General Agriculture One liner PDF Part 14th
General Agriculture One liner PDF Part 14th
General Agriculture One-liner PDF is a very important pdf for ibps afo, nabard, and other agriculture exams.
1301. The crop most suitable for green manuring?
Ans. Sunhemp.
1302. Green to dry chilli ratio.?
1303. Greening of citrus is caused by?
Ans. Liberbactor asiaticum (Phloem limited bacteria).
1304. International Year of Rice?
Ans. 2004.
1305. Gros Michel is a variety of ?
Ans. Banana.
1306. Gross income – Total Cost is equal to.?
Ans. Profit.
1307. Gross Returns – Cost A is ?
Ans. Farm business income.
1308. Gross returns – Cost B is?
Ans. Family labour income.
1309. Groundnut cake contains NPK?
Ans. 7:1.5:1.3%.
1310. Groundnut is a?
Ans. Modified fruit.
1311. Group of insecticides is highly persistent and not easily biodegradable ?
Ans. Organochlorine.
1312. Groups of shrubs of different colors & sizes are known as?
Ans. Shrubbery.
1313. Growing of two or more crops in quick succession on the same piece of land in a farming year is termed as.
Ans. Sequential/non-overlapping cropping.
1314. Growing of two or more crops simultaneously and intermingled without row arrangements, where there is significant amount of intercrop competition is called?
Ans. Mixed cropping.
1315. Growing of two or more crops simultaneously in alternate rows or otherwise in the same area, where there is significant amount of inter crop competition is called as?
Ans. Intercropping.
1316. Growing Resistant Varieties is an example of ———method of insect pest control?
Ans. Cultural.
1317. Growth promoters are?
Ans. Auxins, Gibberellins and Cytokinin.
1318. Growth retardant type anti transpirants is ?
Ans. Cycocel (CCC).
1319. Guava is generally propagated by ?
Ans. Layering.
1320. Gummosis in citrus is due to the deficiency of?
Ans. Boron.
1321. Gundumalli, Ramabanam & Madanabanam are important varieties of?
Ans. Jasmine.
1322. Gurgaon Project (1920) was started by?
Ans. Mr. F.L. Brayne.
1323. Gynomonoecious flowers are found in?
Ans. Cucumber.
1324. Gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O) is used for the reclamation of?
Ans. Sodic/Alkaline soils.
1325. Gypsum contains?
Ans.29.2%Ca and 18.6%S.
1326. Irrigation efficiency of loamy soils?
Ans.70 % (Highest).
1327. H-226 is a variety of ?
Ans. Tapioca.
1328. Halo phenomenon is caused by the cloud?
Ans. Cirrostratus.
1329. Halteres is associated with ?
Ans. Flies.
1330. Haploid no. of Triticum aestivum?
Ans. n = 21.
1331. Hardwood cuttings are used as vegetative propagating material in?
Ans. Rose/Grapes/Bougainvillea/Mulberry.
1332. Haritha & Marathakam are varieties of?
Ans. Guinea Grass.
1333. Hariyali- watershed development program established.?
1334. Harrows are used for?
Ans. Preparation of seedbed, destroy weeds.
1335. Harvest index (HI) of Pigeon pea is?
Ans. 0.19 (lowest among pulses).
1336. Harvesting stage of tomato for distant market/transportation?
Ans. Mature green stage.
1337. ———have rapid knock down activity against susceptible flying insect and pests?
Ans. Pyrethrum.
1338. ——-has world’s highest % of arable land?
Ans. India.
1339. Hawaiian, Salvador, Peru, Cunningham are types of?
1340. “HDP” in cashew plantations means?
Ans. High-Density Planting.
1341. Mexican dwarf wheat is ?
Ans. T. aestivum (2n = 42).
1342. The oldest selection method of crop improvement?
Ans. Mass selection.
1343. Head Office of NABARD is located at ?
Ans. Mumbai.
1344. The colour of outer skin of onion is due to?
Ans. Quecertin.
1345. Heading back and thinning out are associated with?
Ans. Pruning.
1346. Full form of NABARD at?
Ans. National bank for agriculture and rural development.
1347. Headquarters of FAO?
Ans. Rome (Italy).
1348. Headquarters of the ‘Cardamom Board’ is located at?
Ans. Kottayam.
1349. Headquarter of WMO (World Meteorological Organisation) is located at ?
Ans. Geneva, Switzerlandt.
1350. Heat flow in air by process of ?
Ans. Radiation.
1351. Heat flow in liquid/water by process of?
Ans. Convection.
1352. Heat flow in solid/soil takes place mainly through the process of?
Ans. Conduction.
1353. Heavy wind blows through Palakkad gap during?
Ans. Oct-Nov.
1354. ———————helps in Chlorophyll synthesis?
Ans. Sulphur.
1355. Helps to reduce Phosphorus fixation in arid soils?
Ans. Liming.
1356. HEMELYTRA is associated with ?
Ans. Bugs.
1357. Heptachlor is a ?
Ans. Cyclodiene insectide.
1358. Herbicides are not used in dust formulation because of?
Ans. Drifting hazards.
1359. Herbicides are sprayed using—————-type of nozzles?
Ans. Flat-fan.
1360. Herbicides are used to kill?
Ans. Weeds.
1361. Herb-softwood cuttings are used as vegetative propagating material in ?
Ans. Coleus/Begonia/Chrysanthemum/Pepper.
1362. Heteroploid in which one or few chromosomes or missing from 2n ?
Ans. Aneuploid.
1363. Hibiscus is otherwise known as ?
Ans. Chinese Rose.
1364. High clouds, examples ?
Ans. Cirrus, Cirro-stratus, cirro-cumulus.
1365. High density planting (2.5 m × 2.5 m) of mango is done in?
Ans. Amrapalli variety.
1366. High temperature favours the production of——-because of the greater microbial activity?
1367. High volume sprayers requires———–of spray fluid per hectare?
Ans. >5OO Litres.
1368. High Yielding Varietal Programme (HYVP) was started on?
1369. Highest consumption of pesticides found in?
Ans. Cotton (54%).
1370. Highest egg producing state of India ?
Ans. Andhra Pradesh.
1371. Highest papain yielding variety of papaya?
Ans. Pusa majesty.
1372. Highest protein containing crop ?
Ans. Soybean.
1373. Highest rainfall in India is observed at?
Ans. Mawsynram.
1374. Highly Inbreeding Depression is found in?
Ans. Alfalfa and Carrot.
1375. Highly salt tolerant crops ?
Ans. Barley and Sugarbeet.
1376. “Himani” is a variety of ?
Ans. Cauliflower.
1377. Hind wings of Beetles are in nature ?
Ans. Membranous.
1378. Hinosan is the trade name of ?
Ans. Edipheneous.
1379. Hollow berries are formed in Pepper due to?
Ans. Pollu/Anthracnose.
1380. Honey contains ……………% of water?
Ans. 18%.
1381. Honey is formed from the Nector by the action of enzyme?
Ans. Invertase.
1382. Hopper burn in rice is caused by the
infestation of?
Ans. Nilaparvata lugens (BPH).
1383. Horizontal flow of water in irrigation
channels or through canals is known as?
Ans. Seepage.
1384. Horizontal movement of air is called?
Ans. Wind.
1385. How many daughter cells are formed in one cycle of meiosis?
Ans. Four.
1386. How many daughter cells are formed in one cycle of mitosis?
Ans. Two.
1387. How many kinds of cells are found in living world?
Ans.2 (Eukaryote and Prokaryote).
1388. How many no. of error variance is applied in Strip Plot Design?
1389. How many pairs of homologous chromosomes in humans?
1390. How much nursery area is required for transplanting 1 hectare of paddy crop?
Ans.1000 square metre.
1391. How much sugar contains in ripe banana?
Ans.14 gram.
1392. How much water contains by watermelon fruit?
Ans. 90-95%.
1393. Hulling percentage of rice is ?
Ans. 70-75%.
1394. Humid regions normally receives a rainfall of?
Ans. >1000 mm
1395. Husk burial for moisture conservation is practiced in?
Ans. Coconut.
1396. Hybrid Napier is evolved by crossing?
Ans. Pennisetum typhoides x Pennisetum purpureum
1397. Dr.B.P.Pal is a variety of ?
Ans. Rose.
1398. Hybrid varieties of maize?
Ans. Ganga-1, 3, 5, 101, Ganga safed-2, Ranjit, Ganga-4.
1399. Hybrid variety of rice is developed by using?
Ans. GMS and CGMS line.
1400. Hybrid variety of mustard Pusa Jai Kisan is also called?
Ans. Bio 902.
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