General Agriculture One liner PDF Part 13th
1201. Fruit & Shoot borer is a major pest of?
Ans. Brinjal/Okra.
1202. Fruit cracking is most probable in Pomegranate in which season?
Ans. Mrig bahar season.
1203. Fruit cracking of tomato is due to?
Ans. B deficiency.
1204. Fruit drop in mango is controlled by?
Ans. 2, 4-D.
1205. Fruit of groundnut is called ? =>IBPS AFO BOOKS <=
Ans. Nut.
1206. Fruit of okra is known as ?
Ans. Capsule.
1207. Fruit of safflower is called ?
Ans. Achene.
1208. Fruit trees + crops?
Ans. Agri-horticulture.
1209. Fruit trees + honeybees ?
Ans. Horti-apiculture.
1210. Fruit type of cucumber is ?
Ans. Pepo.
1211. Fruits experiencing simple gradual decline in the rate of respiration at the time of ripening?
Ans. Non-Climacteric Fruits.
1212. Fruits experiencing sudden increase in the rate of respiration at the time of ripening?
Ans. Climacteric Fruits.
1213. Fuel wood tree?
Ans. Albizia lebbeck.
1214. Fumigants are available as?
Ans. Solids and liquids.
1215. Fumigation is usually carried out using?
Ans. Alumunium Phosphide.
1216. ———————have both functions as an insecticide and nematicide?
Ans. Phorate/Aldicarb
1217. Fungal body is composed of ?
1218. Fungal origin bio-herbicides are called?
Ans. Myco-Herbicide.
1219. Fungal Pollu in Pepper can be controlled by?
Ans. Carbendazim + 0.1 % Mancozeb.
1220. Fungi are very active pH because of their facultative way of living?
Ans. Lower.
1221. Fungicidal properties of Bordeaux mixture was first identified by?
Ans. Millardet.
1222. Fungus controls Rhinoceros grub?
Ans. Green Muscardine Fungus.
1223. Furadan is the trade name of ?
1224. Fusarium wilt is caused by ?
Ans. Fusarium moniliform.
1225. G-777 is a ?
Ans. Indian cotton variety.
1226. “Gajraj’’ is a hybrid variety of ?
Ans. Hybrid Napier Grass.
1227. GALASA means?
Ans. Group Approach for Locally Adopted & Sustainable Agriculture.
1228. Galleria mellonela ( the great wax moth) is seen feeding ?
Ans. Wax and products.
1229. Gamba Grass is otherwise known as?
Ans. Sadabahar (Perennial).
1230. Ganga hybrid – 1, Deccan hybrid are varieties of?
Ans. Maize.
1231. Garden city of India?
Ans. Bangalore.
1232. Father of soil testing ?
Ans. M.L. Troug.
1233. Gardenpea/Table pea is used for ?
Ans. Green pods used for vegetable.
1234. Gas emitted from rice field is ?
Ans. CH4 (Methan).
1235. Gas less zone is ?
Ans. Thermosphere >80 km height.
1236. Gas used to ripen fruits ?
Ans. Acetylene (Ethylene).
1237. Gaseous envelop surrounding the earth known as?
Ans. Atmosphere.
1238. Gaseous loss of N occurs through ……… &…………?
Ans. Volatilization and Denitrification.
1239. Gastropod attacking anthurium is?
Ans. Snail.
1240. Gastropod pests generally prefer conditions?
Ans. Cool, Damp.
1241. GATT agreement was came into force in?
Ans. 1 January 1948.
1242. “GATT” means?
Ans. General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade.
1243. Gene responsible for dwarfness in wheat?
Ans. Norin-10.
1244. Gene responsible for higher amount of lysine in maize?
Ans. Opaque-2.
1245. General used nutrient medium in tissue culture?
Ans. B-5 medium and MS medium .
1246. Generally rabi crops are?
Ans. Long day plants.
1247. Generally, the third row of crop is removed or growing of crop in pair row and the third row is escaped with an object to conserve the soil moisture in Dryland areas?
Ans. Paired row Crops.
1248. Genes for sex-linked traits are located on?
Ans. “Y” chromosome.
1249. Kaolinite configuration is ?
Ans. 1:1 type.
1250. Genetic purity of Breeder seed is?
1251. Gerbera is?
Ans. Cut flower.
1252. Gibberellins were discovered by?
Ans. Korosawa of Japan.
1253. Ginger is propagated through ?
Ans. Rhizomes.
1254. Regional Agricultural Research Station located at?
Ans. Ambalavayal (Kerela).
1255. Ginning practice is done ?
Ans. Cotton.
1256. Give an eg. for Agroforestry trees?
Ans. Ailanthus/ Casuarina/ Eucalyptus/ Mangium / teak/ Rosewood/Sandal.
1257. Give the names of any two edible mushrooms?
Ans. Paddy straw & Button mushroom.
1258. Global warming focuses on an increase in the level of which gas in the atmosphere?
Ans. Carbon dioxide.
1259. Glucose + Galactose consisting of?
Ans. Lactose (Disaccharide).
1260. Glucose is ?
Ans. Corn sugar.
1261. Glucose is also known as ?
Ans. Dextrose.
1262. Glycine max is ?
Ans. Soybean.
1263. Glycogen present in?
Ans. Animal cell.
1264. Glycolysis occurs in?
Ans. Cytoplasm.
1265. Glyphosate and Anilophos belong to the chemical group?
Ans. Organophosphorus.
1266. GMO seeds means ?
Ans. Genetically Modified Organism.
1267. Gneiss, Marble, Quartzite and Slate are?
Ans. Metamorphic rocks.
1268. Gold finger is a ?
Ans. Hybrid banana.
1269. Golden Age and Crown of Gold are the variety of?
Ans. African Marigold.
1270. Golden revolution is related to ?
Ans. Fruit production (Apple).
1271. Sesquioxide are oxides of ?
Ans. Iron and Aluminium.
1272. Element responsible for flocculation of soil?
Ans. Calcium.
1273. Golden rice is rich in?
Ans. β-carotene.
1274. Golden Rice is rich in ?
Ans. Vitamin A.
1275. Gootee is another name of ?
Ans. Air layering.
1276. The government carries out farming is ?
Ans. State farming.
1277. The government gives long term loans to agriculturists under the?
Ans. Land improvement Loans Act of 1883.
1278. Government gives medium term loan to agriculturists under the?
Ans. Agriculturists Loan Act of 1884.
1279. Grain and Head smuts are ?
Ans. Seed-borne disease.
1280. Grain Smut of sorghum is also known as?
Ans. Covered/Kernel/Shoot smut.
1281. Gramalakshmi,Gramapriya, Athulya are breeds of?
Ans. Poultry.
1282. Gramaxone is the trade name of ?
Ans. Paraquat.
1283. Grana and Stroma are found in ?
Ans. Chloroplast.
1284. Granary of India’?
Ans. Punjab.
1285. Granite and Basalt are form of ?
Ans. Igneous rocks.
1286. The GOI has decided to increase the export of cashew nut which of the major cashew growing state?
Ans. Goa, Kerela, Andhrapradesh, Tamilndu Maharastra and Karnataka.
1287. Granulated soils have ———– bulk density values?
Ans. Low.
1288. Grapes can be stored for 40-45 days at a temperature of
Ans.-2 to 1.5oc.
1289. Grass weed used for soil and water conservation?
Ans. Cyanodon dactylon.
1290. Grasserie is a disease caused by Virus affecting?
Ans. Silkworm.
1291. Grasshopper possess ?
Ans. Saltatorial legs.
1292. Grassy shoot of sugarcane is cased by ?
Ans. Mlo.
1293. Grassy weed in barley field can be effectively controlled by ?
Ans. Both Isoproturon and 2,4-D.
1294. Solonchack soil corresponds to ?
Ans. Saline soil.
1295. Green leaf manuring crops ?
Ans. Karanj and Ipomea.
1296. Green manure crop suited to saline alkali soils?
Ans. Crotalaria Juncea.
1297. Green manure crops are turned in the field at the stage of ?
Ans. Flowering.
1298. Green manure crops contributes nitrogen ranging from?
Ans. 50-175 kg/ha.
1299. Green manuring tree. ?
Ans. Thespesia populnea.
1300. Green revolution is associated with an unprecedented increase in production of——— &————?
Ans. Rice & Wheat.
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