General Agriculture One liner PDF Part 15th
General Agriculture One liner PDF Part 15th
General Agriculture One-liner PDF is a very important pdf for ibps afo, nabard, and other agriculture exams.
- Hybrid variety was first exploited in ?
Ans. Maize.
- Hybrids varieties of Pearl millet ?
Ans. HB- 1 to 5 and Pusa 23.
- Hydraulic sprayer work by?
Ans. Compressing liquid.
- Hydrogen Sulphide injury is less in soil rich in?
Ans. Iron.
- Hydrothermal process of rice which saves vitamin B12 ?
Ans. Parboiling.
- Hygrometer is used to measure ?
Ans. Humidity.
- Hygroscopic water is held tenaciously with a tension of?
Ans. > 31 atmosphere.
- Hyperploid have one extra chromosome?
Ans. Trisonic (2n+1).
- Hypogeal germination is found in ?
Ans. Cereals, Gram, Arhar, Lentil.
- Fire curing is followed in ?
Ans. Chewing type tobacco.
- I budding is almost similar to?
Ans. T Budding.
- Which states are the highest & lowest producer of potato crop ?
Ans. Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand.
- IADP also known as ?
Ans. Package Programme.
- IADP means?
Ans. Integrated Area Development Programme.
- IBD (Infectious bursal disease) in poultry is caused by?
Ans. Virus.
- ICIA means ?
Ans. International crop Improvement Associations.
- ICRISAT is located at ?
Ans. Hyderabad.
- ICT?
Ans. Information and Communication Technology.
- Icthyology is the study of ?
Ans. Fishes
- Ideal stage of jute harvesting for fibre purpose?
Ans. Small pod stage/initiation of pod formation (135-140 DAS).
- Identical plants developed from a single mother plant vegetatively are known as?
Ans. Clones.
- IDM means?
Ans. Integrated Disease Managment.
- If an interaction effect is confounded with all the replicates of the treatment ?
Ans. Complete/total confounding
- If farmer has only one irrigation is available for wheat crop, at which stage it is recommended?
Ans. CRI (Crown root initiation).
- If properly canned, fruits can be stored for?
Ans. 1-3 years.
- If sub treatments are laid out in strips then the design is called?
Ans. Strip Plot Design.
- If the fiber length of a cotton hybrid variety is 25 mm, it classified under ?
Ans. Long staple cotton.
- IFAD means?
Ans. International Fund for Agricultural Development.
- IFAD headquarters is located at
Ans. Rome, Italy
- IIHR is located at ?
- IISR-Varada , IISR-Rejatha & IISR Mahima are varieties of ?
Ans. Dry Ginger.
- Imaginary line that represents the equal temperature?
- Imbibition concept is coined by ?
Ans. Julius von Sachs.
- Immobile element in plant is ?
Ans. Calcium.
- Immobile element in soil is?
Ans. Phosphorus.
- Imperator is a variety of?
Ans. Carrot.
- Imperial Agricultural Research Institute was started in the year?
Ans. 1903.
- Important nitrogen deficiency symptom?
Ans. Yellowing of lower leaves.
- In a seed the food storage tissue is known as?
Ans. Endosperm/Cotyledon.
- In a soil profile, ‘A’ & ‘B’ horizons together is known as ?
Ans. Solum.
- In a soil profile , A2 horizon is referred to as ?
Ans. Eluvial zone.
- In a soil profile, A3,B1&B3 horizons are known as?
Ans. Transitional Layers.
- Crop grown for fibre and oil ?
Ans. Linseed.
- In a soil profile litter represents ——-horizon?
Ans. A00 OR O1.
- In a soil when the exchangeable Calcium and Magnesium are lost by leaching , the acidity of the soil gradually ?
Ans. Increase.
- In a split plot design, 5 levels of main plot and 4 levels of sub plot treatments studied with 3 replications. What will be the d.f. for error b source?
Ans. 30.
- In a typical soil, the percentage by volume of soil air is?
Ans. 25%.
- In a typical soil , the percentage by volume of soil water is?
Ans. 25%
- In a waterlogged soil, the concentration of_______ is high ?
Ans. Methane.
- In acid soils, application of———-reduces acidity?
Ans. Lime
- In case of Bugs , fore wings are modified in to ?
Ans. Hemelytra.
- In case of Bugs, hind wings are of ————–type?
Ans. Membraneous.
- In case of Flies, hind wings are reduced to a club like structure called?
- In case of insects undergoing complete metamorphosis, the stage between larva and adult is termed as ?
Ans. Pupa/Chrysalis.
- In case of Lepidopteran pests , control operations should target-stage?
Ans. Larval.
- In diffusion, particle/molecules move from region of?
Ans. Higher to lower concentration.
- In drip irrigation system water saving to the extent of ————-%?
Ans. 50-70.
- In evapotranspiration, loss of water occurs from———–&————?
Ans. Soil & Plant Surface.
- In grasshopper the number of spiracles is?
- In Honeybee colonies, fertile males are known as ?
Ans. Drones
- In humus the C.N. Ratio is ?
Ans. 10:1.
- Imperial Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) was started at Pusa in ?
Ans. Bihar (1903).
- In India , nearly————% of total crop loss is caused by diseases ?
Ans. 20%.
- In India , nearly————% of total crop loss is caused by Insects ?
Ans. 30%.
- In India, nearly————-% of total crop loss is caused by weeds ?
Ans. 45%.
- In India, plant protection chemicals used , nearly 80% belongs to ?
Ans. Insecticides.
- In India, Community Development Programme was started in the year?
- In India seed certification is ?
Ans. Voluntary.
- In India seed labeling is?
Ans. Compulsory.
- In India the seeds act was came into effect in the year ?
Ans. 1969.
- Pusa Sanyog is a variety of ?
Ans. Cucumber.
- In low land rice, fertilizer is applied in?
Ans. Reduced zone only.
- In LSD, the no. of row or column or treatment is equal to?
Ans. No. of replications (r = c = t).
- In normal soils bacteria and actinomycetes thrives better in pH value?
Ans. Intermediate& Higher.
- In paddy the most critical stage for irrigation?
Ans. Panicle Inniation.
- In pesticidal formulations, ‘AF’ means——-?
Ans. Aqua Flowable.
- In pesticidal formulations , ‘DP’ means ———-?
Ans. Dustable Powder.
- In pesticidal formulations , ‘EC’ means ——–?
Ans. Emulsifiable Concentrate.
- In pesticidal formulations , ‘G’ means ——–?
Ans. Granule.
- In pesticidal formulations , ‘SL’ means ——–?
Ans. Soluble liquid.
- In pesticidal formulations, ‘SP’ means ———–?
Ans. Soluble Powder.
- In pesticidal formulations, ‘WP’ means——–?
Ans. Wettable Powder
- In pesticidal formulations, ‘WSC’ means ——-?
Ans. Water Soluble Concentrate.
- In plant pathology ‘MLO’ means——?
Ans. Mycoplasma Like Organism.
- In Plant protection , ‘Bt’ means ————–?
Ans. Bacillus thuringiensis.
- In Plant Protection, ‘GV’ means———–?
Ans. Granulosis Virus.
- In plant tissue culture,’HEPA’ means — ——?
Ans. High-Efficiency Particulate Air.
- In Rag doll method of testing seed germination, flannel clothes used of size ?
Ans. 35cm×27.5cm.
- In RBD, the number of blocks is equal to?
Ans. No. of replications (b = r).
- In Rice, Bacterial leaf blight is caused by—————?
Ans. Xanthomonas Spp (bacteria).
- In rice ‘Dapog seedlings’ are ready for transplanting?
Ans. 11-14 DAS.
- In rice production India ranks?
Ans. second-largest producer.
- In Root wilt affected areas hybrid variety of Coconut is recommended for cultivation?
Ans. Chandrasankara.
- In seed technology, ‘PBR’ means———-?
Ans. Plant Breeders Right.
- In seed technology, ‘PLS’ means———?
Ans. Pure Live Seed.
- In seed technology, ‘TLS’ means—?
Ans. Truthfully Labelled Seeds.
- In soil sampling, soils up to a depth of ———inches is collected from surface soil?
Ans. 9 inches.
- In soil science,‘WHC’ means?
Ans. Water Holding Capacity.
- In soil solarization, polythene sheets of ————-thickness is used?
Ans.100-150 gauge.
- IW/CPE Ratio of Rice?
Ans. 1.2 (Highest).
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