general Agriculture One liner PDF Part 20th
General Agriculture One liner PDF Part 20th
General Agriculture One-liner PDF is a very important pdf for ibps afo, nabard, and other agriculture exams.
- In which effect vertical heat transfers from warmer to cooler crop area ?
Ans. Oasis effect.
- ——-is an example for a condiment ?
Ans. Coriandr/Cumin.
- ———is an example for a cool season crop
Ans. Barley/Wheat/Potato/Carrot.
- ———-is an example for a fibre crop.
Ans. Cotton/Jute/Sunhemp/Agave/Flax.
- ———— is an example for a green manure crop ?
Ans. Glyricidia/Daincha/Subabul.
- Is an example for a Predator ?
Ans. Lady Bird Beetles/Tiger Beetle/Lycosa Spider.
- ——is an example of a vegetable crop ?
Ans. Tomato/Brinjal/Amaranthus/Snake gourd.
- Is an example for an antibacterial antibiotic?
Ans. Agimycin/Plantomycin.
- Is an example for an antifungal antibiotic?
Ans. Aureofunginsol.
- Is an example for Chemosterilant ?
Ans. Tepa, Metepa.
- Is an example of insects with complete metamorphosis?
Ans. Moths/Butter flies/Beetles/bees/waps/ ants/Fleas.
- Is an example for insects with incomplete metamorphosis?
Ans. Grasshoppers/Locusts/Bugs/Aphids/ cockroach/termites/ Crickets.
- Is an example for insects without metamorphosis?
Ans. Silver fish/Springtails.
- Is an example of cultural control of insect pests?
Ans. Mixed cropping/Tilling/Trap cropping.
- Horizontal heat transfer from warmer area to cooler area, the effect is known as ?
Ans. Cloth line effect.
- ———–is an exotic breed of cattle ?
Ans. Brown-swiss/Holstein Friesian/ Ayrshire/Guernsey/Jersey.
- ———–is an Extension aid ?
Ans. Charts/Posters/Leaflets/Pamplets/Bulletin Board/Slide show.
- ———-is an extreme form of minimum tillage?
Ans. Zero tillage.
- Is an important index of soil fertility in arid soils?
Ans. Base saturation.
- Is an important pest of Mango ?
Ans. Mango Hopper.
- ——-is an Indian breed of poultry ?
Ans. Aseel/Chittagong/Ghagus/Karaknath/ Tellicherry.
- Is an indirect method of assessment of pests?
Ans. Remote Sensing.
- ———-is an indoor garden in a glass box ?
Ans. Terrarium.
- ——is an indoor garden plant ?
Ans. Money plant/Ficus/Caladium/Agave/ Adiantum/Aglaonema.
- Is an Inorganic fungicide ?
Ans. Bordeaux mixture/C heshunt compound.
- ———–is an insect pest of Mushroom ?
Ans. Phorid flies/Cecid flies.
- Is an insecticide of Actinomycetic origin ?
Ans. Avermectin/Milbemycin.
- Is an insecticide of fungal origin ?
Ans. Spinosad/Mycotal/Vertalec.
- Is an insecticide prepared from viruses ?
Ans. Virtuss/Gypchek/Neochek.
- Is an insecticide that was banned from use recently owing to public health hazards ?
Ans. Endosulfan.
- Is an instrument used to measure height , movement and velocity of clouds ?
Ans. Nephoscope.
- ——-is an oilseed crop ?
Ans. Groundnut/Sunflower/Sesasum.
- ———is an orchid plant made through meristem culture?
Ans. Mericlone.
- Is an organic insecticide of animal origin ?
Ans. Neris Toxin.
- Is an organic insecticide of plant origin ?
Ans. Nicotine/Pyrethrine/Rotenonne.
- Is an organism that eats more than one other organism during its life ?
Ans. Predator.
- Is an Organo chlorine insecticide?
Ans. DDT/BHC (Banned).
- Is an Organo-phosphorus fungicide ?
Ans. Ediphenphos/Kitazin/Triodemefon.
- Is an Organo-phosphorus insecticide ?
Ans. Quniolphos/ Phosphamidon/ Dimethoate/ Monocrotophos/ Phorate.
- ———-is an ornamental bulbous plant ?
Ans. Tuberose.
- ———-is an ornamental foliage plant ?
Ans. Alocasia/Aglonema/Caladium/ Crotons/Dieffenbachia/Dracaena/Ficus/ Fittonia/ Sansevieria/Tradescantia/Begonia.
- ————is an ornamental plant suitable for Bonsai making ?
Ans. Bougainvillea/Allamanda/Cassia/ Musanda/Saraca.
- ———-is an ornamental shrub ?
Ans. Duranta.
- ————is an saprohytic orchid ?
Ans. Neotia/Microstylis.
- Is a subterraneana subterranean pest?
Ans. White grub/Termite.
- ———–is any activity that modifies the visible features of an area of land, including living elements such as flora or fauna ?
Ans. Landscaping.
- ————is applied to induce flowering in pineapple?
Ans. Ethephon.
- ———–is commonly intercropped with Tapioca?
Ans. Groundnut.
- ———–is considered as the father of Tillage?
Ans. Jethro Tull.
- Is defined as the mass of a unit volume of dry soil which include soil particles and soil pores?
Ans. Bulk Density.
- Is disease caused by Phytoplasma in Coconut?
Ans. Root wilt.
- Is effective for the management of Sheath blight & Bacterial leaf blight of Paddy?
Ans. Pseudomonas
- Is effective in the bio-control of coconut Rhinoceros beetle ?
Ans. Baculovirus.
- Is first in production of Pulses & Soybean in India?
Ans. Madhya Pradesh.
- ———–is India’s first agricultural university?
Ans. Uttar Pradesh Agricultural University later known as Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture & Technology.
- ———–is known as “the tree of a thousand uses”?
Ans. Coconut.
- ———-is known as ‘Black Gold’?
Ans. Petroleum.
- ——–is known as ‘the island of cloves?
Ans. Zanzibar.
- ———-is known as ‘the spice garden’ of Kerala?
Ans. Idukki.
- ——-is known as ‘Wonder Nut’
Ans. Cashew nut.
- ——–is known as Button mushroom ?
Ans. Agaricus.
- Is known as the ‘king of forest trees’?
Ans. Teak.
- ——-is known as the ‘Mushroom city of India’?
Ans. Solan, H.P.
- ———–is known as the ‘plant stress hormone’ causing inhibition to plant growth ?
Ans. Abscisic acid-ABA.
- ———-is known as the ‘Queen of Fruits’ ?
Ans. Mangosteen.
- ————is known as the ‘Queen of Spices.’?
Ans. Cardamom.
- ———-is known as the Cat’s-tail Orchid?
Ans. Aerides.
- ———-is known as the flowering hormone?
Ans. Florigen.
- Is known as the fundamental process of soil formation?
Ans. Weathering.
- ———-is known as underground orchid?
Ans. Rhizanthella.
- ——–is regarded as the queen of flowers?
Ans. Rose.
- ————is renowned as ‘The kings of Spices’?
Ans. Black Pepper.
- Is safer organo phosphorous insecticide for controlling pests of vegetables and stored grains?
Ans. Mercaptothion.
- Is solid crystal fumigant ?
Ans. Naphthalene.
- ————is the amount of food required by an animal during a 24 hour period?
Ans. A Ration.
- ———-is the atmospheric layer above troposphere?
Ans. Stratosphere.
- ——–is the basis of plant tissue culture?
Ans. Totipotency.
- ———is the best rootstock for inarching Sapota?
Ans. Khirni.
- ———-is the capability of seeds to show living properties?
Ans. Viability.
- ————is the centre of origin of Black Pepper?
Ans. India-Kerala.
- ———-is the climate observed in the layer next to ground?
Ans. Microclimate.
- Is the country having maximum kind of vegetables?
Ans. India.
- Is the crop destructive larval stage of flies?
Ans. Maggot.
- ———-is the cultivation of forest trees?
Ans. Silviculture.
- ———-is the embryonic root of a plant?
Ans. Radicle.
- Is the first herbicide manufactured and used weeds?
Ans. 2,4-D.
- ———–is the fundamental unit of crop production?
Ans. Seed.
- Is the fungal pathogen causing Anthracnose?
Ans. Colletotrichum sp.
- Is the fungal pathogen causing Blast in Rice?
Ans. Pyricularia sp.
- Is the fungal pathogen causing Brown spot disease in Rice?
Ans. Helminthosporium sp.
- Is the fungal pathogen causing damping off?
Ans. Pythium sp.
- Is the fungal pathogen causing Downy mildew?
Ans. Peronospora sp.
- Is the fungal pathogen causing Powdery mildew?
Ans. Erysiphe sp.
- Is the fungal pathogen causing Rust disease?
Ans. Puccinia sp.
- Is the fungal pathogen causing White rust?
Ans. Albugo sp.
- Is the highest wheat producing state of India?
Ans. Uttar Pradesh.
- ————–is the ideal range of temperature suitable for most agricultural crops?
Ans. 10 to 40°C
- ————–is the imaginary line joining the poles of earth?
Ans. Longitude.
- ———-is the instrument used to measure direct radiation from sun?
Ans. Pyrheliometer.
- ———–is the instrument used to measure evapo-transpiration from the crop?
Ans. Lysimeter.
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