General Agriculture One liner Part 1st For IBPS AFO,NABARD & Other Agriculture Exams
General Agriculture One liner
All these general agriculture oneliner is very important for all agri exams like ibps afo , nabard ,rrb ,nsc, and other important exams
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- Are a class of plant hormones that promote cell division in plant roots and shoots?
Ans. Cytokinin.
- A hardening structure where in plants root after taken out from the in vitro media?
Ans. Mist chamber.
- A plant hormone used to promote stem elongation& seed germination?
Ans. Gibberellin.
- A popular garden fruit tree.?
Ans. Rambuttan.
- A specialized garden for the cultivation and display of fern ?
Ans. Fernery.
- An eg. for facultative apomicts?
Ans. Mango, Orange.
- An agricultural practice of breeding and raising domestic rabbits?
Ans. Cuniculture.
- An ancient Chinese art of growing trees and plants kept small similar to Bonsai?
Ans. Penjing.
- An art of creating miniature landscapes?
Ans. Saikei.
- An art of growing trees or woody plants shaped as trees in containers ?
Ans. Bonsai.
- Is the most commonly used medium in plant tissue culture experiments?
Ans. Murashige & Skoog medium.
- Is the process of subjecting seeds to both cold and moist conditions to promote germination?
Ans. Stratification.
- Is the second most expensive spice after saffron?
Ans. Vanilla.
- Is the world’s leading exporter of flowers?
Ans. Netherlands.
- % of moisture is ideal for certified seeds of Rice?
- ——–& ———–are gastropod pests of Orchid & Anthurium?
Ans. Slugs & Snails.
- ——-&——-are cucurbits used for treatment of Diabetes ?
Ans. Bitter gourd & Coccinia.
- ——–&——-are main components of cattle feed stuffs ?
Ans. Concentrates & Roughages.
- ———-&——-are structures used to harden plants in a agricultural nursery ?
Ans. Greenhouses & Mist chambers.
- The Optimum spacing for wheat is——————?
Ans. 22.5 cm (line to line).
- ——&——are the most common Gastropod pests?
Ans. Slugs & Snails.
- ——-&——are the substances used for artificial rain simulation?
Ans. Silver iodide & Dry ice.
- ——&—–are the vectors of yellow vein mosaic disease of Okra?
Ans. White fly & Leaf hopper.
- ——-&——–are two mechanisms that control the exchange of gases between the soil and the atmosphere?
Ans. Mass flow & Diffusion.
- ——-&——-are vegetables of Indian origin?
Ans. Brinjal & Snake gourd.
- (A x B) x (C x D) are ?
Ans. Double cross hybrid .
Check out Agriculture Current Affairs
- In India the seeds act was enacted in the year ——-by the parliament?
- Mechanical measures are adopted only where land slope is?
Ans. >2%.
- Most dangerous disease of potato?
Ans. Late blight (Phytophthora infestans).
- National Seed Corporation (NSC) was registered in?
- Nucleus was discovered by?
Ans. Robert Brown (1983).
- Pattambi local is a variety of ?
Ans. Horse gram.
- Preethi is variety of ?
Ans. Bitter gourd.
- World Food Day is observed on ?
Ans. 16th October 1945.
- ½ of the inter quartile range is ?
Ans. Quartile deviation.
- 1 bale of cotton is equal to ?
Ans.170 kg.
- 1 st Hybrid variety of Pearl millet ?
Ans.HB-1 in 1965.
- 14 commercial banks were nationalization on?
Ans.19th July, 1969.
- 3rd oldest bank in India was established on ?
Ans.1806 bank of calcatta.
- 1st enzyme which was discovered by yeast?
Ans. Zymase 1897 (Eduard buchner).
- 1st Hybrid variety of sorghum?
Ans. CSH-1 (released in 1965).
- 1st Intergeneric hybrid was?
Ans. Raphino brassica (Radish x Cabbage).
- 2, 4-D belongs to the chemical group?
Ans. Chloro phenoxy compound.
- 2, 4-D, Simazine, Atrazine and Fluchloralin belongs to the selectivity group?
Ans. Selective herbicides.
- 2,4-D controls only?
Ans. Broadleaf weeds.
- Fungicides like PMA & Atrazine at low concentration act as which type of antitranspirants?
Ans. Stomatal closing.
- -40°C is equal to?
- 70s type ribosome is found in?
Ans. Mitochondria and Chloroplast.
- 75% of rainfall is received by?
Ans. S-W monsoon period (June-Sept).
- 80 per cent phosphorus in bajra grains stored in the form of?
Ans. Phytate.
- A + B horizon is called?
Ans. Solum.
- A bacterium used in genetic engineering?
Ans. E-coli (Agrobacterium tumefaciens).
- A belt of trees and or shrubs maintained for the purpose of shelter from wind, sun, snow drift, etc.?
Ans. Shelterbelts.
- A biochemical process or reaction taking place in a test tube (in lab)?
Ans. In vitro.
- A biological indicator plant of Molybdenum deficiency?
Ans. Cabbage.
- A branch of agricultural science which deals with principles and practices of soil, water and crop management?
Ans. Agronomy.
- A building with glass walls and roof for the cultivation and exhibition of plants under controlled conditions is known as ?
Ans. Greenhouse.
- A cabbage disease which is known to be more severe in acidic soils is?
Ans. Black rot.
- A central feature of a garden provides?
Ans. Focal Point.
- A certain part of energy received from the sun, is reflected back to space by the earth known as?
Ans. Albedo.
- A chemical effective in controlling alternate bearing in mango is?
Ans. TIBA.
- A chemical inducing abscission in plants?
Ans. ABA.
- A chemical inducing parthenocarpy in fruits is?
- A chemical used to test the viability of
Ans.2,3,5 triphenyl tetrazolium chloride.
- A chemical with more herbicidal activity is?
Ans. MCPA.
- A close-growing crop, grown primarily to improve and protect the soil from erosion through their ground covering foliage and/ or rootmats between periods of regular crop production?
Ans. Cover Crops.
- A comprehensive scheme to alleviate mass poverty in rural India is ?
Ans. IRDP.
- A condition in which either pollen is absent or non-functional in flowering plants.?
Ans. Male Sterility.
- A condition of atmosphere at a given place at a given time.?
Ans. Weather.
- A cool season flower crop?
Ans. Carnation.
- A crop propagated by root cutting?
Ans. Bread fruit,Blackberry,Rose,Fig,etc..
- A crop suitable for acid soil ?.
Ans. Rice.
- A crop that can be successfully cultivated in Acid-saline soil ?
Ans. Paddy.
- A crop, grown for direct sale rather than for livestock feed or a crop grown by a farmer primarily for sale to others rather than for his or her own use?
Ans. Cash Crops.
- A cropping system where the land is hands over the succeeding crop before the harvest of standing crop.?
Ans. Relay or overlapping cropping
- A cucurbit used in confectionary?
Ans. Ash Gourd.
- Shelling percentage of pea?
Ans. 49%.
- A culture of isolated mature or immature embryos?
Ans. Embryo culture.
- A decision to continue full use of an innovation?
Ans. Adoption.
- A deep rooted crop is?
Ans. Sweet potato.
- A demonstration practice used to compare two technologies i.e. old and new?
Ans. Result demonstration.
- A diffusive process by which liquid water in the form of vapor is lost in the atmosphere?
Ans. Evaporation.
- A disease caused by methyl mercury (MeHg) poisoning of water at Japan in 1956 ?
Ans. Minamata.
- A disease due to virus in rice ?
Ans. Tungro.
- A disease that results in the collapse and death of seedlings before or after they emerge from the soil is known as ?
Ans. Damping off.
- A DNA element which has the ability to move from one chromosomal position to another?
Ans. Jumping gene.
- A segments of DNA that encodes for the specific polypeptide chain?
Ans. Cistron.
- A drought tolerant vegetable?
Ans. Chekkurmanis.
- A dwarfing root stock of apple is?
- A family consists of husband, wife and their children known as?
Ans. Nuclear family.
- A farmer having an area of <1 ha ?
Ans. Marginal farmer.
- A fertilized ovule consisting of intact embryo, stored food and seedcoat which is viable and has got the capacity to germinate?
Ans. Seed.
- A field soil sample weighing 60 g, lost12 g on over dying. What is the moisture percent on dry weight basis ?
- A figure obtained by dividing the sum of all variable by their total number of variables.?
Ans. Averages/Arithmetic Mean.
- A flowering plant with reddish orange flower is?
Ans. Tithonia speciosa.
- A fodder grass suitable for intercropping in coconut plantation?
Ans. Guinea grass.
- A forest system which promote commercial tree growing by farmers on their own land?
Ans. Farm Forestry.
- A fruit crop producing the highest tonnage per unit area is ?
Ans. Pineapple.
- A fruit juice normally contains 25% juice and 40% TSS ?
Ans. Squash.
- A fruit or vegetable impregnated with the cane sugar or glucose syrup ?
Ans. Candied fruit or vegetable.
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