogen waste in the form of Uric acid.
- Insects living in freshwater or extremely moist environments excrete their nitrogen waste in the form of Ammonia.
- Sclerotization is a process by which the cuticle becomes Hard.
- Melanization is a process by which the cuticle becomes Dark.
- Normally, nerve axons have a resting potential of about -70 mv.
- Damage symptoms of Bissetia steniellus include Dead hearts pulled easily.
- Damage symptoms of Scirpophaga nivilla include Dead hearts pulled easily.
- Damage symptoms of Chilo infuscatellus include Dead hearts pulled easily.
- The causal organism of maggot disease is Bacillus thuringiensis.
- The causal organism of Bacterial intoxication is Bacillus thuringiensis.
- The host plant of the Mulberry silkworm is Morus sp.
- The host of Entomophthora muscae is Housefly.
- Serratia marcescens belongs to the group Bacteria.
- NPV pathogen belongs to the group Virus.
- Neoplectana pathogen belongs to the group Fungi.
- Menochilus belongs to the family Coccinellidae.
- Chrysoperla predator belongs to the family Chrysopidae.
- Antennae of the moth are Serrate.
- Antennae of Thrips are Serrate.
- Antennae of the Housefly are Aristate.
- Bi-pectinate antennae are found in Mosquito.
- Plumose antennae are found in Butterfly.
- Geniculate antennae are found in Butterfly.
- Clavate antennae are found in Butterfly.
- Thrips tabaci have mouthparts for Rasping and Sucking.
- Musca domestica have mouthparts for Sponging.
- Legs found in mantids are for Grasping.
- Legs found in Honeybee are for Grooming.
- Proprioceptors give response to Body movement.
- Hygroreceptors give response to Humidity.
- Photoreceptors give response to Light.
- When the description of a new species is based on a single specimen of a type series, it’s called a Holotype.
- All the specimens of the series, when there is no holotype, are called Paratype.
- After the holotypc is labeled, each specimen of the remaining types is called Paratype.
- Phytophagous insects feeding on plants of one or a few closely related species within a genus are called Oligophagous.
- Phytophagous insects feeding on plants of several genera within a family are called Polyphagous.
- Biodiversity of insects depends upon the Geographical & Physical conditions of the environment.
- Adult insects categorized with the response of light include The diurnal species, The nocturnal species, and The crepuscular species.
- The sweep net consists of a nylon cloth with a mouth about 40 cm in diameter.
- A pit-fall tray contains a container such as a Jar.
- In Berlese’s funnel, the top of the funnel extends into a jar of 70% alcohol.
- The adults of Aphidoidea are preserved in 75% alcohol tubes.
- The class Insecta is divided into 3 subclasses.
- The subclass Ametabola is divided into 2 orders.
- The family Lepismatidae belongs to the suborder Zygentoma.
- Japyx sp. belongs to the order Thysanura.
- Acerentomidae is an important family of the order Diplura.
- The process of increasing three abdominal segments during post-embryonic development is called Anamorphosis.
- In Protura, the first pair of legs perform the function of antennae.
- In Collembola, the abdomen is 6 segmented.
- In Collembola, the hook-like structure present on abdominal segment 3 is known as Furcula.
- The family Neelidae belongs to the suborder Arthropleona of the order Collembola.
- In house flies, the mouthparts are of a chewing type but vestigial.
- In Ephemeroptera, subimaginal moulting is Present.
- Ephemeros means Short-lived.
- The nymphs of Mayflies are aquatic and called naiads.
- The family Caenidae belongs to the superfamily Baetoidea.
- Baetoidea families include Ephemerellidae and Heptageniidae.
- Odontos means Tooth.
- Members of Odonata are commonly called Dragonflies and Damselflies.
- An elongate nodus is present on Wings in Odonata.
- Dragonflies belong to the suborder Anisoptera.
- Pantala spp. belong to the family Libellulidae.
- Families of suborder Zygoptera include Coenagrionidae and Agrionidae.
- Damselflies belong to the suborder Zygoptera.
- In Plecoptera, the anal lobe of the hind wing is folded on the wing during Rest.
- Plecoptera is divided into 2 suborders.
- In Perla sp., the maxillary palpi are seta-lik
- Locusts belong to the order Orthoptera.
- In Orthoptera, specialized auditory and stridulatory organs are present.
- Orthoptera is divided into 3 suborders.
- Suborder Ensifera belongs to the order Orthoptera.
- Mole cricket belongs to the family Gryllotalpidae.
- Acrididae belongs to the suborder Caelifera.
- Ak grasshopper belongs to the family Acrididae.
- Phasma means A ghost.
- Leaf insects and stick insects belong to the order Phasmida.
- Leaf insects belong to the family Phasmidae.
- Derma means Skin.
- Earwig belongs to the order Dermaptera.
- Forficulidae belongs to the order Orthoptera.
- Labiidae belongs to the order Dermaptera.
- Embios means Lively.
- In Dictyoptera, head is concealed under the pronotal shield.
- Periplanata americana belongs to the suborder Blattaria.
- The word thysanura is derived from thysan and ura in which the ura means Tail.
- The common name incorrectly written is Lightningbug.
- Termitarium is the nest of termites Underground.
- Odontotermis obesus belongs to the family Termitidae.
- Termites can be collected from the Soil.
- “zor” means Lively.
- “psoco” means To gnaw.
- Liposcelidae family belongs to the order Psocoptera.
- Liposcelis sp. belongs to the order Psocoptera.
- Chicken louse belongs to the order Mallophaga.
- Philopteridae belongs to the order Mallophaga.
- “siphunos” means Tube.
- In Chicken louse and human louse, the head is broader than the prothorax.
- Phthiriidae family belongs to the order Siphunculata.
- Sucking lice of horses belong to the family Haematopinidae.
- “hemi” means Half.
- Family of the Sitotroga cerelalella is Pyralidae.
- Bugs belong to the order Hemiptera.
- Terrestrial bugs belong to the suborder Cryptocerata.
- Water bugs belong to the suborder Gymnocerata.
- Shield bugs belong to the family Pentatomidae.
- Giant water bugs belong to the family Belostomatidae.
- Sugarcane leafhopper belongs to the order Hemiptera.
- In whiteflies, the last nymphal instar is very inactive and looks like a pupa. It is to be called a pupal stage.
- Mango mealy bugs belong to the order Hemiptera.
- Homoptera is divided into three suborders.
- Lanternflies belong to the order Hemiptera.
- Pyrilla perpusilla belongs to the family Lophopidae.
- Diaspididae family belongs to the order Hemiptera.
- Lac insects belong to the order Homoptera.
- Lacciferidae belongs to the order Homoptera.
- In Thysanoptera, the mouthparts are asymmetrical.
- Thysanoptera is further divided into two suborders.
- In Terebrantia, the end of the abdomen is tubelike.
- Tubulifera belongs to the order Thysanoptera.
- Family Thripidae belongs to the order Thysanoptera.
- Holometabola is also known as Endopterygota.
- “neuro” means A nerve.
- Green lacewing belongs to the family Chrysopidae.
- Antlion belongs to the order Neuroptera.
- Antlion belongs to the family Myrmeleontidae.
- Rove beetle belongs to the family Staphylinidae.
- Firefly belongs to the family Lampyridae.
- Powder post beetle belongs to the family Lyctidae.
- Human flea belongs to the order Siphonaptera.
- Horse flies belong to the order Diptera.
- Robber flies belong to the family Asilidae.
- Cabbage butterflies belong to the family Pieridae.
- Wood wasps belong to the family Xiphydriidae.
- Honey bees belong to the family Apidae.
- Butterflies belong to the order Lepidoptera.
- Insects whose larvae are quite unlike the adult, along with the presence of a pupal instar, are Heterometabolous.
- Insects having no metamorphosis are Ametabolous.
- Self-sufficient and self-regulated habit where biotic and abiotic components interact together for the exchange of energy in a continuous cycle is Ecosystem.
- A complex unit formed by all the population of that area is Community.
- The transfer of food energy from the plants through a series of organisms with repeated eating and being eaten is Food web.
- The interlocking pattern of food chains with all sorts of short circuits and connections is Food web.
- Conversion of 6-carbon chain glucose molecule into two molecules of 3-carbon chain pyruvic acid is Glycolysis.
- Series of reactions in mitochondrion that bring about oxidation of acetyl residues to CO2, liberating H2, and forming water is Kerbs cycle.
- Organelles where protein synthesis takes place are Ribosome.
- Chemicals which give an adaptive advantage to the receiver are Kairomones.
- Chemicals which inhibit feeding or piercing are Deterrents.
- Chemicals which prevent maintenance of feeding or oviposition are Deterrents.
- Chemical which orients insects towards the host is Attractants.
- Chemical which orients insects away from the host is Repellents.
- The study of economic poisons, their effects, mechanism of action, and metabolism of toxicants is Toxicology.
- Ability of a chemical to bring about changes in the biological system of the target animal is Toxicity.
- Acute stage of poisoning due to the application of a single dose is Acute toxicity.
- Condition of toxicity which lasts for the entire life of the target animal and has the accumulating effect of small, repeated doses is Chronic toxicity.
- The probability of being harmed due to the use, exposure/handling of the toxic substances is Risk.
- The concentration of a toxicant residue in or on a food when first offered for consumption is Maximum residual limit.
- The amount of initially laid down insecticidal chemical on the surface is Toxicity deposit.
- Family of Chilo partellus is Crambidae.
- Entomology is the knowledge of Hexapods.
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