general Agriculture One liner PDF Part 19th
General Agriculture One liner PDF Part 19th
General Agriculture One-liner PDF is a very important pdf for ibps afo, nabard, and other agriculture exams.
- Basmati Rice have special frangrance due to?
Ans. 2-acetyl 1- pyrroline.
- ——is a systemic granular insecticide?
Ans. Phorate.
- ————is a systemic herbicide?
Ans. 2,4-D, Dalapon.
- ————-is a Table variety of Banana?
Ans. Robusta/Njalipoovan/Palayankodan
- ————is a tree species suitable for Bonsai making?
Ans. Cashew/Mango/Sapota/Tamarind.
- ———–is a temperate crop.
Ans. Apple, Peach, Plum, Potato, Carrot.
- ————is a terrestrial orchid?
Ans. Arandina/Spathogottis.
- Is a terrestrial weed?
Ans. Eupatorium/Phyllanthus/Sida/Tridax/ Emilia.
- —————-is a tolerant variety of Rice suitable in areas having Gall midge attack ?
Ans. Uma/Panchami/Pavithra.
- —————-is a tolerant variety of Rice suitable in areas having stem borer attack?
Ans.IR- 20, Kanchan.
- ———is a toxic mushroom genus?
Ans. Amanita (phalloides).
- ——-is a transgenic variety of tomato?
Ans. Flavr Savr.
- ——-is a tree belonging to Spices & Condiments?
Ans. Tamarind.
- ———-is a tropical crop.
Ans. Rice, Coconut, Banana.
- —————is a tropical orchid spice?
Ans. Vanilla.
- ———is a tuber crop ?
Ans. Tapioca, Sweet Potato, Colocasia.
- —————-is a type of water erosion ?
Ans. Splash, Sheet, Rill, Gully.
- ——-is a type of wind erosion ?
Ans. Saltation, Suspension And Surface creep.
- —————is a variety of Arecanut?
Ans. Mangala/Sumangala/Sreemangala.
- ————-is a variety of Ashgourd?
Ans. Indu, Kau Local.
- —————-is a variety of Banana less susceptible to Bunchy top ?
Ans. Njalipoovan/Koompillakannan/ Kanchikela/Karpooravally.
- ————is a variety of Betel Vine ?
Ans. Thulasi/Venmani/Arikodi/Kalkodi/ Karilanchi/Karpuram/Chelanthikar purm/Peumkodi/Amaravila/Koottakkodinandan.
- ———-is a variety of Black gram ?
Ans. Syama/Sumanjana.
- ————is a variety of Brinjal ?
Ans. Surya/Swetha/Haritha/Pusa Purple Cluster.
- ————–is a variety of Cardamom?
Ans.ICRI-1/ICRI-2/PV-1/PV-2/ MUDIGERE 1&2.
- —————is a variety of Colocasia?
Ans. Sree Rashmi/Sree pallavi/Sree kiran.
- —————-is a variety of Cucumber?
Ans. Mudicode Local, Soubhagya, Aruniam.
- ———–is a variety of Dry Ginger ?
Ans. Maran/Wayanad/Valluvanad/Kuruppampady
- ————–is a variety of Green Ginger ?
Ans. Rio-De-Janeiro/China/Wayanad Local/Tefengiya.
- —————is a variety of Maize ?
Ans. Ganga Hybrid-1.
- ————is a variety of Nutmeg ?
Ans. IISR-Viswashree.
- ————–is a variety of Pepper ?
- ————-is a variety of Pumpkin ?
Ans. Ambili/Suvarna/Saras/Sooraj.
- ————–is a variety of Sapota ?
Ans. Pala/Calcutta Round.
- ————–is a variety of Sesame ?
- ————is a variety of sweet potato ?
Ans. Sree Nandini/Sree Vardhini/Sree Retna.
- ————–is a variety of Turmeric ?
Ans. Tekurpetta/ Kanthi/ Sobha/ Varna/ Sona/ Prabha/ Prathibha/ Suvarna/ Suga/ Sugantham/ Duggirala/ Kodur/ Armoor.
- ————-is a variety of Tapioca with 5-6 months duration?
Ans. Vellayani Hraswa.
- ————is a vegetable type variety of Cowpea?
Ans. Sharika/Malika/Vylathur local/Manjeri local/Vyjayanthi.
- ——–is a virus disease affecting Rice ?
Ans. Tungro/Yellow dwarf/Grassy stunt/ Ragged stunt.
- The depth of water required by a crop is known as?
Ans. Delta.
- ———–is a virus disease of Okra?
Ans. Yellow vein mosaic.
- —————is a virus disease of banana?
Ans. Mosaic, Mottles, Katte, Kokkan, Bunchy Top.
- ———–is a water-borne disease of Rice ?
Ans. BLB,Sheath Blight of Rice.
- ————-is a wetland weed?
Ans. Marselia / Eichhornia / Salvinia / Nymphaea/Nelumbo.
- ————-is a wetting agent in pesticide formulations?
Ans. Polyethylene oxide/Fatty Acid Esters.
- ————–is a yellow vein mosaic disease resistant variety of Okra?
Ans. Arka Abhay/Arka Anamika/Susthira/ Varsha.
- Is an acaricide?
Ans. Dicofol, Chlorobenzilate.
- Is an acute poison?
Ans. Zinc Phosphide.
- ———–is an agricultural extension programme of India?
Ans. HYVP/IADP/Training & Visit/Group Farming.
- ———–is an agronomic method of soil and water conservation?
Ans. Mulching, Contour, Mixed cropping.
- ———is an Amide fertilizer?
Ans. Urea.
- ————-is an American class poultry ?
Ans. Rhode Island Red/New Hampshire/ Plymouth Rock/Wyandotte.
- Is an annual weed plant?
Ans. Leucas, Echinochloa.
- ———-is an anti-juvenile hormone insecticide?
Ans. Perconise.
- Is an antibiotic used for controlling bacterial blight disease in Rice?
Ans. Streptocycline,Plantomycin.
- Is an anticoagulant rodenticide?
Ans. Warfarin.
- ——-is an aromatic plant?
Ans. Lemon Grass, Eucalyptus.
- Area irrigated by one cusec discharge of water is?
Ans. Duty.
- ————–is an Asiatic class poultry?
Ans. Brahma/Cochin/Langshan.
- ———is an auxin used as a herbicide?
- Is an easy and effective test for diagnosing bacterial leaf blight disease in Rice?
Ans. Ooze Test.
- ———-is an edge plant?
Ans. Alternanthera/Gerbera/Miniature Rose/ Portulaca.
- Rancidity in Sunflower oil due to?
Ans. Oxidation.
- Is an eg. for ‘GREEN FUNGICIDE’?
Ans. Tricyclazol/Validamycin/Fosetyl-al.
- Is an effective method for controlling pests of stored food grains is?
Ans. Fumigation.
- ————–is an eg. for a Biofertilizer ?
Ans. Rhizobium/Azotobacter/Azospirillum/ Blue Green Algae/VAM/AMF/Phosphate solubilising Bacteria and Fungi.
- The enzyme of nitrogen reduction is?
Ans. Nitrogenase.
- Is an eg. For a primary clay mineral present in the soil ?
Ans. Quartz, Feldspar, Mica.
- Is an eg. For a secondary clay mineral?
Ans. Montmorilonite, Illite, Calcite.
- Is an eg. for acidic igneous rock ?
Ans. Granite.
- Is an eg. for an emulsifier in pesticide formulations?
Ans. Sodium Oleate,Triethanol Amine.
- Is an eg. for an Inorganic insecticide ?
Ans. Arsenic Compound, Flourine.
- Is an eg. for anti-fungal antibiotic?
Ans. Aureofunginsol/Streptomycin.
- ———–is an eg. for cut flowers?
Ans. Rose/Orchid/Gladiolus/Anthurium.
- Is an eg. for Cyclodiene group of insecticides?
Ans. Heptachlor, Aldrin, Endrin.
- Is an eg. for deflocculating agent in pesticide formulations?
Ans. Gelatin.
- ———-is an eg. for informal gardens?
Ans. English Garden/Japanese garden.
- ———–is an eg. for formal gardens?
Ans. Mughal Garden/Italian garden/ Vrindavan garden/Persian garden.
- Is an eg. for heterocyclic nitrogenous fungicide?
Ans. Captafol/Captan.
- Is an eg. for nematicide ?
Ans. Aldicarb, Dimethoate, Phorate.
- ——–is an eg. for obligate apomicts ?
Ans. Mangosteen.
- Is an eg. for Organic sulphur fungicide?
Ans. Thiram/Ziram/Ferbam/Zineb/Maneb.
- Triacontanol is a growth stimulant obtains from?
Ans. Leaves of Lucern.
- Is an eg. for safeners in pesticide formulations?
Ans. Zinc Sulphate.
- Is an eg. for spreaders in pesticide formulations?
Ans. Soap Flour.
- Is an eg. for stickers in pesticide formulations?
Ans. Fish oil & Linseed Oil.
- Is an eg.for a parasitoid ?
Ans. Trichogramma chilonis.
- The low-pressure area near the equator is called?
Ans. Doldrums/ITCZ.
- Is an eg.for Entomopathogen?
Ans. Bacillus thuringiensis.
- Crop which has highest k+ uptake?
Ans. Potato.
- Is an egg parasite?
Ans. Trichogramma sp / Telenomus sp / Tetrastychus sp.
- ——–is an engineering (Mechanical) method of soil and water conservation ?
Ans. Basin listing, Sub Soiling, Contour Bunding.
- The element of nitrate reduction is ?
Ans. Molybdenum.
- Is an entomopathogenic fungus used against Black pea aphid of Cow Pea ?
Ans. Fusarium pallidoroseum.
- Is an entomopathogenic fungus?
Ans. Metarrhizium anisopliae.
- ———is an epiphytic orchid?
Ans. Dendrobium/Oncidium/Cattleya/ Cymbidium/Phalaenopsis.
- Is an eradicant fungicide?
Ans. Sulphur mix.
- ————–is an erosion permitting crop ?
Ans. Sorghum/Maize/Tapioca.
- ———–is an erosion resisting crop?
Ans. Vetiver, Groundnut, Horse gram
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